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Re: Orla

Postby matthewott » Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:16 pm

Hi Orla! Glad to see your research and love for reading have brought you here. You will indeed find plenty of excellent TRUTHFUL knowledge AND advice here.
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Re: Orla

Postby Les » Sun May 15, 2016 7:13 am

Vandal wrote:Welcome Orla. I presume you are young. Might I suggest in addition to your chosen major, you double major or at lease add another minor field such as welding, mechanics, drafting, engineering, or carpentry to your curriculum vitae. To be a psychologist in today's climate generally means you will work in a moral sewer with lots of people who neither want, nor can be helped. Psychologists and Psychiatrists have an extremely high rate of suicide, health problems, and mental illness because they work in a moral sewer. Imagine landing a job profiling molestors, rapists, and the like; or providing recommendations to courts full of judges who are more sociopathic than Chuck Manson. I'm not being facetious; psychology and psychiatry mostly have you working for the most sadistic criminals of all: lawyers, cops, judges, and social service thugs.

I call it good to have a skillset for a fallback when you want out of mental sewage land.

with the search engine, this thread was the only reference i found for Charles Manson.

i have zero problems with his "followers"/friends.
Charles himself was never found guilty of any physical acts.
He was screwed by the system from his birth it seems.
He was against niggers, and associated only with whites, from everything I read of him.

How was he any different than any presidents / prime ministers / military leaders that are actually KNOWN / televised / approved, of the same "murderous" acts ?
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Re: Orla

Postby Staropramen » Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:44 pm

Charlie was a career criminal plain and simple. Those murders were drug hits for pay that got exploited by the jew media at a time when violent nigger crime was rapidly on the rise. "See, Whites behave this way too". Susan Atkins and Tex Watson became nigger lovers in prison once they became judeos. Sharon Tate was a race-mixer and her dead baby was a mamzer. I don't think that had anything to do with what the Family did to them though. The Manson crew were lazy screw-ups that would do anything for drug money [except work a regular job]. Charlie wrote and sang a song called Garbage Dump about not needing money to eat. Just eat out of garbage cans. So they weren't killing to survive. They evidently all slept with one another [including homosexuality] and produced babies at random. Not a bunch that should be glorified in any way as I have seen happen on Stormfront from time to time.
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Re: Orla

Postby Joe » Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:18 am

I agree with Staropramen, in that I don't think Manson should be glorified in any way and I would add that he is a scum-bag. Whenever I see people talk about how is is some kind of insightful philosopher rather than a demented rambler ...I just think there is something wrong with those people.

Manson just talks a bunch of garbage and the usual platitudes and people think he is some kind of genius. He is clearly a half-wit, and the way he was able to manipulate people ...I know I would have opposed him strongly.
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