Update 4-19-16
Since the last Update, the wheels of justice grind slowly. However, the campaign to free political prisoner, Kurtis Monschke, a young man wrongfully convicted and sentenced to life without parole for a crime he did not commit nor could he have committed, given the evidence at trial, is, in spite of the system, making progress. The plans for clemency have developed into a strategy involving Kurtis' long time attorney, a new paralegal team (having a very successful track record) and an attorney who specializes in representing clemency cases.
The legal expenses will require true believers in justice and can see the injustice of what has happened. As many of you know, who have followed this case from the beginning, our fund-raising on gofundme,com was pulled because of reverse discrimination. This website hypocritically allows clients who committed real crimes in Ferguson, MO, to raise money for legal defense causes. Nevertheless, supporters continue to donate to Kurtis in spite of the loss of exposure through word of mouth and the miracle of other internet communications. For the time being, donations can be made at this link:
http://cisprisonoutreach.com/Monschke.php Besides financial assistance, there are other things one can do to help. Kurtis needs signatures. After a three month cancellation of Kurtis' account at ThePetitionSite.com, it has been successfully reestablished; and you can also sign the clemency petition at FreeKurtis.com if you haven't signed the other one. The goal is 1000 signatures, which will be presented to the Governor of Washington State.
In addition to the aforementioned, the clemency process could also initiate his release, under the provisions of commutations, reducing his sentence; if certain conditions can be met. Under such conditions, the State is concerned about releasing a prisoner who will not be a burden to society. Thus, he needs gainful employment and suitable housing. We do not know yet if these conditions are restricted to Washington State or not. In any event, letters of support will also be needed for the clemency board who hears such cases like this; and generally makes their decisions based on public input. You don't have to know Kurtis personally, but what is important is that you are familiar enough with his case to know that he was wrongfully prosecuted.
These three things cry out for his innocence: 1. Kurtis was not at the crime scene when the crime was committed 2. those who did commit the crime had letters intercepted while in custody, conspiring to plea bargain and blame Kurtis for the crime, even though eyewitnesses testified to the contrary, vindicating any involvement by Kurtis and 3. the lead prosecutor at his trial was so outraged over the bias of her superiors to get a convictions regardless of the evidence, that she sued the Prosecutors Office and won a three million dollars settlement.
There has never been any justification for the 'life sentence' Kurtis received. The only thing that can and will set him free is the Truth and people who believe the truth of the matter and realizing that it can happen to them also if not challenged. Kurtis' fight is our fight, the fight for freedom. Therefore, it behooves all concerned citizens at this time to make right a terrible wrong. Signing petitions, letters of support and helping the legal team move forward has worked for others in the past and it will work for us as well. We pray that the good deeds of many will overcome the evil of the few. Kurtis is an open book, accessible to the public, and anyone can write him a letter of encouragement or ask whatever questions you may have for him at anytime. We are grateful for those who have chosen to be informed and are willing to do something. Thank you.
Kurtis Monschke ##871510
Clallam Bay Corrections Center
1830 Eagle Crest Way
Clallam Bay, WA 98326