Now, I'd like to reverse the question. Is it possible for a non-white or bastard to sin? Or maybe, the question should more specifically be asked: Can bastards or non-whites of any 'kind' sin against White people?
What led me to think of this question was this paragraph of Bill Finck's - which I've excerpted and shown below - from the following thread titled, "Genesis 4:7 Did Yahweh Offer Acceptance to Cain?" (viewtopic.php?f=21&t=5422):
Cain was wroth because his sacrifice was rejected. It was not his role to be sacrificing. Nevertheless, he was challenged to do good, and went out immediately and slew Abel. Yet he was told that if he did not do good, "sin lieth at the door": Cain being a bastard could not possibly keep himself from evil. The bad tree could not possibly produce good fruit.
Below, is the full verse from the K.J.B. which contains the reiterated phrase - highlighted in bold:
Gen 4:7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
This begs the question: How can "sin lieth at the door" of Cain ( who was a bastard), if a bastard is unable to sin? Or is it that sin is only attributed to a bastard if he sins against any of Yahweh God's true children (only those of us from the Adamic/White Race)?
I ask this question because I was under the impression that the act of sinning is only possible for cognisant, created beings of Yahweh God's, i.e. angels and men (Adamites). We are His un-tampered creation, therefore, we only are subject to His (our Father's) laws.