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Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional army?

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Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional army?

Postby NicoChristian » Fri May 10, 2013 2:08 pm

Can a guerrilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional army? A lot of people are quick to congratulate or award victory to an insurgency without looking at it from all angles. For example I think that saying the Vietcong defeated the U.S. army is not necessarily true, same for the Soviet army in Afghanistan, etc. I often noticed that insurgent casualties are much higher than a conventional army's casualties and that they don't cause a conventional army to surrender. They simply claim victory when the conventional army withdraws.

The main point that I wanted to come onto was the idea that an insurgency could be started or maintained. A lot of people talk about it, but I think it's more of a dream and unsustainable as well as foolish. If we look at the insurgencies in other countries, they may appear strong and lethal, but in reality are only the appearance of resistance.

What do you all think?
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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby brucebohn » Fri May 10, 2013 7:01 pm

First of all, the technologies of today's conflicts are so much
more sophisticated, that the types of guerilla warfare of the
past have been rendered of little or non effect, coupled with
the absolute ruthlessness of the Demon's with which we battle,
I think it is time that we come to grip with the fact that we
must now, focus our attention on the "Spiritual Battle"......
Make limited preparations to feed & protect those closest
to you, study, pray, put your spiritual house in order,
glorify Yahweh in all that you do, & remember that most
all of what we know of this world will soon cease to exist...
Our fate has been reduced to divine intervention and the
promise of our redemption thru the blood of the Cross!
The stage is being set & it will play out according to
our father's timetable..........
"Do you not know that with those running in a race,while all run,
but one takes the prize? In that manner you run, in order that you shall obtain."
1Cor. 9:24
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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby learningaboutCI » Fri May 10, 2013 8:26 pm

My gut reaction is that an insurgency "wins" when the press is brought to bear on their side. Otherwise, no. Image and perception strike me as fundamental to outcomes. Not to mention starts! In other words, if the Jews want the "insurgency" to "win", then that's what the papers will gradually work toward.
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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby Kentucky » Fri May 10, 2013 9:58 pm

II Chronicles 7:14

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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby SwordBrethren » Fri May 10, 2013 11:11 pm

NicoChristian wrote: They simply claim victory when the conventional army withdraws.

Well if the American objective in Vietnam was to destroy the enemy formations whenever and wherever they were found, destroy the enemy's will to fight, end the insurgency, and maintain a stable pro-American government in South Vietnam, then of course the insurgents won.

If you get into a boxing match with an opponent and you're willing to box for 10 rounds but he leaves the ring after 4 rounds, you win by default.

Insurgents simply have to outlast their opponents.

If the Afghans were willing to lose 1 million men and spend 15 years and the Soviets were only willing to lose 20,000 and were not prepared to stay beyond 10 years, then the Afghans win by default after 10 years.

The objective of an insurgent army is to preserve the existence of the insurgency, survive, and outlast the occupation/government/security/etc forces until they simply leave or are defeated.

I've actually done at least one or two shows dealing primarily with insurgency and superior endurance/staying power being the deciding factor.

He who endures until the end!

Insurgency almost always wins because insurgents are willing to wait longer than the occupation forces and they are willing to expend more in the way of resources and lives.

The British had a handle on things in Northern Ireland because they were willing to conduct a 50 year long counter-insurgency program while avoiding giving into the temptation to engage in punitive massacres that would only serve to alienate more of the people. Most governments won't spend multiple decades trying to deal with an insurgency.
Revelation 18:
Und ich hörte eine andere Stimme vom Himmel, die sprach: Gehet aus von ihr, mein Volk, daß ihr nicht teilhaftig werdet ihrer Sünden, auf daß ihr nicht empfanget etwas von ihren Plagen!

Denn ihre Sünden reichen bis in den Himmel, und Gott denkt an ihren Frevel.

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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby learningaboutCI » Sat May 11, 2013 1:07 am

Kentucky wrote:II Chronicles 7:14


Excellent answer. First rate. I was thinking in worldly terms only.
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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby Kentucky » Sat May 11, 2013 1:06 pm

SwordBrethren wrote:Well if the American objective in Vietnam was to destroy the enemy formations

Americans are always left out of the equation when the objectives are jewish. I was there and I saw the utter waste and financial drain of the whole effort there. We were there for rubber; that's why the French were there before us. It was also Marxist dialectics in operation to change America economically and spiritually. I was involved in the Chu Hoi program, which was a surrender of arms. The thing is: one day the gook was ARVN and the next day he was VC. It was never about the 'domino theory' being that communists within our own government were giving our troops orders to stand down and taking away our ammo. Hanoi was serviced by Mobile and other big gas companies. It was all about the love of mammon and when I got out in 1971 at the ripe old age of 21, I was livid about the causes of war and began research, which led me to National Socialism and a few years later... Christian Identity.

If the Afghans were willing to lose 1 million men and spend 15 years and the Soviets were only willing to lose 20,000 and were not prepared to stay beyond 10 years, then the Afghans win by default after 10 years.

Again, unfortunately, it's not about any noble cause. It's about who controls the poppy crop and the world distribution of heroin. It's not that the Vietnamese or Afghans are willing to lose millions (as life is cheap in third world countries), but rather that Americans lives are expendable cannon fodder for jewish war mongers, the number of which far exceed Nam (because they haven't been counting our boys who die being medivaced to hospitals in Germany). Jews always get their foot in the door with bribery; those who can't be coerced are collateral damage, which is usually the general population. But, the tribal lords who can't be bought simply want the whole pie rather than a slice. The jew is a parasite is self evident in all the recent wars.

The objective of an insurgent army is to preserve the existence of the insurgency, survive, and outlast the occupation/government/security/etc forces until they simply leave or are defeated.

I've actually done at least one or two shows dealing primarily with insurgency and superior endurance/staying power being the deciding factor.

He who endures until the end!

With the White race however, we have a spiritual arsenal at our disposal, but our people usually wait as a last resort to bring the same results that a hot revolution might bring. We do not enjoy the forecast of jews leaving us alone. I used to agree with a friend of mine who insisted that superior firepower shall prevail. But, if that were the case it would have happened long ago. Something has held us back and I think it's the Divine hand of destiny, of biblical causes and effects, that is not waiting for the arm of the flesh to save us, but the renewing of our minds to be smarter than the adversaries. A decade ago, you would hear about the emerging police state. And now? It's here. Ironically, when it comes to endurance, we are admonished, "And ye shall be hated of all men for My name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Here's a possibility: we might be considered the new emerging insurgency whether we want that tag or not. Then, we won't be much different than the gooks and towel heads. The only difference is that we have hope, not only in this life, but the one to come.

The question should be: Can White Christian America Defeat the New World Order i.e jewish communism? That would seem to be the bottom line. Or even more succinctly: Can Christian Identity Defeat the Jew? I think so.

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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby Nayto » Sat May 11, 2013 3:02 pm

Kentucky wrote:Something has held us back and I think it's the Divine hand of destiny, of biblical causes and effects, that is not waiting for the arm of the flesh to save us, but the renewing of our minds to be smarter than the adversaries.

Regardless, it is a trial by fire that is teaching our race eternal lessons. There's the old saying of, "What's the best way to boil a frog?" If you throw it into the fire too quickly, it jumps out, right? By the same token, Israel has always been delivered very quickly which in a way short-circuits the learning process. Jewry is boiling the white race slowly, but by the same token we are learning slowly and painfully as our spirits become stronger and stronger. At some point we'll likely jump out and throw boiling water in their faces...

Just a thought though. I don't presume to know God's Divine purpose, which I'm sure will be revealed in time.
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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby wmfinck » Sat May 11, 2013 3:57 pm

Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional army?

Any answer is 100% conjectural. The will that shall prevail is God's will in 100% of all cases.

Until Yahweh decides that His vengeance is due, Satan (whatever jew crime families are playing kingpin this century) is still in control of the kingdoms of this world. When Satan loses control of any particular kingdom, there is war.

When the children of Israel invaded the land of Canaan, they had not many weapons, NO experience, NO manufacturing base, NO logistical control, and in modern parlance, they were "screwed".

Except that they had the one advantage no worldly army could ever overcome: YAHWEH.

Mark's second answer was good, from a secular historical perspective. But his first answer was better: 2 Chronicles 7:14. Until then, we shall accomplish nothing.
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Re: Can a guerilla/insurgent force defeat a conventional arm

Postby Staropramen » Sat May 11, 2013 10:33 pm

Kentucky wrote:Or even more succinctly: Can Christian Identity Defeat the Jew? I think so.


"If God is a Jew then the only thing left for us to do is commit suicide"
-Dr. Wesley A. Swift
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