Kentucky wrote:I just read the following and was wondering how close to reality it was: "Guns are not the only form of protection, but tyranny will attempt to take them all. Even now the tyrants in the UK are preparing to make certain knives illegal. Governments have outlawed swords and knives and sharp tools and martial arts training and on and on. Without exception the more disarmed a people become, without even a possible THREAT to their controllers, the higher the crime rate and the more brutal government-sponsored violence will become - whether it be via taxes or providing your wife on your wedding night to the thugs in charge."
As a corrupt and failed state loses legitimacy in the eyes of a large number of its victims, it attempts violent and oppressive measures to curtail any ability for popular revolt. Upon employing these tyrannical measures, the corrupt state stirs up more resentment and suspicion upon itself. The loss of legitimacy escalates, and final measures of disarmament, in conjunction with corrupt politicians giving ownership of the infrastructure and industry to Jews, create a downward spiral that will eventually end in collapse of the state's power and loss of its ability to maintain an occupying force to rule the people. In this vacuum, the opposing revolutionary factions vie for power, and try to seize the brass ring the former corrupt state dropped. Thus our controllers even view the family dog as a threat to their dominance, which is why so many sicko cops in America shoot people's dogs before raping or robbing the victim families. I imagine Insane Jew Posse Clowns like Feinstein percieve an American with a butterknife a "terrorist threat" to the "continuity of government" of the stinky pneuma den called Washington, District of Canaanites. At this point a lot of people are still very stupefied and believe everything they see on the television. If survival guru Bear Gryllis was selling a butterknife with his brand logo on it for $49.99 and billed it as the ultimate patriot survival tool, a million republicans would probably order it. But they're all about to find out the butterknife is for sandwiches and not the Auschwitzes the political traitors shall one day bunk in.