You don't have to forgive a man until he repents, if you forgive a man before that time you will only be approving of his sin. That is what the jewdeo hippie church does with it's not judging anyone for anything belief accepting anyone they set depravity as the foundation, anything goes in the jewdeo hippie church.
Repenting would not be sneaking in the back door and weaving a web of lies. It would be what Bill said. When you look at some of his posts under the name 'Christian' you can now understand that it was all a big joke. And this thread was the the grand finale.
NicoChristian wrote
Be happy with what you have even if it is little, while aiming for higher goals and success. Jealousy never got anybody anywhere and these snakes are victims of their own hatred. You reap what you sow.
I get what you are saying, those people who make a living on the misery of others, the only thing they do is bring others down. But there are many jobs that lead to great wealth or success while producing nothing and doing nothing good.
A good tradesman will often have a hard time in Australia because we do not care about quality anymore, as with the Europeans ...the name of the game is doing things as quickly as possible. There is no other path to 'success'. I agree, be happy with what you have, aim to do your best for your kin ...but the most successful people in babylon are traitors. -Some- men and women who are not married are so because they would not whore themselves out and are still waiting.
Nayto wrote
It's quite fitting that you would quote a spurious verse to aid your manipulations.
Sometimes when people apologize it's blatant that they don't really mean it.
Yes, that is fitting.
...and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.