I had a situation recently where one of the newer bastards at my job tried to "bump fists" with me. This is a new version of the handshake. It's completely unnecessary for me to do this so I just waved my hand in rejection. As I turned away this beast patted me on the back. I turned and very sternly told it "don't ever, for any reason EVER put your hands on me". It got the message and went away.
In a job situation you have to be professional around these creatures but do not cross any personal lines. Don't seek them out during lunch breaks. Don't go out after work with them. Be polite to those that are polite to you and ignore those who have a problem with you. Believe it or not I have found that beasts that know what you're about respect you more than Whites who kiss their ass. Don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting that you should inform beasts about your views. Just don't worry about what will happen if they should find out.
I once had a female black coworker tell me that I was her favorite White person there because I know who I am. Pointing to a wigger she said to me "see him? He thinks he's down with us, that he's got our backs. Sheeet, he ain't even gots his own back!"

Recently a White coworker started trying to hit me up for rides after work because I bought a vehicle. I've spoken to this guy about CI and he rejects it completely. I gave him a ride once but then I thought about it and decided not to anymore. I tried making an excuse at first but then I just came right out and told him it's because he's a nigger lover. He was shocked but it's the right thing to do.