When it becomes they.
So this sexually deviant female gets her breasts cut off and wants to become a non-female. But it doesn't "identify" as a male. So it insists on being identified as a neuter, but evidently doesn't like it.
Now, where I went to school, the neuter 3rd person singular pronoun was it, and according to my dictionaries, it still is. Or perhaps, it still is it.
But not in Oregon. In Oregon, it is now they. Or maybe, they is now it. So it is it no longer.
Basically, it hurts its feelings. But in spite of the way in which the English language has been used for centuries by the rest of us, they is more acceptable than it, so they is the new pronoun for it, and the school system is more than willing to avoid being sued by it, or they, by accepting a radical change in the English language insisted on by a single individual, so that the plural neuter pronoun is mandated for use as a singular pronoun. So the fear of a lawsuit forces an entire population to change the most basic elements of its own language.
Wow. There is no way to fix it, except to get rid of all of they.
Even the Oregonian goes along with the perversion of the language, without a whimper.