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Deviant Forces School to Mandate Perversion of Language

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Deviant Forces School to Mandate Perversion of Language

Postby wmfinck » Wed May 25, 2016 7:16 am

When it becomes they.

So this sexually deviant female gets her breasts cut off and wants to become a non-female. But it doesn't "identify" as a male. So it insists on being identified as a neuter, but evidently doesn't like it.

Now, where I went to school, the neuter 3rd person singular pronoun was it, and according to my dictionaries, it still is. Or perhaps, it still is it.

But not in Oregon. In Oregon, it is now they. Or maybe, they is now it. So it is it no longer.

Basically, it hurts its feelings. But in spite of the way in which the English language has been used for centuries by the rest of us, they is more acceptable than it, so they is the new pronoun for it, and the school system is more than willing to avoid being sued by it, or they, by accepting a radical change in the English language insisted on by a single individual, so that the plural neuter pronoun is mandated for use as a singular pronoun. So the fear of a lawsuit forces an entire population to change the most basic elements of its own language.

Wow. There is no way to fix it, except to get rid of all of they.

Even the Oregonian goes along with the perversion of the language, without a whimper.
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Re: Deviant Forces School to Mandate Perversion of Language

Postby EzraLB » Wed May 25, 2016 8:18 am

wmfinck wrote:Wow. There is no way to fix it, except to get rid of all of they.

There is no way the English language--or any White language--can ever accommodate the perversions promoted by the jews. They are masters at destroying meaning--and for language to have any meaning, it must be based on shared cultural and racial values.

Perhaps, these whatever-genders should adopt the term "Itt", as in Cousin Itt, from the old Addams Family cartoon and show--a gender-less freak.
Cousin Itt.jpg
Cousin Itt.jpg (26.76 KiB) Viewed 2336 times
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Re: Deviant Forces School to Mandate Perversion of Language

Postby Kentucky » Wed May 25, 2016 11:21 am

wmfinck wrote:So this sexually deviant female gets her breasts cut off and wants to become a non-female. But it doesn't "identify" as a male. So it insists on being identified as a neuter, but evidently doesn't like it.

At first I thought you were talking about Angelina Jolie, who likewise had her mammary glands eliminated. For her excellent service to Babylon, she was recently appointed as professor at the London School of Economics. Is this a crazy world or what?

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Re: Deviant Forces School to Mandate Perversion of Language

Postby wmfinck » Wed May 25, 2016 4:29 pm

It just came to me, that the real reason why this perverted acronym-enriched Sodomite deviant wants to be called by a plural pronoun is described in the Gospel:
Luke 8:30 wrote:And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him.
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Re: Deviant Forces School to Mandate Perversion of Language

Postby matthewott » Wed May 25, 2016 5:47 pm

Wow, no kidding...that just made too much sense... :twisted:

I had come across an article recently, and subsequently lost it :oops: , that detailed how 'Michelle Obama' is truly a tranny, down to revealing HIS real name (which is Michael something or other...can't remember...I'm really mad I lost the article!!!) through college records...because he did it while he was in college :shock:
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Re: Deviant Forces School to Mandate Perversion of Language

Postby MichaelAllen » Sat May 28, 2016 2:17 pm

Well, we could always go with "that" right? Like, "hey look at 'that' f-in' freak over there!!"
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