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Glad to be back

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:02 pm
by matthewott
While I have been back to perusing and commenting here for a couple days, I feel rather silly to step right back into this very select group of wonderful Israelites, intruding into your conversations and essentially your lives as if I have been here all along, and not reintroduce myself...that would be rude :shock:

I have been with the "Christogenea" family almost from the beginning, evident from my Nov. 2009 forum membership date. I have been an admin on this forum almost as long. I used to help Bill "operate the board" for his podcasts from the moment he started going solo. You may even hear my voice on a few of the recordings here at Christogenea. I was very active here, but then my life changed dramtically...

My first wife Sheryl died of lung cancer May 30, 2012, not 6 months after renewing our vows before all of my CI brethren on Teamspeak. The day before she died, Sheryl signed custody of her daughter Taylor, my stepdaughter of nearly 11 years, to Taylor's aunt. I lost both of the girls in my life within 24 hours. 4 months later, my youngest son and I moved out of the only house he knew to start a new life, and that is about when I disappeared off of the forum radar.

Yahweh has since blessed me with an even bigger family, but the inherent struggles that have come with teaching such a large tribe that was so taken by this Society, has become my "excuse" for my absence from the forum as well as Teamspeak fellowship. For this I apologize. I believe my struggles could have been eased through even seldom visits here and on Teamspeak, but I chose not to "burden" my brethren and took the full weight myself, so to speak.

So with all humility, I announce my return to the forum. I am proud to say that my family of 8 are about as on the same page with the message as I could possibly ask for, but our journey would have been shorter and less arduous had I included my family here, on my trek. We still need lots and lots of help, and that is a big reason why I am here...for your support and love, as well as mutual edification. Thanks for your attention and understanding.

In Christ's love,

Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:10 pm
by Gaius
Thank you for sharing, Matt, even perhaps painful memories.
Glad to hear our Father is abundantly blessing you.
I had seen your name on older posts.
Praying that your dear girl Taylor will not be lost to you, also.

It's my prayer/hope that the C.I. message will strongly enter the hearts of our people this year.
The problem is not the other races but our own stiffnecked hearts, I believe.
Especially half-educated, venal churchianity "pastors".
But thankfully their influence now at last seems to be fading ...

Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:33 pm
by Kentucky
You never really left us my brother. You were just out in the field planting seeds and maybe picking a few weeds and now you're back at the ranch. There's a saying in the so called movement that "people come and people go," but it's great when people come and go and come back. Lord knows, we need ambassadors everywhere. Blessings to you and family.


Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:59 pm
by brucebohn
You were in our prayers in 2012, and still yet, you are in our prayers..
Good to see you back Matt! Yahweh bless......

Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:40 pm
by Acrimonious
Welcome back, Matt. We all need to make sure our own houses are in order, and you accepted that responsibility as a Christian man should. I'm sure we'll be enjoying your company in Teamspeak and the IRC server shortly.

Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:33 am
by Joe
Hey Matt
I have read many of your posts, it is good to see someone thinking along the same lines to guide your own understanding. You once replied in a question thread I had when I first joined and I still remember that post because it is still how I think today.

Here is a post I made:
I wonder what happened to matthewott, as he has made many great post here with strong logic and clear words.

And Staropramen shard the sentiment
I wish he would post more too. I heard him recently on an older show that Bill did with him and Carolyn Yeager that was really good.

Weren't you on the flat-Earth podcast ...I don't think you were ever far away from Christogenea in that sense. I am glad you are back.

Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:38 am
by matthewott
Yes, it is true, I suppose I never truly left, as my absence from the forum and teamspeak was one of body, not spirit ;-) Yes, I also took part in the "Flat Earth" round table discussion, where I met Staroperamen and Mike Delaney and family for the first time. It was an awesome experience to be in the presence of so many true Christians in one place...but then hanging out on Teamspeak had always that kind of experience for me anyway.

My purpose for re-introduction is that I am keenly aware that the people who cycle through the forum are not necessarily the same people who fellowship on Teamspeak or even participate in the chat during the podcasts (and podcast chat is where the majority of my Christogenea "fellowship" has been relegated to for the last 3+ years) and knowing that the forum is also a starting point for newcomers, I don't want any of them to feel like I'm barging in here like I own the place, LOL :roll:

Thank you, my brothers, for your hospitality and re-welcoming!

Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:55 pm
by Staropramen
This is great news brother! It was great to meet you in person and I look forward to seeing you again. How is your friend doing, the fellow who was with you when we met. I'm sorry but I forgot his name.

Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Fri Mar 25, 2016 9:59 pm
by tattooedmetal
Praise Yahweh Matt. I've gotten to know you just a little bit so far, but I admire you for the struggles you have overcome and look forward to the day when we can possibly meet and do some CI music together brother.

Re: Glad to be back

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:44 pm
by matthewott
Praise Yahweh Matt. I've gotten to know you just a little bit so far, but I admire you for the struggles you have overcome and look forward to the day when we can possibly meet and do some CI music together brother.

Thanks Scott!

This is great news brother! It was great to meet you in person and I look forward to seeing you again. How is your friend doing, the fellow who was with you when we met. I'm sorry but I forgot his name.

Sorry Allen, I didn't notice your post before...Eric is his name. He's doing well, but he copes with his wife having niglets for sisters that she refuses to disown. I'm sure it's not easy for him, but he stays strong in his beliefs, praise Yahweh. He is also the bass player in my cover band BB Rock, which sadly isn't playing much these days on account of the pitiful music here now. :roll: