by EzraLB » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:02 pm
From what I can gather from reading about the different sects of neo-pagans, the only issue they can agree upon is that they are all anti-Christian. I cannot find any group that has anything positive to say about Christianity. In other words, they define themselves not by what they stand for, but rather by what they oppose, which is the imposition of Christianity on what believe is their natural, racial belief system.
It's interesting to note that "Wotanism" is actually a complete modern fabrication. David Lane, the former KKK member, felt that Odinism as it was generally practiced was insufficiently racial, so he created his own racially-charged version in America as an answer to the namby-pamby universalist Odenism practiced in Europe. Its radical racialism is not based on any particular primary pagan myths or texts; he just made it up out of thin air, the way some jig made up Kwanzaa to fulfill a political agenda.
Among Odinists it seems to be a widely held believe that Christianity is an "alien" religion that has no connection to the White race. They often refer to it as "jewish" or "semitic" in its origins. As such, they cannot fathom how any Christian can be antisemitic, as it appears to be a contraction in terms. While some of them will admit that the White race came out of Mesopotamia, they none the less, hate Christianity because it's a "desert religion" from the Middle East. And yet the same time, they praise and admire the "desert" pagan religions of ancient Mesopotamia. This is a complete contradiction at the heart of their mythology.
They idolize their "fierce" warrior mythical figures and see Christians as effeminate by nature. To hold this false idea, they must ignore thousands of years of battle where the Christians and pre-Christians in the OT utterly defeated their enemies in far greater numbers than any enemies the Vikings had to face. They resent that Christians forced their ancestors to "convert under threat of the sword," yet fail to acknowledge that in order for that to happen, the Christians must have been superior and "fiercer" warriors than their supposed pagan ancestors. And no matter how much evidence you show them to the contrary, they will never accept that their pagan ancestors accepted Christianity willingly.
Ultimately, paganism collapses under its own internal contradictions. But most importantly it owes its very existence to Christianity. For without Christianity as a straw man, it would have no way of defining itself. And that's because at its very core, it is only what it is not, and that's Christian.
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound