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No Place For Racists In Valhalla

This used to be open to the public, until the Jew spammers aggravated us into closing it to members only. Soon the day will come, that all Jews are in the Lake of Fire.

Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby EzraLB » Thu Dec 31, 2015 5:02 pm

From what I can gather from reading about the different sects of neo-pagans, the only issue they can agree upon is that they are all anti-Christian. I cannot find any group that has anything positive to say about Christianity. In other words, they define themselves not by what they stand for, but rather by what they oppose, which is the imposition of Christianity on what believe is their natural, racial belief system.

It's interesting to note that "Wotanism" is actually a complete modern fabrication. David Lane, the former KKK member, felt that Odinism as it was generally practiced was insufficiently racial, so he created his own racially-charged version in America as an answer to the namby-pamby universalist Odenism practiced in Europe. Its radical racialism is not based on any particular primary pagan myths or texts; he just made it up out of thin air, the way some jig made up Kwanzaa to fulfill a political agenda.

Among Odinists it seems to be a widely held believe that Christianity is an "alien" religion that has no connection to the White race. They often refer to it as "jewish" or "semitic" in its origins. As such, they cannot fathom how any Christian can be antisemitic, as it appears to be a contraction in terms. While some of them will admit that the White race came out of Mesopotamia, they none the less, hate Christianity because it's a "desert religion" from the Middle East. And yet the same time, they praise and admire the "desert" pagan religions of ancient Mesopotamia. This is a complete contradiction at the heart of their mythology.

They idolize their "fierce" warrior mythical figures and see Christians as effeminate by nature. To hold this false idea, they must ignore thousands of years of battle where the Christians and pre-Christians in the OT utterly defeated their enemies in far greater numbers than any enemies the Vikings had to face. They resent that Christians forced their ancestors to "convert under threat of the sword," yet fail to acknowledge that in order for that to happen, the Christians must have been superior and "fiercer" warriors than their supposed pagan ancestors. And no matter how much evidence you show them to the contrary, they will never accept that their pagan ancestors accepted Christianity willingly.

Ultimately, paganism collapses under its own internal contradictions. But most importantly it owes its very existence to Christianity. For without Christianity as a straw man, it would have no way of defining itself. And that's because at its very core, it is only what it is not, and that's Christian.
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby Les » Sat Jan 02, 2016 6:49 pm

In the mid-1990s, I did a haphazard Odinist ritual on my own with runes, and it worked, when I still considered myself fully C.I.

Take from that what you will.
I did not complete all of the ritual,,as I was unsure where it was leading me, as most "Christian" books say anything "magic" or "occult" is evil.
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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby wmfinck » Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:14 am

Another aspect of pagan cognitive dissonance is the professed affinity for the Vedic literature, which is not even half as old as many of them think.

It is most revealing of how "pagans" think, that they can pretend to be pro-White, love the Vedic literature and pretend to espouse its virtues, but then they never consider how it had all concluded for the Whites who wrote it.

Here is one indication of how the Vedas preserved White India, of which Pakistan was once a part:

Pakistani Hindus celebrate Holi in Karachi, Pakistan.jpg
Pakistani Hindus celebrate Holi in Karachi, Pakistan.jpg (29.3 KiB) Viewed 5021 times

If pagans ruled France in the 8th century, or Poland in the 15th, we would all be flying carpets for allah today.

If I do a program on this topic, and I likely will, EzraLB has already written much of it for me, thanks!
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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby jesseatkinson1027 » Fri May 20, 2016 2:26 am

While I wouldn't quote an Odin Brotherhood or universalist negro, we can still say race mixing between giants and gods in Norse lore, incest, polygamy for the means of wealth, etc.

Their own lore testifies against them.

Odin and the 12 pontiffs were from Asia Minor. I believe Odin to have been Israelite Sigge Fridulfson who would reject being made into a god.
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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby wmfinck » Fri Jun 10, 2016 9:32 am

Found another incarnation of Rainbow Pagans. This one is on Facebook and calls itself "Heathens fighting Hate"

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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby brucebohn » Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:15 pm

Maybe we should create an "Atticus Finch Award" for these
Damn Clowns, no shortage of candidates. The award would
change hands on a weekly basis.............

d0444ca4d39dcf26d2f34fe5395b0849.jpg (33.99 KiB) Viewed 4912 times
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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby EzraLB » Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:52 pm

It looks like the modern-day pagan who wrote the original article at the beginning of this thread has followed it up with another article, doubling-down on his original point, entitled "Still No Place For Racists In Valhalla": ... -valhalla/

Apparently, many pagans did not take too kindly to his anti-racist stance, to the point of allegedly issuing death threats to him. :roll:

His main point is that he doesn't like racism because he--and his fellow Whites in Norway--have been the victims of "racism":

"I do not like racism. It’s the ideology of idiots. Also, I’ve seen what racism can do. Growing up in a conflict area in Norway, I have family and friends who’ve been physically attacked by gangs of immigrants from muslim countries, just for being «white». Believe me, those who think that it’s mainly dark skinned people who are victims to racism are just as idiotic as the racists themselves. I know that some don’t like to hear that. According to their worldview, racism is a «white» problem. But racism hasn’t got a color, which is plain to see when you look around you without political or social prejudice."

This "Bull Hansen" character obviously has a very naive understanding of this issue. Norway, in trying to prove that they are not racist, has allowed their land to be flooded with sand niggers who hate them. So by refusing to be "racist", they have become victims of the "racist" arab invaders. His genius solution: kindly ask the arab invaders to not be racist--if no one is racist, then he and his fellow Norwegians won't be victims of racism.

Then he makes the absurd assertion that his pagan ancestors were anti-racists, living by the infamous credo of Martin Luther Kang:

"My ancestors wouldn’t judge a man or a woman by the color of his/her skin, and neither should you. Their relations to you would have been based on your words and actions. Can you be trusted? Are you honest? Do you stand by your word? Will you be loyal to your family and friends? Are you kind and generous? The answers to those and other questions matter to me, as they did to my ancestors. The color of your skin does not."

Sure, Bull Hansen, if a few african niggers showed up on Oslo in 900 AD, I'm sure your liberal ancestors would have welcomed them with open arms and legs, just as long as they "behaved" themselves. With that kind of wishful thinking, no wonder Norway is being destroyed by these mudskin invaders.
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby Kentucky » Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:54 pm

wmfinck wrote:Found another incarnation of Rainbow Pagans. This one is on Facebook and calls itself "Heathens fighting Hate"


If that were true, then why would anybody support hate crime legislation? Couldn't be fear now huh? The poster is ambiguous, because I can't tell if the Viking guy with a battle ax is supposed to be the racist or anti-racist. I'd like to know if the pansy who created the poster would dare walk down the wrong side of the street in Chicago, St. Louis or Detroit late at night. I think Hitler said, "Do not confuse my patience with weakness" on the eve of crossing into the Danzig Corridor. I would throw it back to the pinko commies "How does it feel to be so powerful, that everything you do, awakens the wrath of the Saxon to turn to his God of the Bible?" They're probably too stupid to know what that portends for them.

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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby wmfinck » Tue Oct 11, 2016 9:31 pm

I just started calling these clowns "Rainbow Odinists" on Facebook. I am making this post because that is a term I might remember, and can retrieve this thread in the search box, LOL, sorry...
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Re: No Place For Racists In Valhalla

Postby Fenwick » Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:31 pm

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