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The Flat Earth.

This used to be open to the public, until the Jew spammers aggravated us into closing it to members only. Soon the day will come, that all Jews are in the Lake of Fire.

Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby wmfinck » Mon Oct 26, 2015 10:51 am

Here is a rather decent attempt to debunk some of the ridiculous claims of the flat-earth quacks. [Even if the ethnicity of the presenter may be a little ambiguous.]

I put the URLs as well as embedding the Youtubes, because my browser does not support Flash. Some day I will update this forum to overcome that problem, Yahweh willing!
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby worms » Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:53 am

I don't really care whether the earth is flat or not. It doesn't effect biblical prophesy in the slightest.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby Kentucky » Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:30 am

worms wrote:I don't really care whether the earth is flat or not. It doesn't effect biblical prophesy in the slightest.

IF the earth were flat, how could Daniel's prophecy of an increase in knowledge come to pass? :)

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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby wmfinck » Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:57 pm

This total dummy thinks his video proves the earth is flat. In fact, it does just the opposite.

At 6:52 AM and 62,474 feet you can see the sun on the horizon. Then at 7:37 AM at nearly 109,000 feet the sun is far above the horizon. That is because the earth is a sphere, and the rise in altitude by the observer allows him to see further over the edge, so the sun appears to be much higher in the sky. That is only possible on a sphere.

On a flat earth with a small, nearby sun, how would the sun dip below the horizon? Explain.

What is even funnier are his own comments which he posted with the video:

Published on Oct 28, 2015
I'm not sure who owns this video, but I've run the video through Adobe Premier to remove any curvature captured by the camera. Remember the video shows a very flat and stationary earth.

This is Ernest Perce, one of the clowns I mentioned in our recent Round-Earth Roundtable program. I think that might be his picture in the lower right side of the video preview. He is also a current nominee for entry into the Insane Clown Posse.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby EzraLB » Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:54 am

Many of the current "Flat Earth" theories seem to be based on a jewish remapping of the globe as advocated by the jew Arno Peters after whom the "Peters Projection Map" is named. Peters was a typical communist jew, social activist, and labor agitator in Weimar Germany, who had no formal training in geography or cartography; rather he received his PhD in philosophy and journalism. Of course, like most rats on a sinking ship, when the National Socialists took power in Germany, he ended up in Hollywood as a screenwriter.

Peter's applied his egalitarian socialist agenda to re-configuring the global map, which he felt unfairly favored a bias toward Western (i.e. White European) dominance. Using jewish rhetorical trickery and numerology, he came up with a new map that emphasized the dominance of the Third World in relation to the White World. It is Peters' projection map to which many Flat Earthers refer to bolster their argument.

Being part of the Hollywood fantasy machine, it's no surprise that Arno Peters' jewish world map has been promoted on prime-time television on the jewish show, "West Wing," where his crackpot theories are explained by a fast-talking jewish character with a socialist agenda. As always, cherchez le juif...

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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby wmfinck » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:35 pm

I am not going to let off on all of the "flat earth" clowns until they repent. So Charles Fockaert, Don Spears, Dan Johns, Ernest Perce, this is for you.

Ernest Perce. Ha, this clown is slandering me on Facebook ever since we did the "Round Earth Roundtable". Then he blocks our account as soon as we see his page, so that we cannot see his slander. So he is a dummy AND a coward.

Now I have found that only a few years ago, he was an atheist campaigning against Christian expression in schools:

To Perce's credit, he admits having done this on his website. (As one may see at

But he calls himself a pastor, dons the traditional Judeotard black shirt with white collar, and all in two short years after being an avowed and activist atheist? Seeing the light, two short years after being an atheist he becomes an expert on the Bible? The labels may have changed, but Perce will always be a clown. This character seems to be for atheists what his fellow clown-in-arms, the so-called "Brother" Nathaniel, is for jews.

Perce has also been fooled by the faked Kubrick video discussed here:

But now to get to the point:

Click here for the large version.

I took this picture of the moon back in 2014, while sitting on Panama City Beach. I am quite certain it was high overhead in the sky slightly to our south-east, as we often see it when we visit the beach on late-summer evenings. It is dark where the picture was taken, because it was already past sunset in Panama City beach.

The picture proves several things:

1) The moon is a globe, and not a disk, as clowns like Eric Dubay insist. The moon is only partly visible because it is high overhead, and the sun, which is below the earth's horizon far to our west, is illuminating that part of the moon which faces it. That proves that the moon is a globe. [Anyone can reproduce the effect with a flash-light and a ball.]

2) The earth must be a sphere, because the sun dropped below the horizon at sunset. But because the moon is very far overhead, the part facing the sun is still being hit by the light of the sun, while it is dark on the ground below.

3) The earth must be a sphere, because we are in the dark, yet the moon high overhead is still being hit with light from the sun even though the sun is below the horizon. We observed the sun drop below the horizon, and therefore its light does not hit us simply because the mass of the earth is now between us and the sun.

4) These flat-earth clowns insist that the sun is a disk which can be far away, yet not illuminate an area unless it is fairly close to being overhead, because it is a disk and its light shines downwards. But the light here, which is only seen on the part of the moon facing the sun, proves that claim to be wrong. If the moon were being illuminated by an overhead sun on a flat earth, Panama City Beach would also be illuminated in that same manner.

So here is some simple math:

Reasons 1+2+3+4 = Flat Earthers are ABSOLUTE IDIOTS.

In fact, Charles Fockaert, Don Spears, Dan Johns, and the rest of the flat-earthers are so damned stupid, that I must apologize to everyone else for ever having spoke to any of them!

I repent!
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby wmfinck » Thu Dec 24, 2015 2:53 pm


Look at the way in which the light is hitting the globe of the moon. Even the angle it is being hit at shows that the sun is below 180 degrees, which it is if it dropped below the horizon in the west not long before the picture was taken.

With this several other things become apparent. The moon must be very high overhead for the sun to hit its surface, while we below are in the dark. For the same reason, the sun must be very far away, and that is something else which is demonstrated by the angle at which the moon is being hit.

I find it very difficult to believe that flat-earthers are TOO STUPID to see this obvious truth.

The only model imaginable where this photo and other views of the moon at night make any sense is here:

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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby Joe » Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:41 am

uWjy03P.jpg (124.39 KiB) Viewed 7738 times
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby wmfinck » Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:37 pm

This Ernest Pierce clown, an ardent promoter of the "flat earth" nonsense, started attacking me when we did the "Round Earth Roundtable" program.

No wonder. Now I have found that on his website he admits to being a "former Jew". Why would he say such a thing if he were not a Jew by blood? What true White man cognizant of Israel Identity would call himself a "former Jew"?

Pastor Ernest was a former Zionist, a former American atheist, a former Christ-hater, a former Jew. Today, he is a man on fire for YHWH!

Screenshot, in case he changes the text:

Ernie is on the left:
ernest_pierce_and_friends.png (744.43 KiB) Viewed 7706 times
Last edited by wmfinck on Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby matthewott » Sat Feb 06, 2016 3:23 pm

Ernie is from my neck o' the woods. He contacted me on Jewbook a few years ago, not long after his 'revelation'. He wanted to get together to talk somewhere, since he knew we lived fairly close. I recognized him as the atheist I had read about approximately a year or 2 prior who was trying to get all manner of christianity removed from the public school system here. My initial reaction was that I thought it was cool that he had seen the light, but after a few short exchanges and seeing a few of his posts, I wasn't moving him up on my priority list, and we never got together, and correspondence stopped entirely...though I believe it may have had to do with one of the many times I got my FB account deleted and didn't rush right back to set up a new one...
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