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The Flat Earth.

This used to be open to the public, until the Jew spammers aggravated us into closing it to members only. Soon the day will come, that all Jews are in the Lake of Fire.

Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby Rogue » Wed Jun 03, 2015 1:50 am

Kentucky wrote:Sorry If I sounded harsh brother, but 2 hours of that would have been too much for my system and I would have overloaded with pillow stuffing. If there is a particular Bible verse with "their" spin on it and you'd like a discussion, just point it out and we'll give it a whirl.


No probs Mark, maybe I should have given a caveat concerning the non CI stance of the people discussing the matter.

I'd like to know if there is any truth about Antarctica being of limits, to the point of prison if one is found around that neck of the wood?

Also here is an interesting verse concerning the Firmament, Job:37:18
Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby Joe » Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:47 am

I didn't think you were interested in the occult or anything Rogue, I just wanted to list my thoughts.

Anyways, in the podcast in the initial post, they discuss an enclosed world.
They ask, in a computer simulation, how would you create an enclosed world? A world in which people cannot cross a certain point. Well apparently the perfect solution is to have a the world enclosed in ice and mountainous terrain, that the Antarctic actually encloses and encircles the world. A barrier.

But a sphere floating in space surrounded by the Van Allen belt and great distance is also an enclosed world, I would think it is a better solution than ice and mountainous terrain.

I also wonder, what is on the other side of the coin?
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby Joe » Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:27 am

The problem with Eratosthenes is discussed at 2min50 in this video.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby wmfinck » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:43 am

bahr wrote:Eratosthenes didn't prove anything of the sort. On the contrary, he presupposed that the world is a globe and that the sun is so far that it could be considered at an infinite distance. His goal was to measure the radius of the terrestrial globe by a geometry based on these presuppositions. So, from the Eratosthenes experiment, and according to his premises, we get this figure:

When I get home, I will pull the quotes from the LCL edition of Strabo for discussion here. That might be awhile.

With a flat earth, and a sun at a distance far enough away, the flat-earth recreation of Eratosthenes' experiment also fails. So that interpretation, I believe, must presuppose a small sun at a close distance.

MichaelAllen wrote:Bill, as for why no one has gone to Antarctica and flown beyond it (if indeed it is just an ice wall), it is because (as flat earthers claim) there is some international agreement that is enforced at gun point that individual people cannot go there and explore it... so they say basically that there have been people who were turned away at gunpoint and were put in prison for attempting to do so. I haven't looked this up yet so as to validate it.

The idea that the planet's northern and southern ice masses are simply some sort of "ice wall" seems really silly. I think that in order to believe that were true, the sun would have to be very small, and the flat surface of the earth very large, for the sun's rays to be so weak in the northern and southern regions so as to allow for the accumulation of ice, while warming the central regions to the extent which it does.

But what is really silly is this: what about the eastern and western edges? Why after so many years of exploration and sailing in commerce has no one found them?

Maybe we can start a new contention based on the premise that the earth is a cylinder?

I do not listen to the flat-earther arguments. Well, maybe I did once a long time ago but I was never convinced.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby wmfinck » Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:48 am

As an aside, I have seen people argue over this flat-earth things for years. I have even seen people contend that if we realize the earth is not round, that somehow it will end Illuminati supremacism over us. One clown who pushes this crap incessantly is Scott Summers, who even uses various aliases.

So if the earth is flat, the jews will stop flooding us with niggers?
So if the earth is flat, the usury-based banking system will fall?
So if the earth is flat, the yellow vermin will disappear?

Hardly. The whole thing is just another rabbit-hole distracting people from the real battle.

[Oh, and if the earth is flat, the medieval Roman Catholic Church was right? Wow, LOL]
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby Heather » Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:03 am

I've looked into this too. The guy at has some
good info. He hates our "jew" god, though, as many do.... :roll:
He did make an interesting point that if we are just a random planet hurling at breakneck speed around the sun as all other planets in our solar system do, then it reinforces the idea that we aren't special, and just a random coincidence in the universe.
wmfinck wrote:So if the earth is flat, the jews will stop flooding us with niggers?
So if the earth is flat, the usury-based banking system will fall?
So if the earth is flat, the yellow vermin will disappear?

And since none of these thing would happen, I have only given it a cursory look.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby MichaelAllen » Thu Jun 04, 2015 6:30 pm


He's also shacked up with some thai beastess.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby BrettLight » Thu Jul 09, 2015 6:40 am

This 'flat earth' stuff has to end because it's complete nonsense. The simplest tell-tale sign that flat earth theory is bunk is the fact that no-one has ever produced a fully functioning accurate map of earth as a flat plane. You get maps like this labelled "as it is": , but it is not accurate. Australia is not an elongated blob as it's portrayed in the flat earth map. The reason the southern hemisphere gets all elongated is because they have to make the longitudes and latitudes coincide with known towns and coastlines, and to make the time-zones function. The northern hemisphere is more accurately depicted because on a flat earth map the latitudinal lines are closer together. The further south you go, the more elongated and strange it gets.
The thing about this flat earth theory, besides being a rather entertaining thing to investigate, is that there is a complete disregard for any common sense and this attitude of "well, we don't care, earth is flat no matter what" and they usually literally interpret bits from the Bible to 'prove' their points... The funniest thing is that when they come up with a map like the above flat earth one, all it really proves is that the flat earth model doesn't work, and to correct all their errors the only working model is of a sphere! The sphere works fine for me and it's true and accurate.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby EzraLB » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:33 am

It's a huge leap of logic to take phrases from the Bible, like "four corners of the earth" and "edges of the earth" and come to the conclusion that the planet Earth must be flat. These are figures of speech, not empirical scientific observations. Clearly, the "edge of the Earth" must refer to the far reaches of the "known" world, the Oikoumene.

And what is the Greek equivalent of the English phrase "four corners of the Earth"? Did the Greeks use that expression, and if so, in what context, and was it meant to be taken literally? How is this expression translated in the Hebrew Bible?

It seems the purpose of flat earthers is to undermine the credibility of the Bible and those who believe it. So they throw out their Bibles and pick up the works of Zecharia Sitchin.
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Re: The Flat Earth.

Postby bahr » Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:37 am

On the other hand, there is already too much flat things on this earth: noses, feet and brains. Let's deal with that first. ;)
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