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Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby BrettDeason » Tue Sep 13, 2016 11:59 am

Thank you Mark!
Thank you everybody!

Part of what bothers me about my Brother - the only one in the Family with all the money - taking care of paying for things, is that he, along with the rest of my Family, hold things over your head - especially things having to do with money. So, I know, my Brother will hold this over our heads. He shouldn't. But, he will. It will end up happening. There will be a time in the future sometime when he will hold it over our heads. Look at what I did. I did this. If I didn't do this, what would have happened? If I didn't do this, how would it have been taken care of? Shit like that, is what I'm talking about.

One friend of mine told me something that I find interesting. She told me that my Brother and the rest of my Family, could be feeling guilty for not being there the whole time like I was and not helping the whole time like I did, and so now, they are helping out as much as they are out of their guilt. My Brother is paying for everything and setting up the ceremony how he wants it done, out of guilt. And, maybe, that is true. Or, maybe, my Brother is doing it because he can. By that I mean - because he has the money and he can financially take care of it - and he can use it to his advantage to rub in my face and to hang over our heads and to have the entitlement he feels from it. My Brother does that - in fact, my whole Family does that - all the time - they always have and they always will, they will never change - my Brother for example, when he has to help with grass cutting or anything else around here, he hangs it over my head, reminding me of what all he did - the rest of my Family do the same.

Thanks again for all of y'alls opinions and replies and help. I really do greatly appreciate all of it.

It amazes me to such a beyond belief extent that my Family doesn't seem to care at all about me, but, total strangers - people who are not my Family members, or people who I barely know, seem to have more concern for me. It's just something that catches me as odd is all. It makes me think of the scripture

Matthew 13:57
“And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.”

but, I'm not Yahshua Christ and I'm not a prophet.

- Brett Deason
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby BrettDeason » Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:06 am

Arrogant. That is how my Brother is being. He has the money in the Family. He knows he is the only person in my Family with money. He knows he can take care of everything right now financially. So, he is using that upper hand to control everything. He is arrogant because he has the money and he knows he has the money and so he is taking care of everything financially as well as taking care of everything in all the ways he wants things to be taken care of - from how the ceremony is going to be, to everything else. He is being bossy. He is being controlling. He is doing all of this with arrogance, not with modesty, not being modest.

- Brett Deason
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Staropramen » Wed Sep 14, 2016 7:17 am

Hello again Brett,
It's unfortunate that your brother has this attitude however if he is as you say stepping in and using his financial means to take care of what needs to be taken care of that in and of itself is a blessing. Try to see that for what it is and deal with his arrogance as a separate issue.

I have more to say but I have to run out because I forgot something. I will write more later.
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Staropramen » Wed Sep 14, 2016 8:10 am

People process their feelings differently. I disagree with the statement that "real men don't cry". I would say that real men don't cry often. If I were in the presence of Channon Christian's father and he shed a tear I wouldn't think any less of him as a man. I think that if I dared say as much he'd pummel me and rightly so.

My younger brother William is the prototypical unemployable White Nationalist that lives in his mother's basement [although there is no actual basement]. He's angry at the world and he's an evil POS. Since my father passed away several years ago he has brainwashed my mom to the extent that she has completely written me off and refuses to talk to me. I'm not happy about the situation but Yahweh allows it to go on and that's fine. What I have come to realize is that my mother was always a very selfish woman. Her life would be much better now if she had contact with my wife and I but honestly, I can understand why Yahweh might punish her by cutting her off from our good graces. As it stands she supports not only my brother but also some hideous female beast that he has moved in with them. When I was still seeing her after my dad died she was always broke. My brother keeps her a prisoner and does only the bare minimum to keep her alive so the checks keep coming in. If things were different she would have her own money and enjoy things like travelling with us, going to the theater or whatever. She always wanted to see a Broadway play and visit Ireland. She'd have done that by now and more if not for my brother. She's always been terribly selfish and I suspect Yahweh feels she doesn't deserve our generosity. I feel that she doesn't deserve our generosity but being my mother I would probably indulge her anyway.

My point is that you're not alone dealing with a messed up family situation. Praise Yahweh!
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby BrettDeason » Wed Sep 14, 2016 11:20 am

I feel bad that I hadn't seen my Brother helping out financially as the blessing that it is from Yahweh Elohim. I feel awful about that. It is a blessing from Yahweh Elohim. I should have seen it for what it is.

Thank all of y'all for all of y'alls postings and help!

- Brett Deason
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Kentucky » Wed Sep 14, 2016 12:52 pm

Staropramen wrote:People process their feelings differently. I disagree with the statement that "real men don't cry". I would say that real men don't cry often. If I were in the presence of Channon Christian's father and he shed a tear I wouldn't think any less of him as a man. I think that if I dared say as much he'd pummel me and rightly so.

From a purely biblical point of view, emotion oftentimes conflicts with intellect. For example, probably one of the most difficult venues to explain why people don't go to heaven when they die is at a funeral lol. If we are to believe the simplicity of James 1:2 "Count it all joy" or "Regard it with all joy" (CNT), then crying is a reaction to something lost. We have to look deeper at what crying entails.

“A time to weep and a time to laugh” (Eccl. 3:4) is part of life. However, it says also that there will be a time when “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Rev. 21:4). "Jesus wept" (John 11:35), but scholars have wrangled over what exactly the weeping entailed.

The Old Testament Hebrew term ga'al (#H1350) means Kinsman Redeemer, but it also means an 'avenger of blood' (Nu. 35:19) i.e. a father or brother was to slay or execute the murderer of his relative. That's the big difference today in the countenance of Israelite people. We can cry over the death of our loved ones, but if they are murdered, we let Babylon take of it. Perhaps Jesus wept because He saw the same conundrum in His day, although in a much more generalized sense that the wages of sin is death.

Now here's the interesting part IMHO, that if we live our lives as if we are already living in the Kingdom (rather than in a waiting mode), we can overcome the world in which a brand new perspective gives us the blood of the Cross to count it all joy. I believe Christian Identity gives us a jump start to preempt and overcome the misery and chaos during the time of Jacob's trouble, having eyes to see the truth.

The truth is that the only ones that will be crying when it counts, when the gates of the Kingdom are opened, are those who rejected the sacrifice on Calvary. “There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out” (Luke 13:28). All I'm suggesting is a head start... of getting our minds right with Christ now.

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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Staropramen » Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:32 pm

BrettDeason wrote:I feel bad that I hadn't seen my Brother helping out financially as the blessing that it is from Yahweh Elohim. I feel awful about that. It is a blessing from Yahweh Elohim. I should have seen it for what it is.

Thank all of y'all for all of y'alls postings and help!

- Brett Deason
Yahweh Bless

I wouldn't get too worked up about it. It sounds like your brother's arrogance put a haze around the circumstances that could have temporarily blinded even the best of us.

Perhaps it might be beneficial to talk to your brother and say "hey, I don't like this and that about you but I just wanted to thank you for doing this and that which has been a real blessing".

Brett, you should come on Teamspeak sometime. We're there every Wednesday night at 8:00pm EST and Friday and Saturday after the podcast ends. Hope to see you there one of these evenings.
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Staropramen » Wed Sep 14, 2016 6:34 pm

Kentucky wrote:
Staropramen wrote:People process their feelings differently. I disagree with the statement that "real men don't cry". I would say that real men don't cry often. If I were in the presence of Channon Christian's father and he shed a tear I wouldn't think any less of him as a man. I think that if I dared say as much he'd pummel me and rightly so.

From a purely biblical point of view, emotion oftentimes conflicts with intellect. For example, probably one of the most difficult venues to explain why people don't go to heaven when they die is at a funeral lol. If we are to believe the simplicity of James 1:2 "Count it all joy" or "Regard it with all joy" (CNT), then crying is a reaction to something lost. We have to look deeper at what crying entails.

“A time to weep and a time to laugh” (Eccl. 3:4) is part of life. However, it says also that there will be a time when “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” (Rev. 21:4). "Jesus wept" (John 11:35), but scholars have wrangled over what exactly the weeping entailed.

The Old Testament Hebrew term ga'al (#H1350) means Kinsman Redeemer, but it also means an 'avenger of blood' (Nu. 35:19) i.e. a father or brother was to slay or execute the murderer of his relative. That's the big difference today in the countenance of Israelite people. We can cry over the death of our loved ones, but if they are murdered, we let Babylon take of it. Perhaps Jesus wept because He saw the same conundrum in His day, although in a much more generalized sense that the wages of sin is death.

Now here's the interesting part IMHO, that if we live our lives as if we are already living in the Kingdom (rather than in a waiting mode), we can overcome the world in which a brand new perspective gives us the blood of the Cross to count it all joy. I believe Christian Identity gives us a jump start to preempt and overcome the misery and chaos during the time of Jacob's trouble, having eyes to see the truth.

The truth is that the only ones that will be crying when it counts, when the gates of the Kingdom are opened, are those who rejected the sacrifice on Calvary. “There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out” (Luke 13:28). All I'm suggesting is a head start... of getting our minds right with Christ now.


Very well stated! :beer:
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby ElleJay » Sun Sep 18, 2016 9:57 pm

Hi, Brett,

I have read most of the postings here, and I understand the difficult time you are experiencing … as many others have expressed. It seems that a death of a parent can reveal what people are truly made of. Sometimes we are surprised by how hard family members can make things for us at a time when you would wish you could all work together. A family member can become a complete stranger by his/her adverse behavior.

There were several verses I clung to when my mother died and during the time I had to settle the estate … which took five years. One was Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6) … and another: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)

One of the verses I often quote still is: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) I add that God’s ways may not always feel very good to us, but His ways are good … His ways are the best for His children.

I concur that it is a blessing that your brother is paying for everything … and, although it may not be easy for you to say, you might tell him (more than once) … how much you appreciate it, perhaps even recognizing that without his help, things would not have gone as smoothly in many regards. It is not up to you how he might respond, but how you respond is your witness to Him of God's grace in your life. He is relieving your Mom of many burdens right now … financially. You take the high road as much as you are able, and ask God to give you strength to face what He has set in your path.

May God continue to give you encouragement and support during these days. It is not easy to lose a parent … and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby BrettDeason » Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:50 pm

Should I not feel strong for not crying? Should I not feel strong for not being sad? Am I strong because I'm not sad and am I strong because I'm not crying. I'm moving on in life. Life moves on. And, I'm moving on with life. My Family thinks I'm a jackass because I'm not crying and because I'm not sad. They don't see me as strong at all. They see me as not caring at all. Am I not strong for not being sad and not crying?

- Brett Deason
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