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Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby BrettDeason » Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:29 pm

Thank you for your reply.

Thank all of y'all for all of y'alls replies and Thank all of y'all for all of y'alls caring concerns and thoughts and prayers and help. My Father passed this morning around 5:15 AM. I was with him. I was holding his hand. My Sister and Mother and one of the Hospice Nurses was there with him also. My Brother drove back up from Florida. My Brother-in-law is here now too, as well as my 16 year young niece.

Over the next several days and beyond, my Family , including myself, will discuss what our plans for moving forward are now.

Thank all of y'all again for all of y'alls help.

- Brett Deason
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Kentucky » Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:53 pm

BrettDeason wrote:Thank you for your reply.

Thank all of y'all for all of y'alls replies and Thank all of y'all for all of y'alls caring concerns and thoughts and prayers and help. My Father passed this morning around 5:15 AM. I was with him. I was holding his hand. My Sister and Mother and one of the Hospice Nurses was there with him also. My Brother drove back up from Florida. My Brother-in-law is here now too, as well as my 16 year young niece.

Over the next several days and beyond, my Family , including myself, will discuss what our plans for moving forward are now.

Thank all of y'all again for all of y'alls help.

- Brett Deason
Yahweh Elohim Blesses All Adamic Israelite Caucasians Who Obey His Laws And His Commandments

Brett, you have the deepest of condolences from us in KY. You've shared your trials and tribulations with us in this thread for over a year. It's not always easy to give advice, but we sure have prayed for you. I hope the family coming together for this sad time will be an occasion for your love for each other to manifest itself. The worst enemy for each family member is resentments. Now is a time for forgiveness and refreshing the bond that God would have His people enjoy. "All things work together for good." Blessings brother Brett.

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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Les » Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:02 pm

Brett, sorry to hear about the passing away.

It is always hard when a parent passes away, thankfully you are old enough to handle it.
Now as to the rest of your family, BE CAREFUL.

It did not happen to me, but now see what COULD have happened if my father did not have a will,
as afterward, all my step-brothers/sister abandoned us, and only demanded things from my sister when I wasn't round, and they probably knew I grew up enough (and with more and more anger), I would not put up with any kind of crap / b.s. they used to give my Dad.
He put up with it because they were his children, and they abused his generosity.

You should have your own legal counsel / lawyer, but do NOT inform your family you retained one, especially if a will was not made, or not made clear.

Also, if you are to take care of your mother, then when alone in the future, after this very hard time / funeral...
ask her if she thinks it is right the other children abandoned her?
This maybe sounds "cold", but you have a right to an inheritance of what she holds, instead of others that do nothing for her.

If you do nothing, and just serve,
that is actually better for you in the afterlife / Kingdom, as Yahweh rewards those that only work for our folk out of love.
and dude, I ran out of a lot of patience a very long time ago, and try to avoid everybody if I can, so if the Kingdom of Heaven has management based on performance, like how it should be here on earth (but is not many times), you might be my boss! ;)
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby brucebohn » Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:15 pm

Thoughts and prayers Brett..
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Gaius » Thu Sep 08, 2016 2:51 am

Sorry for this news, Brett.
Praying for you/all family.
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Staropramen » Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:01 am

Brett, My condolences. May Yahweh keep you strong.

Les made some good points that are worth consideration.
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Nayto » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:29 pm

Sorry to hear about your dad. You have my condolences. Although we should be happy for the dead, because they are finally at rest. We actually mourn for our own sake so that we can come to terms with the passing of a loved one and the adjustments that come along with it. Of course there is no problem with that, but take solace in the fact that we will see them again in the next life without sin and the enemy in our midst. That will be a wonderful time.
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Joe » Fri Sep 09, 2016 6:17 am

I am saddened to hear of your fathers passing Brett. Stay strong, and may God be with you and our family, as your father is with God now. And what Nayto says is true, there is a better time ahead for all of us.
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby BrettDeason » Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:07 am

I'm asking everyone's opinions on this, please.

I'm not crying from my Dad's passing. I haven't cried yet. I don't feel like crying. I don't feel emptiness. I don't feel sadness. I'm the only person in my Family who is not crying. I'm looking like a jackass because I'm not crying. I'm looking like I don't care. I am looking like I have no emotions nor feelings at all about my Dad's death. I've always been that way. I've always had the most difficulty crying. But, not feeling the emptiness feeling that the rest of my Family keeps saying that they feel, disturbs me. Should I be feeling emptiness? Should I be crying all the time like the rest of my Family are? Am I more the Man for already moving on past my Dad's death? My Family is crying, and they are not moved on yet. They are stuck in a hole, like they are not planned for this - like they were never planned, like they were never ready for this. He'd been in horrible health since the very beginning of this year, back in January. My Family had plenty of time to plan ahead and they never did and now they are lost. Am I a jackass because of that? Am I a jackass for being the only member of my Family who has moved beyond his death already? Am I a jackass for not crying?

My Brother has come up from Florida and he has been controlling everything. He's been getting pictures ready for a slide show for the ceremony we are going to have. He's paid for the cremation. My Dad wanted to be cremated. My Family is respecting his wishes, and having him cremated. I told my Dad before he got in his worst health ever, when he asked me about what I thought about cremation, I then told him it is not Biblical, and he rejected that truth. I have for years been trying to get my Family to see Yahweh's Truth, and they don't listen to me. Instead they laugh in my face at me. My Brother and his Family go to some Denominational Church down where they live, so now they think they know the scripture and so now they think they know God. They don't know their ass from a hole in the ground! But, as always, my Family worships my Brother because he is the money in the Family and they listen to everything he says and they turn away everything I say. My Brother has paid for everything - the cremation, the urn, helping my Mother with her bills, and because he is paying his money for everything, he feels entitlement to everything. So, it is just fueling his controlling ego. He is saying who he wants to speak at the ceremony and who he doesn't want to speak at the ceremony. He is choosing the music for the ceremony. He is the person picking the pictures out for the slide show, and then when my Mother disagrees, he tells her that it is not about her. Which, it is as far as I'm concerned, because she was with my Father for 45 plus years, and now, she is having to adjust and learn to live without him. So, I say yes, she has input in all of this. He said that same stupid shit to me earlier, when Dad was still alive, dying of Cancer, that it is not about me - and I told him that it is not about him nor my Sister either that they best realize that shit now! He and I got into a physical fight - I punched him in his face - yadda yadda yadda blah blah blah so on so forth. That's what happens when you piss me off and he and my Family have pissed me off for a very long time now and they don't care!

So, should I be crying like everyone else? Everyone is crying daily. They are not moving forward. I'm the only person moving forward. Am I a jackass of all trades because of the way I'm feeling - not crying and not feeling emptiness and feeling like I've got to move past this and so I'm trying to move on, while everyone else is stuck in neutral in a hole and they have no idea what to do now? Am I bold for moving forward? Part of why my Family is acting lost might be because they have always relied on me to care for my Parents because it's convenient for all of them since I live right beside my Parents alone in my own trailer with no Family of my own , but now they know I'm looking for a part time job and I'm looking at other places to live. I'm not going too far away from my Mother, just in case she does need me. But, after all of this Cancer situation, for the past year and four months, I just need to leave this place.

So, as always, I'm asking for everyone's opinions please. Thanks to everyone.

- Brett Deason
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Re: Prayers for my Dad please - cancer

Postby Kentucky » Mon Sep 12, 2016 12:50 pm


Real men don't cry. I never saw my grandpa cry in his 87 years on this earth. When he died I did not cry. I don't think it's a matter of moving on as much as the reality that life goes on. You life is yours and it's a gift from God. God will not judge us based on whether we conformed to other people's expectations. We can only be judged on whether we did not conform to the world, but were rather transformed by the renewing of our mind to prove the perfect will of God (Romans 12:2). None of the family chaos has anything to do with the good and decent order God has given us to grow in His grace. You will find the peace you seek in the Word. Hopefully, your brethren here can be a reflection of the Good News that directs all of our lives. If we are to cry for anything, as in ancient times, Israel is to cry unto the Lord for deliverance. It may not necessarily be in the form of irrigation from the eyes, but to boldly plead for divine intervention.

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