by BrettDeason » Mon May 09, 2016 9:46 am
I also wanted to mention that people who are not living what me and my Mother are living on a daily basis here, just do not understand at all, what we are going thru. Not unless they are living it themselves, or they have lived it themselves, during their life.
I can talk about, explaining it in detail. I can explain it in detail, in writings. But, unless you are here living it on a daily basis, then you will never understand what it is.
I have family members and so called friends who just do what they want to do and just live how they want to live. To them, that is life. To them, that is their life. And to them, that is all life is about. I have so called friends who don't take care of their own Parents, nor anyone else in their own family, while, their own Parents, and other members of their own family are dying of illnesses, while they live their lives on their own happy terms. So called friends of mine, have children, who they don't even raise, and the people who are raising their children, are very ill. One so called friend, who's Parent's raise his kids, is doing anything and everything he wants to do, while his Parents are having to use oxygen tanks to help them breath, because they are in such a poor condition. I have an Uncle, who raised his granddaughter, because her own Parents are shit, and now he is battling cancer himself, while she is off living on her own terms, getting thrown into jail because of drugs and other shit, and her Grandfather is having to bail her out over and over, time and time again, while she is not helping to take care of him, she lives how she wants to live. My very own 16 year young niece, lives however she wants to live, too. She was given a brand new car from my Parents, her Grandparents, that she has already wrecked, yet, she does not help at all, not even when she is here. She doesn't help us here, nor, her own Parents, who she lives with. My 16 year young selfish teenage niece, also has her cellphone paid for on a monthly basis by my Parents - her Grandparents - and my Parents also give her new phones every time she breaks the phone she has, which came from them too. But, she doesn't help anyone out at all ever. I have an Uncle who has children, who are in their 30's, who do not work at all. They also live life on their own terms. Yet, they live with him. He is the only person working, while his three adult children, and his wife, and his granddaughter, all live in the same house, and, yet, he is the only person working. He does everything. He cooks, He grocery shops. He cuts their grass. He works two jobs. They do nothing at all. He is in horrible condition as well, yet, it's like, they don't give a shit.
I have so called friends, and, family members, who have already planned beach trips for their Summer plans. They tell me that I can go visit with them. They do not come here and help. I do not have time to go visit anybody, anywhere, for any length of time. This is not something that I can just up and get away from. This is life. You can't escape life. I feel like, if I go somewhere, to go visit people, or to get away, or take time away from this, or whatever you want to call and however you want to see it, that I'm just running from all of this. And, I don't want to run from this. I want to tackle it head on. Not run away from all of this. I have responsibilities here. I'm not going to stick my head in the sand, or run away from all of it. Am I wrong for thinking about it that way? Am I wrong for seeing it that way? I have so called friends and family members who think that coming over here and visiting is a good idea. Right now, it is not. If they come and help, great! They will get fed and probably even paid. But, only if they help. This is not Disneyland, nor Six Flags, nor Disney World, nor a vacation resort. This is not the time to come visit and go swimming here and fishing here and eat and sit and talk and gossip and catch up. There is tons of shit to be done here that keep my Mother and I busy non stop here. If company comes and helps, then awesome! But, if they don't help, they do not need to come at all! I have so called friends and family members that think that coming here and visiting is all about swimming and eating and relaxing and all of that shit, which it is not - not right now, it is not - and it probably will never be like that ever again here - because, even after my Dad gets better, and is not sick anymore, there will still be everything to do here, and my Mother and I will still be busy all the time here. If so called friends and family members do actually come and help here. They wouldn't last more than one day here. If they last one day at all. And they would never come back, because they would experience how much work is done here, and it is too much for them. But, when my Dad does get better from this, then, yes, momentarily, I would then, just for a brief moment, be okay to relax and party. Then, it would be party time. Then, it would be going to the beach time. Hell, I'll even pay for everybody's fucking beach trips myself! But not right now. Right now, is not that time. Right now, is not the time to party down.
We are so busy here all the time, that things that people do every day, which they take for granted, like eating and using the bathroom and taking a shower, and so forth, we have to do very quickly, because we don't have the luxury, nor the time, to take time showering, or to take time eating, or to take time doing anything at all.
- Brett Deason
Yashua Christ is My Kinsman Redeemer and Yashua Christ is my Adamic Brother
Last edited by
BrettDeason on Mon May 09, 2016 10:26 am, edited 2 times in total.