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Free Kurtis Monschke

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Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Kentucky » Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:18 pm

The last several months we have been building a website to inform our people of the plight of Kurtis Monschke. We now have trial transcripts of testimony, supporting documents and a means to raise funds to put the clemency project in motion. Please visit our new website and take the time to convince yourself that one of our brothers has been unjustly imprisoned for life for a crime he did not commit. “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them” Heb. 13:3.

Here is the link:
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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Joe » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:45 am

I have only listened to the first part of that show about Kurtis. It is good that you are standing beside him Kentucky is difficult to understand how he copes without being consumed with anger and despair.

That he is there, being persecuted, while non-whites are let-out for heinous crimes they did commit.

I want to hear the rest of the show, I think I can learn from it. I really hope Kurtis isn't there for life.

Edit: ...and the man still has a smile. Praise Christ.
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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Nayto » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:32 am

I always slightly envy men like Kurtis. To have everything taken away from you and live life in prison is a trial by fire that not many men know. It's like Hitler said in Mein Kampf, that when you have had shrapnel flying over your head in war, the slander of jews has little effect. I see it the same as with prison; when you have hit that kind of low you've got nothing to lose and you know what it's like to be in that position. It is no longer an unknown and therefor not as feared. That's just my opinion anyway.

Clearly God had his eye on Kurtis in his teens and these years in prison have been a harsh schoolyard for what God has in store for him later. We always need to be content with our lot, given that all things work out for the good of those who love Him. I don't think it is any coincidence that his false imprisonment came so closely to his awakening to the truth. Kurtis's contentment is testament also that he is where he needs to be. His weathering of such a harsh situation is evidence that God -- obviously -- has chosen the right man for His purposes.

I would still love to see justice be done and him be freed. I pray that when such a time comes, his freedom would not be a burden, but rather his lessons in prison would turn into strengths in his new found liberty. Let's hope he is unleashed on the world soon, that the jews and wicked can see what a warrior they have created with their injustice.

Also thanks Mark for telling this bitter sweet story.
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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Kentucky » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:39 pm

Joe wrote:it is difficult to understand how he copes without being consumed with anger and despair.

He has learned Christian forgiveness, even to the few detractors that have formed erroneous opinions that may be harmful to his case. Kurtis reminds me of Job. I got a letter from him the other day and he is distressed that anybody would accuse him of having foreknowledge of the crime. It was just simply never the case and was proven at trial that he did not know about the assault, was not present at the scene of the crime and could not have prevented it. That should put to rest any "detractors" who opine otherwise. Anger and despair would quench his spirit and he will not allow his adversaries to push those buttons. They can take away his Bibles and books, but they can't take away his love for Christ.

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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Joe » Tue Sep 02, 2014 8:43 am

Thanks Kentucky, you are right. I have been thinking about Kurtis. That was another thing that struck me, his forgiveness ..I can certainly forgive my stubborn kin. I need to learn that.

I was also thinking about pride, how we all like to work hard and get some where, even just to help our kin. Kurtis had a story about how he had to humble himself and be grateful.
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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Kentucky » Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:09 pm

Joe wrote:Kurtis had a story about how he had to humble himself and be grateful.

His humility never ceases to amaze me; even when those on the outside have wronged him while he languishes on the inside of barbed wire and walls. It's easy to wrong someone when they have very little in the way of confrontation or retaliation against the wrong; except, that is, to humble one's self and put yourself in the hands of the God of love and wrath, believing that "Vengeance is mine, thus sayeth the Lord." There is no rank, praise or honor that one can claim by practicing humility. But, if one does practice what they preach from the Word, then God will establish their position and calling as they labor for the Kingdom and it will become self-evident to other men. "Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honor is humility" Prov. 18:12. Likewise, Paul tells us in Romans 12:3 that we should not think more highly of ourselves than we ought to think.

By this fruit of humility one can distinguish themselves from those who are fruitless. Kurtis, in essence, has become an apostle within the American prison system, spreading the Good News of our identity wherever they send him. But, in order to communicate in such a tough environment, he had to develop a demeanor that was razor sharp in humility. I believe that is why he has won so many souls into our fold. This is one of the sweetest fruits found in Kingdom living and Kurtis has found it in spite of the adverse fruits from his detractors. The truly humble one is pained by the knowledge that he has reason to be humble. Christ makes the distinction between one producing fruit and the fruitless, " I say to you, he going down to his house is justified beyond the other, because everyone who is exalting himself shall be humbled, and he humbling himself shall be exalted" Luke 18:14. Humility is the root of all grace.

The Kurtis Monschke story is a bigger story about all of us struggling to find that unmerited favor that is a promise from God to His people. "If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." And when that comes to pass, there aint gonna be no stinkin' prisons.

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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Kentucky » Fri Sep 05, 2014 5:40 pm

I heard from Kurtis today. They are transferring him once again. This time back to his original jurisdiction, Washington state. This may be good news or bad news. I remember, in several of his letters, he was hoping to be transferred to the same prison as Edgar Steele in California, so that he could teach him the Good News. I know he will be saddened to hear of his demise.

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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Kentucky » Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:39 pm

Since my last post Kurtis has been moved from Kansas to Nevada and is now in SeaTac Federal Detention Center, awaiting assignment to a state prison in Washington. A Facebook page has been established in order for to list his account. Social networking is key to generating public interest in his case and request your activism to spread the news. Here are some new links to help his clemency drive: ... e+bookmark

In case you haven't heard his story:

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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Kentucky » Thu Oct 23, 2014 3:35 pm

As of October 11, 2014, we were informed by our online fund-raising apparatus,, that our account was removed due to “a violation of Terms and Conditions,” of which they did not specify.

I thus replied via email:

Dear Customer Happiness Department, [that's what they actually call themselves]
I am befuddled as to why our account was terminated.  Could you please specify exactly what the problem was?  There are 35 things not allowed, none of which pertain to our cause of funding a clemency attorney to free a man from life imprisonment for something he did not do.  That was the only criteria for using your service.  You have either been misinformed by some third party or have some unwritten policy that individuals under your employ can exercise selective discrimination.  If you were informed about this case, you would know that the lead prosecutor, Barbara Corey, sued the Prosecutor’s Office for prosecutorial misconduct, saying the case was not tried for criminal reasons, but was entirely political and she subsequently won a $3 million settlement.  It appears that Mr. Monschke is being tried again for the political agenda that represents. 
In any event, if there is no appeal process, please remit the funds raised up to the termination date on 10-11-14 to Mark Downey.

Mark Downey

Of course, Kurtis is dismayed at this development, but has complete confidence in alternative methods, which will eliminate politically correct middlemen. From now on all contributions can be sent to:

Mark Downey
PO Box 436
Alexandria, KY

Please make out checks or money orders to Mark Downey; if sending cash, secure in aluminum foil wrap. All funds will go directly to the cause of clemency for Kurtis Monschke until the goal of $1500 is reached.

Now that Kurtis has exhausted all legal remedies, he is now being sent back to the original jurisdiction in Washington State. He is no longer in White Deer, PA and has been moved to Kansas and then Nevada and is currently in SeaTac Detention Center in Seattle awaiting his new assignment at a state facility. We will post his new address as soon as it is available.

Thank you for your encouraging letters and emails, which have been forwarded to Kurtis. Special thanks to those who have contributed thus far, which total $185.

Our next big hurdle is putting the petition for clemency online and hopefully gather thousands of concerned citizens appeal to the governor of Washington State. The formal document for clemency is what we are raising funds for, which will pay a clemency attorney specializing in this field of endeavor to do.

Above all else, Kurtis appreciates your prayers and spreading the truth about his case. Social networking is still a key to generating public interest in his case and request your activism to spread the news. Here is his Facebook link to help his clemency drive, for those so inclined: ... e+bookmark
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Re: Free Kurtis Monschke

Postby Joe » Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:47 pm

A WN cause was removed from gofundme straight away, they set up a new page on the indie go go website. That page hasn't been taken down...

We could also set-up a paypal account.
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