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Anyone mining for BitCoins??

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Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby fistofyahweh » Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:47 pm

As the topic states, I'm just wondering who's participating in the BitCoin craze. I've got a few machines setup to do the mining. At nearly $800 a Bitcoin, I figure I might as well try it and see if I can turn a profit. I'm guessing as long as it's cutting out the Jew Banking System with it's model of decentralized digital currency, I'm willing to give a try..

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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby NicoChristian » Thu Jan 02, 2014 5:02 pm

I've never heard of bitcoins before. At first glance to me it looks pretty satanic. On the website it said bit coins are a truly global currency and can be used anywhere with the same value. Looks to me like the one world currency of the beast. I personally despise paper money or electronic numbers in a bank account. I either want solid objects to trade or coins made from precious metals, etc. Nothing less will suffice to me as true currency. I'm happy to give people worthless bits of paper and worthless bits of metal for food, clothes and other useful items. Sure I'll transfer £100,000 into your account in exchange for a house. Sadly I'm like the rest of us paid with worthless currency, but if people are willing to accept my worthless currency for solid items of use I'll happily make that trade. Most of my money I try to invest into worthwhile projects and/or property. The only currency acceptable in the future will be trading item for item or gold and silver coins. It makes me laugh so many times I have handed over a piece of paper for a useful item that I still have whereas the persons paper note is long gone and still useless.
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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby fistofyahweh » Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:20 pm

I don't believe it to be satanic.. It's decentralized and the Jew Bankers can't manipulate it's value. Transactions happen between buyer and seller of bitcoins without any middleman. There's reports of people making a killing in mining.. Just a month ago, a car dealership in Orange County, CA., allowed someone to buy one of those new Telsa Model S all electric sports cars with 91.4 BTC, which was about $103,000.
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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby wmfinck » Thu Jan 02, 2014 6:44 pm

If someone is making a lot of FRN's "mining" something that does not really exist, then someone else down the line somewhere is going to get screwed. That is how the Federal Reserve and all Jew money systems work, and this one is no different., The whole thing is just another jew trick to create something from nothing, and only God can really do that.
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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby Filidh » Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:26 pm

bitcoins themselves are fine, they're just an unmonitered-by-the-jews ecurrency, and the jews hate that. but as with any currency, using them in usurious ways is evil.

edit: you're able to convert dollars, euros, and so on, into bitcoins, along with selling products and services and being paid in bitcoins.

why would anyman frown on underground resistance economies? they help folks leave the capitalist system and barter/buy/sell independently.
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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby Filidh » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:31 pm

one more thing to add, a similar thing happened in munich when the weimar-republic was collapsing, so that's something to consider.
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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby SwordBrethren » Sat Jan 04, 2014 3:59 pm

fistofyahweh wrote:As the topic states, I'm just wondering who's participating in the BitCoin craze. I've got a few machines setup to do the mining. At nearly $800 a Bitcoin, I figure I might as well try it and see if I can turn a profit. I'm guessing as long as it's cutting out the Jew Banking System with it's model of decentralized digital currency, I'm willing to give a try..


Mining bit-coin is a bit tricky right now, I believe the era of hobbyist/amateur bit-coin mining is pretty much over.

I am thinking about mining feather-coin.
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Und ich hörte eine andere Stimme vom Himmel, die sprach: Gehet aus von ihr, mein Volk, daß ihr nicht teilhaftig werdet ihrer Sünden, auf daß ihr nicht empfanget etwas von ihren Plagen!

Denn ihre Sünden reichen bis in den Himmel, und Gott denkt an ihren Frevel.

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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby Hunter » Sat Jan 04, 2014 10:55 pm

SwordBrethren wrote:
fistofyahweh wrote:As the topic states, I'm just wondering who's participating in the BitCoin craze. I've got a few machines setup to do the mining. At nearly $800 a Bitcoin, I figure I might as well try it and see if I can turn a profit. I'm guessing as long as it's cutting out the Jew Banking System with it's model of decentralized digital currency, I'm willing to give a try..


Mining bit-coin is a bit tricky right now, I believe the era of hobbyist/amateur bit-coin mining is pretty much over.

I am thinking about mining feather-coin.

Regarding any of these crypto-currencies, SwordBrethren, why not just buy or trade in some of your spare, paper-fiat currency (while its still perceived to be worth something) for some .999 fine 1-oz silver bullion coins (i.e. American Silver Eagles, Canadian Silver Maples, Austrian Philharmonics, etc.), or .999 fine 1-oz silver bullion rounds and bars (i.e. Johnson matthey, Engelhard, etc.)? Its already been mined for you - in the real sense - and it only costs a bit over $20 right now. Its a tangible asset that you can actually hold in your hands. Its no one else's liability; isn't a promise to be paid later, and has no usury or debt attached to it, unlike all the world's fiat currencies which are created through usury and debt.

I know the claims that Bitcoin is said to be finite - in that there's only supposed to be 20 million 'coins' which can ever be mined - but what is to prevent, later on, the infinite divisibility of these computer-generated, information bits? Silver naturally has this quality of being finite within the earth's crust, and much of the easily mined silver has already been extracted. It has been used up annually by industry, of which nearly all is unrecoverable (at least at current nominal prices), and it hasn't been hoarded like all the gold ever mined throughout history.

There's another problem with Bitcoin which nobody ever seems to address. Many say that Bitcoins cannot be manipulated in price because of their finiteness, decentralization and the assertions of their associated encryption codes said to be unbreakable. Let's say that is truly the case, but this doesn't negate the fact that Bitcoins are bought and sold on the trading platforms/exchanges of various internet sites. This is ABSOLUTELY the point (of weakness) at which prices CAN be manipulated. This process goes unregulated, unchecked, and is not subject to any kind of accountability, to my knowledge. Who or what entities are actually behind the operation of these sites & their trading platforms?

One more thing, shouldn't one very important function of a currency be that it is inherently stable? I don't see that at all here. The price formation or chart pattern has all the hallmarks, IMO, of a speculative bubble which has been unnaturally pumped and primed within the last several months.

Sometimes, the simplest answer has always been there right in front of you. Silver has been used as money for eons because it is money in of itself. (In fact, the oldest recorded transaction in history is in the Book of Genesis, whereby, Abraham bought burial land with silver for his wife.) Silver has all the qualities needed to truly function as money - gold as well. It is portable, divisible, fungible, durable, and a store of value. The only problem is that silver was artificially demonetised, but I believe it will function as a medium of exchange (currency) once again. Nonetheless, silver has proven to preserve one's purchasing power if acquired slowly over time at regular intervals, regardless of any financial manipulation of it's nominal price.

ps. The word for money in a multitude of languages is actually the same word used for silver.
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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby wmfinck » Mon Feb 24, 2014 8:36 am

Why am I not surprised? LOL

Bitcoin's Jewish Whiz Kid ... -whiz-kid/
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Re: Anyone mining for BitCoins??

Postby Filidh » Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:11 pm

wmfinck wrote:Why am I not surprised? LOL

Bitcoin's Jewish Whiz Kid ... -whiz-kid/

wow, i stand corrected. i still don't disagree with the concept of it, but like bryan said, maybe going with another cryptocurrency rather than bitcoin is ideal.
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