Global corporatism has distributed Western intellectual production and technical knowledge across Asia for 120 years now. It was British and American companies which first industrialized Japan from the end of the nineteenth century, as well as China since the 1970's. Now, concepts and designs created in Sweden or California are sent off to China to be completed because that is where the production will take place, and even the cost of trial-and-error manufacturing science is far cheaper over there, and with much less regulation.
Chinese, Korean and Japanese companies have long benefited from American or European research institutions, such as university laboratories, American or European technicians and scientists working overseas, and also from sending their own to American colleges, etc. etc. The only reason why they have anything that resembles invention at all is because Western corporatism has shared all of Western technology with them, in an endeavor of exploitation and the pursuit of cheap labor and easy profits.
The East would still be in the stone age if it were not for the bankers.