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WN advocate 'dilution solution'

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WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby Joe » Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:00 am

I was banned again (the thread is gone, cowards), basically the same question I asked Andre directly, but this time it was answered by DS forum members. I am not posting this to boast, but because it is very important to show how WN have these kids thinking.

They literally said I was a 'subversive' while they advocated communism. I am sorry I didn't get the whole thread. Their solution is to 'dilute the bad blood until they hit 97% white and can't tell anymore (last pic). They wouldn't deport Gage.

The question
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Best Answer
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Another guy says that if he had the power, he would make a limit of 97%. The question is, if you had that power, why not 100%?. You can also see that other guy talking about 'dilution'.
deport3.jpg (108.61 KiB) Viewed 3125 times

These people treat us like the SJWs treat them, they censor us and call us names. Amazing, while they complain about censorship. I wish the thread was still up as you can see how confused they are without a leader to lead them astray.
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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby wmfinck » Thu Jun 09, 2016 8:29 am

I had a similar argument on Facebook a few days ago. Same old story. After 10 generations a bastard can re-enter the congregation.

In my opinion, the only people who would want to destroy 9 generations of Whites to get to 1 generation of something 98% and still imperfect, ARE bastards.

Which is probably the same thing you are running into at the Stormer.

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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby Joe » Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:10 pm

It isn't just the stormer ...this is the ideology of all WN. And it is mind-boggling, they actually advocate race-mixing when pressed. That is exactly what we see idolatry leads to in the Bible.

They do not have another answer. This is it.
Thanks for your insightful remarks Bill.
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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby bahr » Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:49 pm

Well, their current savior (apart from Anglin) is himself a edomite bastard, so...
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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby EzraLB » Thu Jun 09, 2016 2:26 pm

bahr wrote:Well, their current savior (apart from Anglin) is himself a edomite bastard, so...

I would be very cautious about quoting anything from Miles Mathis. First, and most importantly, he is a self-identified jew, so nothing he says can be trusted. He makes a lot of wild assertions and shaky inferences based on questionable "facts", and his essay on Trump is typical of his misleading methodology.

He has a habit of generally blaming most conspiracies on "The CIA" and "The Freemasons" and claims that only certain jews are in on this large "plot". From what I've read, I get the general impression that he's probably mentally ill to some degree--very unstable at the very least. As a mongrel, part-jew, Mathis demonstrates his double-mindedness in virtually everything he writes. I would not use any of his "information" as a reliable reference.
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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby bahr » Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:25 pm

Yes I know what Mathis said about himself (one time he said that he is "part jewish" but afterwards he said the contrary) and also that he points to "the industrialists" instead of jews directly. But that doesn't mean you can immediately discard everything he says without verification.

Furthermore, to believe that Trump or anyone could be an Israelite and at the same time a billionaire in this society seems a bit naive to me. Why would the devils allow "goyim" to share their plundering now they have an almost total control over everything?
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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby Joe » Fri Jun 10, 2016 1:40 am

Some WN advocate a eugenics programme. So then the question becomes "Would you give Angelo John Gage a breeding licence?". As an example.

And of-course most WN would offer up their own daughter. It is a joke. Even if Donald Trump got into power, and then the WN ...they wouldn't even be able to execute their own plan properly.

These 'white' nationalist are in fact the armies of satan that will surround the encampment of the saints, they aren't going to be deported. Don't give them any money.
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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby EzraLB » Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:28 am

bahr wrote:Furthermore, to believe that Trump or anyone could be an Israelite and at the same time a billionaire in this society seems a bit naive to me. Why would the devils allow "goyim" to share their plundering now they have an almost total control over everything?

While I don't discount everything that Miles Mathis has written, I find that he takes a crucial wrong turn in virtually every article I have read. He can come up with some interesting facts, but his conclusions are rarely anything I can agree with, which is typical of all jewish "truthtellers" that I've read.

As far as Trump goes, I don't believe that he's nearly as wealthy as he or others claim. I doubt a genuine billionaire would start his own line of steaks or an online "university" or host a television show. That all sounds like someone who will do anything for money--because he's cash strapped and needs it. He's a virtual pauper compared to Henry Ford.

Up until the last 75 years, many of America's "leaders of industry" were, in fact, "goyim", such as Andrew Carnegie, the Vanderbilts, Henry Ford, John Astor, etc. But you're right--today that is not the case, as the jews no longer do what they did in the past, which is use non-jewish--or seeming non-jews such as John Rockerfeller or J.P. Morgan as front men.

The jews have achieved so much power that they now feel comfortable flaunting it in front of the face of the White race. Trump is merely a "goy" who caught a few crumbs that fell off the jewish cake. And he allows the jews to continue the illusion that there are still some non-jews who create great wealth.
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby bahr » Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:03 am

Anyway, sorry for my derailing from the initial topic. The problem in our race in general is indeed the false doctrines of humanism.
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Re: WN advocate 'dilution solution'

Postby Joe » Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:40 am

You didn't derail the thread Bahr, it was fine for you and Ezra to discuss a side-point. We do it all the time. And I have made my points...
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