by EzraLB » Fri Nov 27, 2015 1:41 pm
I don't believe for a second that Christiano Ronaldo is White--he definitely has some Amer-Indian and perhaps some marrano in him--in some photos he even looks part negro.
While Ayrton Senna clearly looks more White than Ronaldo, I'm not convinced he's totally White. A lot of the wealthy landowners, like his father's family, were part marrano. Unless a White is from the German community in Brazil--and all German on both sides--I would assume they have some non-White DNA, just to be on the safe side.
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"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound