after much thought, not just on these posts of mine but on my whole attitude, i have to say that i was wrong in what i posted here. each individual is not able to be as god, that was a lie of the serpent. i believed it in my rebellion and my stupidity. yahshua christ is able to work thru us and give us great life, but it is only thru him and we, by ourselves, are unable to achieve anything close to goodness.
without jesus christ, we, being defined as our folk without him, are nothing but scattered branches fit to be destroyed. it is with him and thru him alone that we have eternal life and true enlightenment, that light which coming enlightents all who receive it, the true light of yahweh himself, because jesus christ, or yahshua christ, is yahweh, and those are different names referring to the same being.
i thought that we were able to be as yahweh himself by ourselves, having been created in his image. i didn't take into account the fact that he dwells in and among us but only if we subordinate ourselves to him and conform our self to him, by focusing on our brethren and becoming selfless, as he is, because he focuses not on himself but on us.
in summary, the picture posted by joe sums it up perfectly. i was wrong to imply that we, being our folk, are god without the godhead jesus himself. it is not that he is part of us, but that we, the anointed folk, are part of him. he is the great whole of which we are a part, and together we are indeed one, but of the parts of that one, he is the greater and the anointed folk the lesser and i should've made this clear from the getgo.