I recently had a discussion with a flat earth tard on Facebook named "Ernie Douglas", who told me that the sun never goes down. He insists that it just gets smaller and smaller until we can no longer see it, as it moves away from us over a flat earth.
Wow, how could anyone be so stupid?
Here is a series of pictures I myself took on March 28th, 2016, while sitting with Melissa on Panama City Beach. It was a Monday evening, and we were talking about the flat-earth quackery as we shared a few beers and I snapped these pictures with my cellphone.
Click on each image for the original high-resolution file.

If the sun were merely moving further away, it would get smaller, but we would still see the whole thing reduce in size until it disappeared.
There is no doubt, that anyone who contends that the sun does not set below the horizon each evening is a freaking idiot beyond all idiots. Or a troll.