Arthur Kemp: SA ANC White Genocide Is "Healthy"

Arthur Kemp is greatly admired by White Nationalists for his book March Of The Titans, but he's an unrepentant Christian basher--and promotes the false idea that the jews are the Israelites of the Bible.
Upon the death of the black demon, Nelson Mandela, Kemp actually defended the ANC--and their terrorist tactics to fight off their "White oppressors": ... aisal.html
"[If] I had been a black in South Africa in the pre-1994 era, I would have supported the ANC and the armed struggle as well. And so would all of my 'right wing' friends in South Africa—had they been black."
Like typical White liberals, Kemp projects upon South African apes a "humanity" that they do not have, nor do they deserve. Black violence against Whites is completely justified:
"Quite frankly, that is a perfectly normal human reaction, and I would expect it of any healthy people. No healthy race wants to be ruled by others."
How someone who wrote March Of The Titans to glorify the White race can then turn around and raise the negro to the same level of moral struggle is beyond comprehension.
According to Kemp, Nelson Mandela should be a role model for Whites and their struggle in Europe to rule themselves:
"The desire of Africans to rule themselves in their nations, free of white rule, as personified by the life of Mandela, in fact justifies the demand of Europeans to rule themselves in their nations."
Upon the death of the black demon, Nelson Mandela, Kemp actually defended the ANC--and their terrorist tactics to fight off their "White oppressors": ... aisal.html
"[If] I had been a black in South Africa in the pre-1994 era, I would have supported the ANC and the armed struggle as well. And so would all of my 'right wing' friends in South Africa—had they been black."
Like typical White liberals, Kemp projects upon South African apes a "humanity" that they do not have, nor do they deserve. Black violence against Whites is completely justified:
"Quite frankly, that is a perfectly normal human reaction, and I would expect it of any healthy people. No healthy race wants to be ruled by others."
How someone who wrote March Of The Titans to glorify the White race can then turn around and raise the negro to the same level of moral struggle is beyond comprehension.
According to Kemp, Nelson Mandela should be a role model for Whites and their struggle in Europe to rule themselves:
"The desire of Africans to rule themselves in their nations, free of white rule, as personified by the life of Mandela, in fact justifies the demand of Europeans to rule themselves in their nations."