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Facebook "Notes"

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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:05 pm


Continuing a thought from my previous post...if I post stuff about football, NASCAR, models, and butterflies, then I would just be acting like there is nothing wrong with the daily activities of this world. We are to separate ourselves from such things...bread and circuses it was once called....being entertained to death. Now I just refer to it as idolatry. To care more about Walmart and McDonald's than the plight of our people is the A #1 problem in this world...again, it all comes back to idolatry...putting something (and in the case of the present, everything) before God. I struggle every day not to do that, and I am vilified for we are not to seek acceptance here, nor an earthly reward. We are here to learn the lesson of obedience, and I pray that, even if I only truly am able to reach one person my entire life, sticking to my guns, then I did what I was put on this earth to represent Christ, not satan...
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:06 pm


I was preparing a kind of apologetic monologue, because a few people that I care about like to ask me why I'm so "negative" on FB. I've been thinking for a little while as to how to respond, as I'm not going to apologize for the content of my posts, though I thought I may address the TONE of my posts...then I came across this post from one of my brethren. I immediately came to the realization that it is not me that is being negative. I am addressing the negativity of this world, and if my posts are depressing, then I guess it's time to start addressing these issues, now isn't it? I obviously am not posting what I do to make friends. For every person in which I've sown the seed of christianity and it takes root, there are hundreds more who would more likely crucify me for speaking the Truth (pun intended). So before you ridicule me and pass me off as some "hateful right wing extremist wack job" (of which I totally take offense, cuz I am waaaaay to the right of that, lol), just take the 2 minutes to read below...

Yahweh gave the prophet Jeremiah a direct call. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,” Yahweh said. “Before you were born I set you apart” (Jer. 1:5). Yahweh encouraged him not to fear his enemies, “for I am with you and will rescue you” (v. 8).
Jeremiah later lamented his commission with ironic language for a man with a prenatal calling. “Alas, my mother, that you gave me birth, a man with whom the whole land strives and contends!” (15:10).
Yahweh did protect Jeremiah, but his ministry never thrived. His people never repented. He saw them slaughtered, enslaved, and scattered. Yet despite a lifetime of discouragement and rejection, he never walked away. He knew that Yahweh didn’t call him to success but to FAITHFULNESS. He trusted YAHWEH who called him.
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:07 pm


Faith, by today's definition, is usually synonymous with "belief", and usually used in the context of defining a specific religious group, e.g. christian faith, Buddhist belief, etc. Problem is, it is easy to believe something, but not have faith in it. Thus with modern (judaeo) christianity...many believe "it", but have absolutely no faith in it! If those who do profess to be christians had faith in the word of God, no one would be worried about where their next meal would come from, or whether their bills would get paid, or what the job market is like, or even who this round of political candidates are! God promised that as long as we love Him (by keeping His commandments) that He will take care of us. Is a sparrow not provided for? Are we not more important in His eyes? We should not have cares for the material world. True faith provides everything we does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. No wonder this world sucks, because none (almost) of God's children has any FAITH in Him, because He's such a bumbling idiot, you know...
Now, I absolutely am not proposing some Bernie-esque concept of do nothing, get something socialism, that we are to just sit on our collective asses and "have faith" that God will drop welfare checks into our laps like mana from heaven...oh hell no! Responsible Christians jump on the opportunities God provides for them no matter how great or small, and are thankful for every crumb He throws our way smile emoticon That's faith...
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:09 pm


I know I post quite a bit on the veracity of true racism and how it is scripturally mandated, and for good reason, but today I'm going to discuss how we are to handle those who do not treat us in like christian manner.
Forgiveness is only for the repentant.
If your brother does not receive you, shake the dust off your sandals as you leave to find one who will.
Do unto others as you would have done unto to you.
Ok, paraphrased (who'd have thought?), but close enough...
Christianity is a life discipline. Don't put yourself out there as a "christian" and live the life of a hypocrite. It's that simple. Being a hypocrite is claiming to be a "christian", yet willfully, and even publicly, denying the commandments of our Father, as if we can arbitrarily chose which ones we want to believe, and when. That is on par with the jewish liberal marxist concept of situational ethics, but I do not need to digress on that particular subject.
When someone proves that they have no intention of governing their behavior by the rules set down by our Father, we are to wash our hands of them until they are repentant. There are basic tenets set out in the new testament as how to admonish and "judge" a member of the community, and under which conditions those individuals are to be "put out of the assembly to be judged by the society", since we christians are to regard ourselves "separate" from the worldly society...according to the Word of God. However, today there is hardly a "separate" christian society to be found outside of the Amish/Mennonite communities, so true Christians need to consider their "community" to be whoever they involve themselves with in their lives. When someone in your life does things to you that you would not do to them, you question their motives and correct them with scripture. If they do not respond, you bring witnesses to back you. If they still do not respond, you wipe your hands of them until they repent...and repentance isn't just saying "sorry", it's an entire display of proving it. I don't think many people understand what true repentance is, both on the giving and receiving end. I just recently wiped my hands of certain people because of their unchristian and downright unjust treatment of both me and my wife over selfishness and lust for power. If these people actually repent, I'd be amazed, but if they do, I will certainly forgive them.
As Christians we must be discerning, we must not cast our pearls before swine...
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:10 pm


So FB is asking me 'what's on my mind?' I think it's a ploy to get me in trouble...
While I should be taking the time to impart a few words of scriptural wisdom, I am going to vent and pray that I have enough Christian fortitude to parley scripture into it unsure emoticon Maybe I should just tweak out in a parable...
What is it with people that they don't understand what insanity is? How in the hell can you repeat the same thing over and over...and expect a different result? Throwing the good people under the bus to save the bad ones does not change the bad ones into good matter what the circumstance!
You cannot gather grapes and figs of thorns and thistles...
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:14 pm

Racial Purity

I have a goal to try to post my views on scripture and how it applies to this 'world' every day. But just like all my other plans, it doesn't exactly go according to MY plan, but Yahweh's. My life is pretty busy for various reasons, so I'm not always going to be able to do that...much to the relief of many on FB, lol! However, that does not mean I'm not trying wink emoticon
I mentioned that Christianity is not a racist organization. It is in fact a 'racist' way of life. Christ said, "If you love me, keep my commandments." Which commandments? Well, obviously the commandments made to Israel in the Old Testament...the book of the Law. Christ also said, "I come not to destroy the law, but to fulfill." So, the laws governing our behavior have NEVER changed. The only thing Christ EVER 'did away with' were called "The Works of the law", meaning the rituals, as Christ was the FINAL sacrifice made on our behalf as a propitiation for our sins. With that said, the law of purity has never changed; "A bastard shall not enter the congregation of Yahweh, not even unto the tenth generation." A BASTARD by today's definition is not the same as the Hebrew word "mamzer" which is what is translated as 'bastard'. A mamzer is a mixed breed, one of mixed lineage, someone born of a sexual union forbidden by God, which destroys the 'holiness' of His people Israel. 'Holy' means "separated unto Yahweh"...literally meaning that His people were to be kept completely separate from all and everyone else, and be dedicated to His law and His demands for a culture for His people...racial purity.
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:15 pm

Christianity is a way of life

I would like to elaborate a point I made yesterday, that I am not here to represent 'racist organizations'.
I do not consider Christianity a racist organization. It is a way of life designed by God for His children, with explicit rules in order that they can keep themselves "free"...
"Free" from sin
"Free" from disease
"Free" from tyranny
"Free" from economic bondage
"Free" from fear and guilt
"Free" from indoctrination
"Free" from God's enemies
"Free" from forced integration
"Free" from sorcery (pharmakeia)
"Free" from injustice
"Free" from...everything bad that our Father warned us over and over and over would happen if we turned away from Him.
Are we getting it yet?
The Bible is Yahweh's handbook to His children, the sons and daughters of Adam, who eventually culminated to the descendants of Jacob Israel, the Israelites, and who are now known as Christians. But just as in Christ's time there were non-Israelite Judaeans (jews), it is the same today that there are non-Israelite Christians. These are what Christ referred to as "those who call themselves Judaeans (jews) but do lie", and the "wolves in sheep's clothing". Christ was very specific as to who they are: John 8:44
Once we learn the simplest, but biggest, lesson of being separate (i.e. HOLY), then we begin to find out that true freedom is only found through Christ, our "Kinsman Redeemer".
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:16 pm

Open message to FB

In case anyone on FB actually wonders, I don't post what I do for 'shock' value. I don't post here to piss people off (though I only post on my profile, I am still treated like a 'troll'). I'm not here to represent 'racist organizations', though I support white pride in many forms. You're not going to see any deliberately ignorant or degrading posts about non-whites...though I will post ones I consider humorous or appropriate for my message of racial separation...
Speaking of which, racial separation is what I am about. Does anyone understand that 'racism' by today's standards would not exist if we simply kept ourselves separated? I would not feel hatred toward the other 'races' if they did not try to take and ruin what my people have created, and the concept of 'white guilt' wouldn't exist because we would not have tried to 'civilize' the rest of the planet, which obviously has come back to bite us in the ass, no matter how well intentioned our motives are.
Believe it or not, I can have a polite conversation with a non-white. As a matter of fact, those who don't know me would not be able to tell that I am a racial separatist just by my everyday public/professional there is a general misconception as to what 'racism' truly is. However, you will never catch me going out of my way or bending over backwards for any of them, or find me chumming it up with them or inviting them to my home. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to 'smooth over' my 'racism', because if the opportunity presents itself for me to be justifiably're damn right I'll be the first one there to stand up for my people! White people today are given NO CHOICE as to whether or not they want to live amongst their own, unlike all the other non-white races who still are 'allowed' to have their own homogenous nations, and that is part of the 'Christian Dichotomy" I mentioned the other day. It should tell you something that, while the other 'races' still have their own nations, they are migrating uncontrollably into the white ones! Why is that??? We are being forced to make the best of a BAD situation, but that is where the understanding of Scripture comes into play...
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:16 pm

Testimony of a white christian

Every day of living in the Truth and seeing the world for what it truly is, leaves me consistently torn between the two...and THAT is the ultimate Christian dichotomy. Not democrat or republican. Not liberal or conservative. Not even nationalist or communist. It is spiritual or material...good or evil...God or satan.
Very few people view the 'world' or 'society' through the lens of scripture. Almost all who consider themselves Christians view the world through a kaleidoscope of cherry picked verses made to represent the other 1000+ pages of His Word. That only keeps them further entrenched in the grip of this satanically ruled material world, and only further justifies, in their eyes, their understanding of right and wrong, good and evil..."god" and "satan".
I was not always a "racist". I was not raised that way. I was a country boy who went to a city school (albeit Catholic) where I was a definite minority. 5 years of direct interaction with blacks and various other non whites did not leave me with love in my heart, but as a 'judaeo christian', I harbored no hatred...because we 'aren't supposed to'. Remember I said I was not raised racist? I had no clue what racism was until I went to this city school and became the subject of it. Any racism I experienced was that which I was subjected to by the non whites in my school...but that still didn't turn me into a 'racist'.
The high school I went to was over 95% white and affluent...and I didn't fit in there either. Racism was replaced by "peerism". I get out of high school and enter the 'real world' with optimism that 'multiculturalism' was an age old truth, that race never mattered. To my credit, I was clueless as to what a jew was too. I thought everyone thought like me. I started "fighting the good fight" by the time I was 20 to try to "change the system" that I could see was obviously corrupt. As I got older, the "race" thing was creeping up on me in a peculiar way. I noticed the white guilt pervasive everywhere. The racism cries were getting louder and louder, but it was always coming from non-whites, and from within "the establishment", but I still did not make the connection, though I wasn't falling for it and I only became more aware of my 'whiteness'. Long story short, it was only when I completely surrendered myself to God that He truly opened my eyes to the Truth...the Truth of my identity. But not just mine, but that of my people, who, according to research of the Scripture, history, archaeology, and anthropology, are the true Children of God, the descendants of Adam, through Noah, through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...the Israelites of scripture.
And that is why I am a "racist". Because, according to scripture AND my heart, I am to put God first, and my brethren second...and it is obvious that there is no such thing as a "brutha to anutha mutha" in the Bible!!! The children of Israel were to remain SEPARATE, for obvious reasons, and I will respect my Father's decision, no matter what the cost...
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: Facebook "Notes"

Postby matthewott » Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:17 pm

God is the author of race

God is the author of race, which in turn, by today's standards, makes him the ultimate racist. And this God, Yahweh (YHWH) has children. Not 'children' as a metaphor for all hominids He is perceived to have created, but literal children born in His likeness, just as our children are today. He created His first son Adam (meaning to be ruddy, red, or ruby, to flush, to blush...A WHITE MAN) from of the earth He created first. The second Adam (Christ) was birthed from among His lineage, through a perfect virgin (perfect in her generations, or "race", just like Noah) by the power of the Holy Spirit. So when God picked a perfect descendant of His 'loins' to birth His 'only begotten son', He was being RACIST. When Christ told the Canaanite jewess in Matthew (also known as the mamzer Syro-phoenician in Mark) that He "came only for the lost sheep of THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL", He was being a RACIST. In 1 Corinthians Ch 10 Paul speaks of "Israel according to the flesh"...a racist statement.
I can go on and on with such examples, and I will forever be rebutted with the same John 3:16 reply (yes, there are maybe a couple more similarly misconstrued verses). But if I can continue to produce the clear facts defining the racism of the Bible, regardless of whose race you believe it's referring to, you need to give up the universalist understanding. I can point to racism in word or context on every single page in Scripture. Can you point to where God loves everyone and has no enemies in the same way? Good luck, you'll need it...
Edit: God is the author of race as written in the creation account in the first chapter of Genesis, where He made His creations to be KIND AFTER KIND, and saw it was GOOD.
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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