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FREEMASONS - a Virus infecting Western Society

FREEMASONS - a Virus infecting Western Society

Postby Coenraad » Mon May 18, 2015 2:11 am


“ The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a
black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry.” - Morals And Dogmas Of The Ancient And Accepted Scottish Rite (Albert Pike)

Just like our own bodies immune system Christian society has natural defence against foreign entities coming into the society and adversely affecting the body. On entering the society the foreign entity is detected and the immune system will act against it to eliminate it.

Jews are a lot like viruses – like viruses they are parasites. Viruses uses the bodies own cells machinery to produce their own proteins and then they replicate. Viruses enter the body and find a cell to infect. Once inside the target cell they kill the cell in a process called apoptosis and then replicate. While doing this the virus needs to stay undetected.

The bodies immune system uses T cells to check all cells in the body and ensure that they are friendly to the body. Viruses are very adaptable and some viruses stop the T cell from making contact with the infected cell's surface thereby the T cells can not “scan” the cell, if that happens the T Cell does not know there's is a virus inside the infected cell and the immune system will not activate. The Virus then replicates it self using the bodies own protein and repeats the process growing until it overcomes the host.

That is exactly how Jews have infiltrated and infected western society over and over again. There are a lot of these organisations in our history – a lot of them once where healthy active parts of our “body” but are now infected, duplicating and acting against the rest of our society and for it's own hidden agenda.

One of these “viruses” which the Jews have employed to infiltrate western society has been the Freemasons.

History and the Freemasons connection to the Templars
When the Templars where exposed and destroyed (King Philip acting as the immune system of western society) the Templars who escaped needed to find a new way to continue their enterprise. They had learned a very hard lesson and where determined not to be exposed again.

Templars found a save haven in excommunicated counties (Scotland and Switzerland) and among non-christian countries. In Christian countries the Templars kept a very low profile knowing that they where suspected by Christians and that a stigma of possible paganism still tainted them.

Like the viruses above they needed to find a way to prevent christian society to detect what they really stood for while they grew. They needed to find a cover organisation that would stop outsiders from perceiving them for what they really are. The Masons admit freely that they are one of the offshoots of The Templars but the details are scares and veiled by the mist of time.

Guilds seemed to have been registered by 1170AD, these guilds where formed by groups of skilled craftsman that had a specific highly developed skill. A Guild would ensure that products made by a guild member was made up to standard and sold for a fair price. To be a member of a guild was an honour – it showed that person had a certain skill and that gave you status in society. There where guilds for all types of trades – metal work, carpenters, shipbuilding, shoemakers, tailors etc. and off course stone masons guilds.

The guild system allowed guilds to regulate who belonged to that guild and in that way with whom the guild shared its knowledge – guilds developed their won methods of introduction and recognition so that could identity each other and know that they where dealing with fellow guild members. Certain skilled craft work had to be done on site and guild members had to travel to the site often in totally different part of a country or even in an other country.

In medieval times (1000 – 1500AD) travel was very restricted – only on business of the king of that particular country or the church could one easily move from one part of a country to another and even with more difficulty from one country to another. Most major building protects where financed by royalty and there for certain highly skilled stone masons where allowed to travel to the work site in other parts of a country and even to other countries to allow them to complete these projects and or share knowledge. This was done by guild masters and they where allowed to travel on “king's business” and not arouse suspicion.

Guilds allowed non-craftsmen into the guilds to do the tasks that guild members could or would not perform – for example writing. Most masons could not read or write – letters to masons on projects, letters of introduction to potential clients, inventory records etc. had to be read and written by clerks. As guilds grew more and more people not skilled in the business of that particular guild became members – patrons for example became honorary members. This allowed “outsiders” into the guilds which over time allowed guilds to be taken over.

Most historians agree that Freemasonry as we know it today developed out of Operative Stone Masons Guilds hence the stone masonry symbolic found within Freemasonry (stonemasons tools, clothing and
customs) These symbols where incorporated as a very good cover for the Freemasons and are used as allegorical aids to teach the precepts of the Freemasons.

When operative stone masons became Speculative intellectual Free-Stone Masonry is not clear. For example the Scottish Lodge Kilwinnings records show non operative members being admitted by 1672 although also as confirmed by Elias Ashmole in 1646 some lodges where totally non operative and full Freemasons. By the 1750's Freemasonry and Stone Masons guilds had already completely parted ways. Freemasonry now existed as separate “intellectual” organisation using Stone Masons symbolism and titles for its three lower entry level tiers. The levels in Freemasonry go up to level 33 (and in some cases even beyond) – but we shall look into them later.

{shall post new parts as I complete them}
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Re: FREEMASONS - a Virus infecting Western Society

Postby Coenraad » Thu May 28, 2015 6:44 pm

FREEMASONS - a Virus infecting Western Society


“Masonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?” - THE JEWISH TRIBUNE, New York, Oct. 28, 1927, Cheshvan 2, 5688, Vol. 91, No. 18

I shall make a couple of statements and then confirm those statements, but as far possible I shall quote Masons. Let them speak for themselves – then it is not an opinion but their own statements. The reason I shall quote the following Masons Albert Pike, Dr. Albert G. Mackey mostly is that these two persons are listed by Freemasonry manuals and monitors (like the Ahiman Rezon, and lodges various own lodges Manuals and Monitors) as prominent masonic authorities. In fact they sum up Pike as follows - “Brother Albert Pike, one of the most illustrious Masons in all the ages, and who was an acknowledged authority upon all Masonic questions...”

These statements will be:
- Freemasonry is a religion not a social organisation
- Freemasonry works as an Esoteric and Exoteric religion
- Freemasonry is an extension the Ancient Mystery Religions through the Kabbalah
- These Ancient Mystery religions are the worship of Satan and his Fallen Angels

Freemasonry is a religion

Masons often claim that it as a mere social organisation – if that was true why are there such an incredible number of books written by senior Freemasons that state exactly the opposite. Would a social organisation have in its libraries a collection of more a thousand books that state that it is a religion? It is and always has been a religion.

Dr. Albert G. Mackey, himself a 33 degree mason and seen by Masons as one of the most recognized authorities on Masonry wrote in Encyclopedia of Freemasonry (This is a standard work among Masons):
“I am not disposed to yield, on the subject of the religious character of Masonry, quite so much as has been yielded by more timid brethren. On the contrary, I contend, without any sort of hesitation, that Masonry is, in every sense of the word, except one, and that its least philosophical, an eminently religious institution — that it is indebted solely to the religious element which it contains for its origin and for its continued existence, and that without this religious element it would scarcely be worthy of cultivation by the wise and good” - pg. 640

Albert G MacKey also states that “But before we can properly appreciate the theory which associates Freemasonry with the Pagan Mysteries, we must make ourselves acquainted with the nature and the design as well as with something of the history of those mystical societies.” so in order to understand Freemasonry we shall understand the workings of the Esoteric Mystery Schools.”

Charles Albert Snodgrass states that Masonry is “a fraternity teaching spiritual faith by allegory and moral science by symbols” (p. xvi). “Its purpose is to inculcate due reverence for Almighty God and true Brotherhood among men” (p. 162). - Light From the Sanctuary of the Royal Arch

“Freemasonry is therefore more than a mere social organization a few centuries old, and can be regarded as a perpetuation of the philosophical mysteries and initiations of the ancients.” and “With vivid allegory and profound philosophical disquisition he expounds the sublime teachings of Freemasonry, older than all
religions, as universal as human aspiration.” - Manly P Hall in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry

Freemasonry works as an Esoteric and Exoteric religion

Esoteric “knowledge,” available only to initiates, and exoteric “knowledge,” available to the uninitiated out those outside the organisation has always been part of the mystery schools workings – just so it it how Freemasonry works.

In Mystery Schools going back to before Babylon and Egypt they have always had two groups, the INNER/ initiated and the OUTER/uninitiated groups. The Inner group has secret special knowledge only they know while the outer circle knows very little about the inner workings of the Mystery School.

“The esoteric sacred texts that the initiated keep available only to those having achieved a certain “spiritual” level — are a very small part of their “sacred” scriptures. Thus the esoteric texts are only a tiny percentage of their overall sacred scriptures – but they are the essence of their believes.” - Manly P Hall in Lost Keys of Freemasonry

Albert Pike in Morals and Dogmastates, “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve only to be misled; to conceal the Truth, which it calls Light, from tl1em, and todraw them away from it. Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it. So God Himself incapacitates many men, by color-blindness, to distinguish colors, and leads the masses away from the highest Truth, giving them the power to attain only so much of it as it is profitable to them to know.”

Pike further more states - “It is in its antique symbols and their occult meaning that the true secrets of Freemasonry consist.  But these have no value if we see nothing in the symbols of the blue lodge beyond the imbecile pretenses of interpretations of them contained in our monitors.  People have overlooked the truth that the symbols of antiquity were not used to reveal but to conceal.  Each symbol is an enigma to be solved, and not a lesson to be read. How can the intelligent Mason fail to see that the blue degrees are but preparatory, to enlist and band together the rank and file Masonic army for purposes undisclosed to them, that they are the lesser mysteries in which the symbols are used to conceal the truth?”

Dr. G McKay in Encyclopedia of Freemasonry “, “Among all the nations of antiquity in which refinement and culture had given an elevated tone to the religious sentiment, there existed two systerns of worship, a public and a private one. "Each of the pagan Gods," says Warburton, "had (besides the public and open) a secret worship paid unto him, to which none were admitted but those who had been selected by preparatory ceremonies, called INITIATION. This secret worship was called the MYSTERIES."

ibid - “They adopted symbols and allegories with which to teach esoterically their false doctrines. The earliest of these seceders were the Egyptians, whose priests secreted the mysteries of their religion from the multitude by symbols and hieroglyphics that were comprehensible to the members of their own order only. A similar system was adopted by the priests of Greece and Rome when they established their peculiar Mysteries. These examples of conveying truth by symbolic methods of teaching were wisely followed by the Masons for the purpose of concealing their own mysteries.”

The initiated brother realizes that his so called symbols and rituals are merely blinds fabricated by the wise to perpetuate ideas incomprehensible to the average individual.” -

An other mason sums it ups as follows - “Few Masons, if any, regardless of rank or station, ever learned very much of its profound philosophy, its religious meaning or faith, or its scientific and spiritual truths” (Light From the Sanctuary of the Royal Arch, p. ix). - Charles Albert Snodgrass, a 32 Degree Mason.

The uninitiated is given the Christian doctrine watered down while the inintiated gets the full “knowledge” - SATAN IS THE TRUE GOD (The Good One) while YAHWEH IS THE BAD GOD!

The three lowest level of Freemasonry is part of the total uninitiated, from level 4 to 32 it is steps where the member is given more and more “knowledge” and level 33 they are fully initiated and pray direct to Lucifer/Satan.

Freemasonry is an extension the Ancient Mystery Religions through the Kabbalah

See attached diagram (Mystery Schools to Freemasonry) to see the path from The Ancient Mystery Religions Freemasonry and beyond to today - To note in this diagram:
- Esoteric Religions are the worship of the Fallen Angels / Satan in esoteric mystery secrets – they worship exactly the opposite of what they externally portray
- Judiasm (Kabbalah), Catholicism and Islam come out of the same source
- The Kabbalah is the worship of the Fallen Angels in Writing
- Gnostics and thereby all New Age religions take their “knowledge” from the Kabbalah
- The Templars worshipped Baphomet (The Horned One) / Pan / Ossiris or Satan – which is the same god that Freemasonry worship
- Illuminati & Jacobites comes out of Freemasonry (not the other way around) – Weishaupt recruited from the Freemasons, these recruited ones influenced Freemasonry
- There are many links between Jesuits and Freemasonry (Scottish Free Rite levels and Jesuit levels virtually identical for example)
- Please take note although not part of this discussion the Catholic Church work in exactly the same way – the worship of the top (inner) structure is totally opposite of the worship of the outer circle.

Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma, “The communication of this knowledge and other secrets, some of which are perhaps lost, constituted, under other names, what we now call Masonry, or Free, or Frank-Masonry . . . The present name of the Order, and Its titles, and the names of the Degrees now in use, were not then known . . . But, by whatever name it was known in this or the other country, Masonry existed as it now exists, the same in spirit and at heart . . . before even the first colonies emigrated into Southern India, Persia, and Egypt, from the cradle of the human race - pg. 207-208

"The Gnostics derived their leading doctrines and ideas from Plato and Philo, the Zend-avesta and the Kabalah,and the Sacred books of India and Egypt; and thus introduced into the bosom of Christianity the cosmological and theosophical speculations, which had formed the larger portion of the ancient religions of the Orient, joined to those of the Egyptian, Greek, and Jewish doctrines, which the New-Platonists had equally adopted in the Occident" – Albert Pike in Morals and Dogma pg.248

These Ancient Mystery religions are the worship of Satan and his Fallen Angels

Ancient Mystery Schools is nothing else but the worship of the Fallen Angels – Satan and the angels who rebelled with him against YAHWEH.

The Secret Knowledge of the initiated is given to them my spirits (demons) and specify the worship of an other god than YAHWEH. They invert the knowledge and worship of YAHWEH into the secret worship and knowledge of the Fallen Angels/Satan.

Morals and Dogma,
The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god, but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry”

To conceive of God as an actuality, and not as a mere non- substance or name, which involved non-existence, the Kabala, like the Egyptians, imagined Him to be "a most occult Light,"

“For the Initiates, this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force, which presides over the physical generation, under the mythologic and horned form of the God PAN; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer or Phosphor, of which the poets have made the false Lucifer of the legend.”

Confirmation from other sources:
“When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and
before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain, who with the mighty strength of the war god hammered his sword into a plowshare.” - Manly P Hall in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry

In The Secret Doctrine by HP Blavatsky she explains that “The Kabbalists say that the true name of Satan is that of Jehovah placed upside down, for "Satan is not a black god but the negation of the white deity," or the light of Truth.” Makes you understand the so called Star of David (invertion of YAHWEH to get name of Satan a little better).

For the initiated Lucifer/Satan – symbolised by the horned god (Pan) / he-goat off the Sabbat / Ancient Serpent. To see how much that is prevalent in Masonic symbolism.

That makes very clear what Freemasonry is - and always has been - the religion of the worship of Satan and Fallen Angels.

The symbolism of Freemasonry and the historical links to ancient Israel is next.....
Mystery Schools to Freemasonry.odg
(13.76 KiB) Downloaded 246 times
Last edited by Coenraad on Fri May 29, 2015 4:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: FREEMASONS - a Virus infecting Western Society

Postby Joe » Fri May 29, 2015 3:55 am

I had difficulty viewing the file, so I converted and posted it for others.
Mystery Schools to Freemasonry2.jpg
Mystery Schools to Freemasonry2.jpg (57.35 KiB) Viewed 3060 times

Makes you understand the so called Star of David (invertion of YAHWEH to get name of Satan a little better).

How does the star of david symbolize satan or invert Yahweh?. I did not understand this.

My thoughts:
Truth is not for those who are unworthy or unable to receive it, or would pervert it. So God Himself incapacitates many men, by color-blindness, to distinguish colors, and leads the masses away from the highest Truth, giving them the power to attain only so much of it as it is profitable to them to know.”

Isn't it funny that this is exactly what Yahweh has given them.
2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie

“The initiated brother realizes that his so called symbols and rituals are merely blinds fabricated by the wise to perpetuate ideas incomprehensible to the average individual.” -

Wisdom is the fear of Yahweh, these freemasons are fools.

Albert Pike in Morals and Dogmastates, “Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect

Their elect are just a bunch of fools and niggers. They even admit that their god is a simple idol, a mere negation, a foolish concept.
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Re: FREEMASONS - a Virus infecting Western Society

Postby Coenraad » Fri May 29, 2015 4:37 am

How does the star of david symbolize satan or invert Yahweh?

Invert (to turn something upside down) - the rebellion of Satan against YAHWEH handy work - turn over the established order on earth/heaven. One triangle pointing up - one pointing down.

You must first understand that the star of david has nothing to do with David or Israel in the Old Testament. Jews also called it Seal of Solomon - but again it has nothing to do with Solomon of the Bible. Both the above is just a claim that the Jews use to "sell" themselves to Judeo-Christians.

The jewish star of david has a very obscure origin - there is no specific mention of it in the Bible although there are these stars mentioned:
Amos 5:26 - But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
Acts 7:43 - Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye
made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
But what these stars where is not very clear.

There are other links to Edomite Jews but they are only cirmunstantanial.

The star of david has a connection to Khazarian Jews though - see attached 2 pictures.
The first from Khazarian Grave in Eastern Ukraine dating from about 850AD.
Second on the statue of a Russian prince riding down a Khazarian warrior, its a depiction of the Russian destruction of the Khazarian empire - the emblem on the warrior's shield is the star of david.
That seems a lot clearer - clear links to Khazaria.

Also the Hexagram is 666 - The hexagram, or six pointed star, certainly has three sixes. It contains a six, within a six, within a six: 666. (Count the sides of each triangle facing the clockwise direction, the sides facing the counter-clockwise direction, and the third six - the sides of the inner hexagon).

Hope that clarifies it
Khazarian Statue Russia.jpg
Khazarian Statue Russia.jpg (9.74 KiB) Viewed 3056 times
Khazarian star of David 850AD.jpg
Khazarian star of David 850AD.jpg (4.31 KiB) Viewed 3056 times
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