I posted the below points recently on a youtube discussion, but first, let me say that I'm amazed at the level of ignorance that racially conscious whites have with respect to Christianity. It's like they all see it as only the institutions perpetrated by the Catholic and Protestant controlled religion environments, and that it comes from judaism. They refuse to accept the idea that it could have ever been anything more than that.
These were my five points on how anti-Christian WNs and judeochristians stack up next to one another:
1.) BOTH groups believe the jewish version of the origins of Christianity.
2.) BOTH groups believe that today's jews descend from the ancient House of Israel.
3.) BOTH groups believe that all of the people of Judea in the time of Jesus were the same ethnicity, when in fact the word Ioudaios in the Greco-Roman world was really a political designation, although it was derived from the ancient tribe of Judah from the original Israelite kingdom.
4.) BOTH groups do not understand history from an ethnographic point of view because the jews teach history to us strictly from a geographic point of view.
5.) BOTH groups usually already have their minds made up and generally do not want to go through the long process it would require to be enlightened about how all this happened
Does anyone have any other similarities?