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Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Treatme

Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Treatme

Postby brucebohn » Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:16 pm

Hoffman article: 9/1/15

Neo-Nazis and Hitler-sympathizing World War II revisionists, even though they claim to abhor the tactics of the Zionists, are giving our new study of the Führer’s gangland-style rub-out of Gregor Strasser, silent treatment worthy of the Zionist media, and for the same reason the Zionists do — because they have no answer to our facts. The Führer, the object of their cultic adulation, must, like the Israeli state, be upheld at all costs.
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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby EzraLB » Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:25 pm

I can't tell from your posting of that article by Michael Hoffman what your take on it is. Of course, Hoffman is a virulent anti-National Socialist and never wastes an opportunity to bash Hitler. This article extols the virtues of Gregor Strasser, who wanted to integrate Marxism into the socialist aspect of National Socialism. Left unchecked Strasser and his brother Otto could have ruined any chance of political unity in Germany.

The so-called "Gangsterism" of Hitler's party paled in comparison to the brutality of the socialists and the marxist nationalist contingency. But I would expect nothing less from Hoffman to conveniently ignore that truth. Hoffman simply can't stand anyone who admires Hitler for any reason.

Years ago, I was the object of Hoffman's ire once when I posted a link to Mike Delaney's website in a comment on the jewish involvement in 9-11. He threatened to ban me or anyone else who espoused any form of "racism", even though I had espoused no such thing, just provided a link to a documentary. He was much more interested in nipping any racism in the bud than he was exploring the jewish hand behind the crime of the century. That's Michael Hoffman in a nutshell.
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby wmfinck » Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:50 pm

I have long been considering a program on the Night of the Long Knives, which I believe was actually an unfortunate necessity if Germany was to be freed from the hand of the Jew by a unified National Socialist party.

I actually have treated Otto Strasser in a small degree, discussing his lies concerning the young Hitler here:

The Barnes Review has had at least one lengthy article on the Night of the Long Knives by Leon DeGrelle, which I found to be very good and I would probably use that as a source for a discussion on the topic.

So Hoffman is being dishonest in his assertions that revisionists sympathetic to Hitler would ignore the accounts concerning Strasser.

The only people I have seen lament the Strassers are either those who do not understand that the Stassers were really Marxists, those who are Marxists themselves, or Anglo-Judeotards , the category that, just as unfortunately, Hoffman seems to fit into best.
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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby brucebohn » Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:06 pm

EzraLB wrote:Brucebohn,
I can't tell from your posting of that article by Michael Hoffman what your take on it is. Of course, Hoffman is a virulent anti-National Socialist and never wastes an opportunity to bash Hitler. This article extols the virtues of Gregor Strasser, who wanted to integrate Marxism into the socialist aspect of National Socialism. Left unchecked Strasser and his brother Otto could have ruined any chance of political unity in Germany.

The so-called "Gangsterism" of Hitler's party paled in comparison to the brutality of the socialists and the marxist nationalist contingency. But I would expect nothing less from Hoffman to conveniently ignore that truth. Hoffman simply can't stand anyone who admires Hitler for any reason.

Years ago, I was the object of Hoffman's ire once when I posted a link to Mike Delaney's website in a comment on the jewish involvement in 9-11. He threatened to ban me or anyone else who espoused any form of "racism", even though I had espoused no such thing, just provided a link to a documentary. He was much more interested in nipping any racism in the bud than he was exploring the jewish hand behind the crime of the century. That's Michael Hoffman in a nutshell.

Well Ezra, I in no way, of course, think his work should be promoted. I have noticed
in the past that post's were made here that seem to praise his "Holocaust Revisionism"
among other articles.. NS had no choice but to "Fight fire with Fire!" There are many ignorant
fools who do not "get it", and are prone to fall for the Jew tripe and propaganda, and
this is yet another example of why we need to realize that no Jew, "self hating" or
otherwise should be given any credibility, PERIOD!!

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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby EzraLB » Tue Sep 01, 2015 4:05 pm

You're right about Otto Strasser--he's a "credible" source that many useful idiots cite to "prove" that Hitler was part jewish. The Strassers were both marxists, both hated Hitler and wanted to gain power for themselves, and Hitler knew this. Had they succeeded in creating a schism in the NS ranks, Germany would have been delivered back into the hands of the Jews in no time. After the war, Otto was welcomed back to Germany to live, which tells you just how kosher he really was.

Unfortunately, Michael Hoffman has done a lot of good work on revisionism and exposing the Talmud. But he does it from a Catholic perspective and perpetuates the myth of the good jew. If only the Jews would abandon the Talmud and embrace the teachings of Christ, the world would not be in the mess that it's in, or some such tripe...That said, he's not a Jew himself, though he certainly thinks like one much of the time.
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby Kentucky » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:06 pm

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools" Romans 1:22. The older Hoffman gets, it seems the less concern he has for original research and replaces his writing with more personal agenda's that conveniently evade the truth. It's sad to see someone who was blessed with a talent for writing and then swirls down the drain of irrelevancy.

That insidious catholic residue, which he once upon a time said goodbye to, has crept back into the holy cathedrals of his mind and exudes the sticky goo of universalism. It just taints everything he writes. What a shame. He whines about a good chunk of the White Nationalist community not giving him a ticker tape parade for gratuitously bashing Hitler. Most WN's don't have a clue about the real Hilter. But, the ironic thing is that Hoffman offers a convoluted image of Hitler, not as a Christian savior, but the jewish image of a brutal dictator. Which begs the question: whose side is he on? I suppose Hoffman would most likely debate the merits of Christ's declaration in Luke 19:27 and take the side of Judas; but Michael doesn't even get his 30 pieces of silver, having disenfranchised his target market with self-induced righteousness and misguided antipathy.

Sometimes the simplest aspect of history is the gravity of what people endure and the communist threat against Germany seems to go over his head. Extreme times, demands extremes measures. Strasser wanted to soften all the strides made by the Party when it really started to gain momentum. Yeah that's the ticket, put Christian racism, the boldness of bigotry to preserve the volk and the fires of legislative discrimination on the back burner, while the decadent jew gets their second wind. Should history repeat itself by once again giving quarter to the enemy? After 20 years of subscribing to his newsletter, I think I've run out of excuses to renew my subscription. I've never seen anybody shoot themselves in the foot like Hoffman has. Sad.

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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby brucebohn » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:27 pm

Well, I stand corrected.. I had read several of his articles some years ago,
and at the time did not think that he was Jewish, however it had been suggested
from a couple of sources that he was "crypto" and was aware that he seem to
be "running cover" for them on issues such as 9-11.. This indicated to me that he
might very well be a "tribal" member. In any case, at the very least, he is an enabler.
I have for the most part, since then , simply ignored his work......
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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby EzraLB » Wed Sep 02, 2015 11:25 am

I think a detailed examination of the Night Of The Long Knives is long overdue. Hitler suggested that when he came to power heads would roll, giving those who would try to undermine the NS program fair warning. Many people fail to realize that even after Hitler rose to power, there was still a very active and aggressive Communist contingency in Germany which threatened to topple the NS's tenuous hold on the reigns of the country.

An interesting figure during this time was the Head of the U.S. Consulate in Germany, George S. Messersmith, a lacky of FDR and basically a spy for the jewish power brokers in New York, notably the New York Times.

Many of his papers have been digitized and are available online from the University of Delaware. In these papers he is quoted as stating, "There is no greater crime in history than that which the German government is committing against the Jews".... ... ss0109.xml

Here you will find specific comments on the Night Of The Long Knives, and what lead up to it. Messersmith acknowledges that the NS Party was split along Left and Right factions--and this split could ultimately bring down Hitler, which is what the FDR regime was pushing for. Of course, Messersmith expresses outrage at the purge, but naturally fails to see the repression of the American Right anti-War movement in a similar light.

In one communique, Messersmith admits, "[T]he fight between left and right wing in Hitler party may result in collapse of Hitlerism." And at the same time he claims, "Communism is the bugaboo which Nazis claim is the alternative to themselves in Germany."

And Bill, you mentioned Degrelle--so does Messersmith, "[Leon] Degrelle's activities in Belgium should be watched."

A lot of fascinating material here....
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby wmfinck » Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:15 pm

Thanks Ezra, I will download it and stick it all in "pending"!

Here is a better link:
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Re: Evidence of Hitler’s Gangsterism is Given the Silent Tre

Postby Gaius » Wed Sep 02, 2015 12:42 pm

Interesting discussion/information.

Hoffman's emotive terminology could well be mistaken for a ziopress release rather than the product of a scholar. He may provide ammo for antiChrist heathens, themselves not too bright as is anyone giving credibility to Friedrich "the Fake" Nietzsche ... Such buffoons may see Hoffman's catholicism as the authentic Christian view of Adolf Hitler. Also, "traditional catholics" may be warned away from a (gasp) murderous gangster ...

Maybe that's some of the ideas behind it.

Good idea, Bill, to do a full historical review of the NLK as Ezra says. All the background and personalities involved, with their aims and loyalties for all to see.
You could even pay tribute to Hoffman and ascribe your motivation to him ... :D
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