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A Clown Shuts Down

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A Clown Shuts Down

Postby wmfinck » Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:45 pm

Evidently the Godless mamzer Darryl Bradford Smith has just recently shut down his website,

Crying crocodile tears, he is fretting in the video about what the French government might do to him.

Never mind the fact that it is difficult for a lot of opposition websites to even stay on GoDaddy, where DBS was hosted.

If he really cared about the "movement" he claims to have helped so much, he could have just given his site to someone who could maintain it.
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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby brucebohn » Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:17 pm

Yes, I heard a program several days ago, in which he was crying,
to a Jew, about his poor health, his disgust with the apathy of
the ignorant masses, blah, blah, blah... The clown, who thinks
of himself as the 'Godfather' of the anti-Zionist crusade, came on the scene
in 2004 , a rather arrogant and pretentious little man convinced
that he would expose the Jew agenda and save the world. Claims
that he brought the Jew crimes to the attention of the world,
became paranoid and moved to France of all places to carry on
his crusade.. His biggest disappointment was not being able
to "cash in" on his website and have some claim to fame...
Has on many occasions ridiculed any one associated with
CI or Christianity in general.... Good riddance...
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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby EzraLB » Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:33 am

Regardless of the unwarranted high opinion that Daryl Bradford Smith has of himself, he never produced any original research or materials. What little talent he had was used to put other people's work on his website and telling the world what a genius he was for doing so.

At the top of this home page, he put a disclaimer that his website was not a a place for "hate", and that disclaimer read like it was written by a jewish lawyer at the Southern Poverty Law Center. I don't know how true it is, but I had read somewhere that he was married to a nigger, which would explain his double-mindedness on the race issue.

From what I saw, Daryl was an alcoholic with a very volatile and violent personality who constantly alienated all those who "collaborated" with him, wasting much of his time bad-mouthing all his former "friends" after yet another fall-out.

He also tried to maintain the arbitrary and meaningless distinction between zionists and jews, always careful to point out that he's "not against any particular people", that he just hates "criminals". I think he honestly believed that such an absurdity was possible, and by continuing to insist upon that false dichotomy, he lost any visitors who were sincerely looking for the truth.

The low point of his career came when he somehow managed to interview the late U.S. Congressman, Paul Findley from Illinois, who wrote the first mainstream book exposing zionist power in Washington, They Dare To Speak Out. Instead of discussing Findley's courageous career, Daryl sandbagged him, trying to get him to admit that the zionists did 911 and were controlling everything. An old man by then, Findley was confused and couldn't comment. Daryl ended up hanging up on Findley, and spent the rest of the show "exposing" Findley as another jewish shill.

As Bruce pointed out, who moves to France--from America--in order that he can tell the truth to the world?

Bill has shown that France is basically Ground Zero of emancipated jewish power on the european continent, and its laws against free/hate speech are among the most uncompromising. He made a point of stating that he could not--and would not--discuss the "Holocaust", as it would land him in jail. I wish he would have discussed it and landed himself in a French prison, which would have cured him of his racial tolerance and universalism tout suite.

I'm convinced that Daryl stole all of his ideas from Michael Collins Piper when they were both hosts at RBN. MCP by that time had published many original books on the subject and was rightfully considered the authority on the subject of jewish power in America. Instead of giving due credit, Daryl pretended as if he, not MCP, was the originator of this point of view.

Who knows the real reason he took down I Am The Witness, but it wouldn't shock me if it was because he nigger wife finally had had enough of his garbage and told him to get a real job or she was going to leave him. To illicit sympathy and donations, he was constantly complaining about his "health problems" which, no doubt were caused by his excessive drinking.

The ultimate collapse and demise of Daryl Bradford Smith should be a lesson for all honest "truth seekers," as it provides proof that without an unshakable faith in Yahweh, who is the only Source of Truth, their efforts will be futile, leading to even more confusion and frustration. In the end, Daryl did more to shill for the jews than any of his supposed enemies, but he was too blind to see it.
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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby Gaius » Fri Feb 26, 2016 8:55 am

Thanks for this information.

Never heard of him but the news of his collapse is of course an answer to prayer. I'm assuming that most Christians regularly employ imprecatory prayer for the destruction of our Father's enemies, our enemies also. There's an even harder deal recorded in Luke 19 for them, not far away now ...

But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.

:D See how far touchy-feely universalist marxism gets you ... :D
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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby Kentucky » Fri Feb 26, 2016 2:09 pm

I've never heard of this guy either. At first I thought it was Bradley Reed Smith, but he just died recently.

Much like the brain-dead former aspirant for President, David Duke told his followers the other day, "Voting for these people, voting against Donald Trump at this point, is really treason to your heritage." White Nationalism, at this point, is treason against the God of the White race.

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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby Teutonic » Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:15 pm

Kentucky wrote:I've never heard of this guy either. At first I thought it was Bradley Reed Smith, but he just died recently.

Much like the brain-dead former aspirant for President, David Duke told his followers the other day, "Voting for these people, voting against Donald Trump at this point, is really treason to your heritage." White Nationalism, at this point, is treason against the God of the White race.


Trump is just as kosher as Duke.

I'm surprised that white nationalists have yet to realize that if Trump really had our race's best interests at heart, then wouldn't the media be working to suppress him instead of showering him with publicity on every news channel out there?
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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby matthewott » Sat Feb 27, 2016 12:59 pm

If I remember correctly, DBS admitted to "native american" heritage...which explains a ton. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Bill was a guest on his show once, and DBS did his best to make an ass out of him, but it didn't work. I believe on that show he admitted his heritage.

As for Trump, although he is receiving a ton of media attention, it is for 2 reasons: To use him as a "right wing, conservative" punching bag, and to keep attention away from the more nefarious operations in progress. Trump is the carrot being dangled in front of white America. More white men identify with a clown like Trump than any other candidate...which is exactly why he won't win, though the prospect of him actually being "electable" does not give me butterflies in my stomach either...
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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby wmfinck » Sat Feb 27, 2016 3:38 pm

matthewott wrote:If I remember correctly, DBS admitted to "native american" heritage...which explains a ton. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe Bill was a guest on his show once, and DBS did his best to make an ass out of him, but it didn't work. I believe on that show he admitted his heritage.

As for Trump, although he is receiving a ton of media attention, it is for 2 reasons: To use him as a "right wing, conservative" punching bag, and to keep attention away from the more nefarious operations in progress. Trump is the carrot being dangled in front of white America. More white men identify with a clown like Trump than any other candidate...which is exactly why he won't win, though the prospect of him actually being "electable" does not give me butterflies in my stomach either...

Sorry, maybe you are thinking of Giuliani (Charles Jewliani). I never spoke to DBS, and never cared to after I first heard him.
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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby matthewott » Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:50 pm

Well, I said correct me if I'm wrong, many clowns, it's hard to keep track of them all :roll:
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12
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Re: A Clown Shuts Down

Postby brucebohn » Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:22 pm

No Matt, that was the windy city Rabbi, and he allowed DBS to ridicule
both him, as well as CI......
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