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M.S. Wilhelm Gustloff

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M.S. Wilhelm Gustloff

Postby Gaius » Wed Mar 30, 2016 6:33 pm

The motorship "Wilhelm Gustloff" was a Kraft durch Freude (KdF = Strength through Joy) passenger-ship in which German workers went on sea cruises, part of NS govt's policies in 1930's, while in other countries workers were suffering the Great Depression induced by the banksters ...
This is a DAF (German Labour Front, led by Dr Ley) propaganda film showing the first Atlantic cruise, and the ordinary factory/office workers who went on it plus advertising the menu's, the then exotic locations and innovations like ship-to-shore telephone.
"Ship Without Classes" portrays a facet of the NS attitude to its citizen workers in contrast to USSR famines, hunger marches in GB etc ...

She became a Hospital Ship in 1939 and later was used to evacuate refugees from the bestial hordes of "communism". Repeated aerial bombing by the RAF/USAAF had reduced Gustloff's home port of Hamburg (and many other cities) to a smoking lunarscape littered with corpses of women and children. The Gustloff ended her days crammed with refugees, torpedoed by a soviet submarine.
The greatest maritime disaster of all time.
Below is a Memorial to the ship and to those souls, several thousand more victims of the beast that continues to this day to savage our people. R.I.P. (Coming from a seafaring family, I post this in Respect and to pray that YHWH God's merciless vengeance should come swiftly.)
What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
(Romans 8 v 31)
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