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wmfinck wrote:I should expand on this. This is a rough draft of my comments on the Sabbath which were given before the Romans 4 presentation.
If you think the Jews have the calendar right, just because they are Jews, you have got to be kidding yourself. Don't give the Jews credit for anything, because in truth they are not Jews, they are devils. An examination of the instructions in the Book of Exodus which were given to Israel concerning the Passover and the Sabbaths reveals that the first day of the year was marked with the observance of the Spring (Vernal) Equinox, and, so far as we can perceive, it begins in the evening of the day which we call March 20th on our modern calendars. That was the first day of the Israelite year, it started the Sabbath cycle for the year, and the Passover was on a Sabbath on the 14th day of the year. A child should be able to read the Exodus account and figure this out. The reckoning of the Sabbath at the time of Christ had already diverged from the Scriptures. Therefore if you insist on celebrating a Saturday Sabbath, you will be right about one seventh of the time, and if you insist on celebrating a Sunday Sabbath, you will also be right, about one seventh of the time. In truth, if you want to celebrate a Biblical Sabbath, you must begin counting the seventh day anew each year from the day of the Vernal Equinox, as Yahweh instructed Israel to do in the Exodus. This particular year, the Sabbath would begin each Thursday evening and end each Friday evening. We will call that Friday. Next March it is Saturday. In 2016, because of the leap year, it jumps to Monday. It is Saturday again in 2020 and Sunday in 2021, so the Catholics can stay mad until then. Most of us would think, “wow, I cannot celebrate a Sabbath on a Tuesday or a Wednesday, I need my job”. That is because, ever since the days of the Assyrian and Babylonian deportations, we are still Israel in captivity. For that same reason, the apostle Paul told us to “Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days” (Colossians 2:16).
So whatever Sabbath day you celebrate, or choose not to celebrate, you should do so for God and not to please men.
Christian wrote:After reading Bill's post it seem like it is impossible to maintain a weekly Sabbath. I'm gonna keep it simple...I like Saturdays.
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