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My Opinion - William Finck

My Opinion - William Finck

Postby wmfinck » Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:37 pm

Okay, I am not the calendar guy, and I am not trying to be. There is no perfect calendar, because a question can always be raised that cannot be answered with absolute certainty. But we can come close, and I think Ken Lent has done some good studies in this area, and comes close enough for me. So I would rather publish his studies than argue over things which we can not be 100% positive about. And if Ken thinks he is 100% positive, that is fine, because it is not important enough to argue with each other about. Get over it!
So if you need a Passover date, I would recommend those which Ken puts forth. And yes, of course Christians should celebrate the Passover, as Paul even said that we should keep the feast. However Christians should not chastise one another or themselves for little things that cannot be done perfectly in this day and age. We need a remembrance, we need fellowship, but we cannot effect our own salvation.
Colossians 2:16-17 wrote:16 Therefore no one must judge you in food and in drink, or in respect of feast or new month or of the Sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of future things. Whereas the body is of the Anointed...
If a jew is moving his lips, he's lying. If you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!
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