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Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

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Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby wmfinck » Sat Feb 09, 2013 1:48 pm

If a jew is moving his lips, he's lying. If you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!
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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Kentucky » Sat Feb 09, 2013 3:53 pm

The word "clown" comes to mind. The guy couldn't be much more of a cliche' if he tried.

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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Vandal » Sat Feb 09, 2013 5:22 pm

Kentucky wrote:The word "clown" comes to mind. The guy couldn't be much more of a cliche if he tried.


So are we supposed to think the briefcase is full of money? And that gun on top of it, what's the point of even having it there? Am I supposed to be impressed? And all the racial books on the shelf, and the flags ..... is it like saying, "look at me, I'm a revolutionary?"

What did the scripture say about the King showing off his treasure?

Brother Ryan posted this on his youtube channel: "I preach the Gospel of YESU Christ, and only point to YOUR heart wherein God wrote His Natural Moral Laws."

YESU? Isn't that what the Jews call him when they mock him?
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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Eveleen » Sat Feb 09, 2013 6:49 pm

I find appaling all these tattoos, especially if they are WN or religious symbols. Next time we might see a swastika on his forhead.

Doesn't brother Ryan know that our body is the temple of the God? People that profess to know better should not fill their boddies with tattoos to the point they look ridiculous.

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body," (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Kentucky » Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:04 pm

Eveleen wrote:I find appaling all these tattoos

At 4:57 in the video he raises his left arm and it says "demon hunter" (it's upside down) with an image (supposedly) of a demon. Who would want a demon on their body for the rest of their life?

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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Kentucky » Sat Feb 09, 2013 7:42 pm

Vandal wrote:So are we supposed to think the briefcase is full of money? And that gun on top of it, what's the point of even having it there? Am I supposed to be impressed? And all the racial books on the shelf, and the flags ..... is it like saying, "look at me, I'm a revolutionary?"

I didn't even see the briefcase and gun. Did you notice Bill's translation of the NT on the shelf?

What did the scripture say about the King showing off his treasure?

Isaiah told Hezekiah that his vain display would be all for naught; he would lose everything.

Brother Ryan posted this on his youtube channel: "I preach the Gospel of YESU Christ, and only point to YOUR heart wherein God wrote His Natural Moral Laws."

I've seen these anarchists before trying to attach themselves to CI. They play little word games to justify their lawlessness.

YESU? Isn't that what the Jews call him when they mock him?

Bill mentioned that on a recent "Paul Bashers" podcast; I think it was Clay Douglas who used that term (Yesu), as if that made him sound like he knew what he was talking about. But, I've heard it from that jew New Ager Brother Nazariah (who is a leading source for bashing Paul) as well as some jewish sites and it does mean (referring to Christ) a coded way of saying "His name shall be blotted out." That's why so many Talmuds were burned; so they changed the Lord's name to a variety of demeaning Yiddish tags.

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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Michael » Sat Feb 09, 2013 8:36 pm

I'm not really interested in Brother Ryan's tattoos, or the surrounding paraphenalia he has there. Tattoos I think are just part of popular culture over the last 50 years or so, and probably have more to do with an individual's reaction to this screwed up world we live in.

Although a bit long winded, I think the crux of the point that Brother Ryan is trying to make has merit. That point, as far as I understood, being that white nationalist ideas have over the last generations usually been constituted in macro terms, rather than in familial, local, and community terms. In short, white nationalists have sought an instant fix, or panacea, that will somehow fast forward from where we are now, to living happily in a all white nation. And that panacea is a grand nation, with a constitution all laid out in advance, that everyone should agree to before even heading out on such a project. However, this is not how our nations grew in ancient times. Our nations grew from local communities made up of like minded folk working together usually for the betterment of that community, and those like communities finding it helpful to be joined together as an identifyable wider nation. Ryan, as I understand, is positing that it is local community building that is more important then the macro outlook, and this I agree with. Local self supporting communities will neutralise Babylon faster than any revolution (in the modern sense of the word) will. Of course that means white folk working together, in say an Amish model of financial assistance and assembly structure, but of course following CI theology.

Yes, some form of wider plan is necessary, as for example you don't want to set up such communities in the middle of Kenya!! But local community building should be the central imperative.

When white folk start actually working together is the unknown factor in all of this of course!
Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Matthew 7 16-19 KJV
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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Nayto » Sun Feb 10, 2013 3:10 am

Kentucky wrote:
Eveleen wrote:I find appaling all these tattoos

At 4:57 in the video he raises his left arm and it says "demon hunter" (it's upside down) with an image (supposedly) of a demon. Who would want a demon on their body for the rest of their life?


I believe it's a "Christian" metal band... That has sub-races in it :lol:
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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Kentucky » Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:21 pm

Michael wrote:That point, as far as I understood, being that white nationalist ideas have over the last generations usually been constituted in macro terms, rather than in familial, local, and community terms.

When Pastor Richard Butler called for a Northwest Territorial Imperative it was met with limited fulfillment and the idea has been around for over 30 years. Of course, that required people to move to a certain area to enjoy the fruits of a local community of like-minded families. On the other hand, people can stay where they are and develop this ideal in micro terms. I know of a few CI microcosms in northeast Washington state and parts of Idaho. Then again, there is the notorious Elohim City, MO, of Timothy McVeigh fame, which was later exposed as an FBI shill organization. And therein lies a problem of discerning the spirits, regardless of whether it is macro or micro. My motto for years has been: plant the seed, set the example. If we clean our own house, and help others and love God, He will decide who the people in our lives will be. It won't hurt to pray for the like-minded ones to cross our path either.

The problem with Brother Ryan, if you take away the visuals and just examine the principles of his script, you would be living in a little town of like-minded anarchists and anarchy would be the order of the day. He sprinkled a little bit of sentimental values into his vision of the ideal, but the bottom line to this way of thinking is that "Every man did that which was right in his own eyes" (Judges 21:25), which was a shameful period of Israelite history. White Nationalism can be rightly criticized, but it does not embrace lawlessness. What we have here is the lesser of two evils. Nowhere did I hear from Brother Ryan, the necessity of God's Law, of repentance or anything else compelling the Christian to a circumspect lifestyle. It's more like, when in Rome, do as the Romans. I don't think I would want to live in the same community as Brother Ryan if they all thought like him.

In short, white nationalists have sought an instant fix, or panacea, that will somehow fast forward from where we are now, to living happily in a all white nation. And that panacea is a grand nation, with a constitution all laid out in advance, that everyone should agree to before even heading out on such a project. However, this is not how our nations grew in ancient times.

Our God has always provided an owner's manual for government for blessings and curses. Isn't the Kingdom of God already laid out in advance? White nations in ancient times may have drifted from the divine blueprint, but they usually retained a residual spirit of God Law. Our own founding fathers in America were Christian Nationalists who agreed upon certain principles that were time-tested causes and effects throughout history.

Our nations grew from local communities made up of like minded folk working together usually for the betterment of that community, and those like communities finding it helpful to be joined together as an identifyable wider nation. Ryan, as I understand, is positing that it is local community building that is more important then the macro outlook, and this I agree with. Local self supporting communities will neutralise Babylon faster than any revolution (in the modern sense of the word) will. Of course that means white folk working together, in say an Amish model of financial assistance and assembly structure, but of course following CI theology.

I'll go even further by saying that it is imperative that it begins with self government. Otherwise what good is the body of Christ if there is but one Achen and sin in the camp? What will neutralize Babylon is the mechanics of II Chronicles 7:14.

Yes, some form of wider plan is necessary, as for example you don't want to set up such communities in the middle of Kenya!! But local community building should be the central imperative.

When white folk start actually working together is the unknown factor in all of this of course!

Well, that last part is the actual conundrum of who is White and who has the Law written in their heart and mind. I listened to the latest Prothink podcast of Mike Delaney this morning with Scott Roberts and Severus (both of whom are not Christians) discussing where our race is at these days and for some reason, Christian Identity seemed to be a recurring theme. I believe these men are all White, but the New Covenant is stymied or partially dormant in their heart and mind. Their bottom line is that race comes first, meaning that God, which they casually term "religion" is secondary. I can say the same thing for them as I can with Brother Ryan: " Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it." There is only one plan of the ages and the Word proves it. I have not mentioned who Brother Ryan's fellow travelers are or anything about him personally. But, I know it's all politics and religion for some people and that includes the politics of personal destruction and making merchandise of God. Ye shall know them by their fruits.

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Re: Brother Ryan on White Nationalism

Postby Michael » Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:10 am

Where I refer to those local comunities living under "CI theology" is where I acknowledge that the only constitution necessary is that of the Word of Yahweh. I apologise if I was not as clear as I should have been. I do not think I would be on this forum if I did not believe in that.
Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Matthew 7 16-19 KJV
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