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Gen 1:26 Who are us?

This forum is for discussions and questions concerning Christian Identity direction, doctrine and debate.

Re: Gen 1:26 Who are us?

Postby wmfinck » Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:39 am

wehner wrote:I stand corrected concerning the identification of the 'us' in Gen1:26. I'm finding some of the older CI material that I had once learned to have become revised since coming to Christogenea. That's why I'm still here. This particular belief was one of them. According to what I've gathered from your comments and research is that we are given the eternal spirit at conception (1Cor15/Zech12:1), the same one Adam received (Gen2:7) that is genetically propagated by race and thru Yahwehs Law. That the ' us ' in Gen1:26 is Elohim(plural) in the fellowship of the Trinity Godhead. The 'sons of God' (angels)' elsewhere in Scripture is an entirely different matter. Using Job38:7 holding to the idea that Elohim was speaking to his angels.

Hey Wehner,

Yes that is how I perceive it to be, and believe that is basically what Scripture establishes. Sorry the thread got hijacked with the off-topic drama, but that happens here at times...
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