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Romans, Chapter 1

This started as a Wordpress Blog on the original version of the Christogenea website (the White & Gray site with this Forum's fish logo for a banner). The original intent of the Christogenea Readers' Blog was to accept article submissions from readers of the website. For management reasons it was moved to this forum here.

Re: Romans, Chapter 1

Postby Acrimonious » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:07 am

wmfinck wrote:Wow, you are right, the link is the same. That is highly unlikely if the original post was replaced, especially since it was at least a few days old.

Therefore the post must have been edited, and without indication. Strange, LOL

I used to moderate a vbulletin forum; on vbulletin forums, a poster is able to edit a post without a trace within three minutes of posting. Perhaps phpBB has a similar, but lengthened grace period for these stealthy edits. I'm not too familiar with phpBB, but it's food for thought. Regardless, if a man isn't fully convinced of what he is posting, then he shouldn't be posting it from a perceived position of authority. Christ spoke with authority because He knew it to be true. Simon Magus, on the other hand, was double-minded, and probably would have made for a terrible forum poster.

Edited for a spelling issue; phone posting :/
Last edited by Acrimonious on Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Romans, Chapter 1

Postby Fenwick » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:49 am

BrettDeason wrote:
The words that I choose to use when I wrote what I wrote, DO NOT MATTER. Why argue over such a small minute thing?

Matthew 12:37:
For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

The words you used were all we had to judge you on. Surely you can understand that the nigger-talk was a bad idea?
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Re: Romans, Chapter 1

Postby Nayto » Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:52 am

BrettDeason, what I'm about to say goes for most posters here. I am swamped daily with jew media, niggers, filth, etc. A forum like this is a small light in my life where I can be myself and be proud of my race. To take such a light and subject it to nigger lingo makes me uncomfortable. It's not a divergent view or difference in personality, but rather it is a completely unnecessary incorporation of nigger'ism in a forum which quite honestly can do without it, never mind the complete and utter opposition of this forum's ideals to niggers. I just don't want to subject myself to lesser races or any of their characteristics when coming here, unless we are pointing and laughing at them.

That's really all there is to it. You haven't done it again, so it's no big deal. Thanks for that.

Except Terry Pratchett said if you use more than three exclamation marks in a row, it is a sign of insanity 8-) Just thought I'd end with a bit of humour...
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Re: Romans, Chapter 1

Postby Kentucky » Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:08 am

As we were calmly discussing Chapter 1 of Romans.......

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Re: Romans, Chapter 1

Postby NicoChristian » Tue Feb 05, 2013 2:15 pm

BrettDeason wrote:I apologize for way that I seemed to come off to people who do not know me. Bill Finck and Melissa are the only Israelite Brethren who I know from this forum. I should have taken into consideration, that people who do not know me, would also be reading what I posted on this forum. Did anyone, and I am mean ANYONE even take any time at all to do any research what so ever at all, even in the least bit, on me? The grand total of research that I did on that Brethren who questioned my writings, was to ask Bill if he knew him and if he was one of our Brethren? Bill's answer gave me all the information that I needed. He seems to be one of our Brethren. How are we suppose to know one another? By our fruits. No other way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Does Bill know for sure, that he is a Brethren or not, does anyone know for sure, whether any of us are Brethren or not? Only by our fruits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All you Brethren had to do was to search my posts. Are my posts about bullshit, or Yahweh's Truth? They are about Yahweh's Truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, one of my fellow Brethren posted a nice little comment, that did nothing but add to the fire of me being pissed off about this. That particular fellow Brethren posted that, now, because of my mistake in me writing what I wrote using the words I used, seemed to color his perception of my writings. If I'm not perfectly posting every single post that I post, and that colors your perception of me, or of anything of my other writings, then, once again, I have to just shake my head, in disappointment to that from a fellow Brethren.

The words that I choose to use when I wrote what I wrote, DO NOT MATTER. Why argue over such a small minute thing? We are all falling prey to Satan and his family, if we argue and fight over little tiny things like that. How useful are we for our Heavenly Father if we are going to argue over little tiny things like that? How well are we representing Yahweh's Family if we do that? We are not representing Yahweh's Family well at all by doing that!

Why did I get so pissed off? Because I was insulted, that is why. By a fellow Brethren, at that. How messed up is that? All that you Brethren have done, in squabbling over my posts, in how I wrote this and how I wrote that, and what word I choose to use here and what word I choose to use there, is attract the enemy. And, what is Satan and his family going to do now? They can so very easily point to CI (Christian Identity) , or II (Israelite Identity), or whatever you want to call it, and they can say things like, 'look, CI, is no good', 'look at them fighting each other in CI', 'do you really want to be a part of that, if they call that the truth?' 'do you really want to be part of that, if they aren't nice people?' The examples could go on and on as to how Satan and his family could very easily use this against us. I got insulted by being compared to jews and niggers. I am of Yahweh's Heavenly Family! Does that not piss you Brethren off, when you get called a jew or a nigger, or when you get compared to jews or niggers? Because if it doesn't, I don't know what to say about that.

And, now, I have to take the time out of my busy day, to write this up, so that y'all can all feel happy and feel great. But, I'm sure, that I've messed up in writing this, and that, you Brethren, will just pick it apart and dissect it, and analyze it, and discuss all that you Brethren find wrong with it. Oh, I'm sorry, my Brethren who are reading this, don't know me well enough to know how busy my days are. Do I need to go into explanation about that too????????????????????

Why should I, or anyone, ever have to do deal with this???????????????????????????? Are we perfect? NO!!!!! NOT ANY OF US BRETHREN ARE PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, stop being nit picky about how we share our Heavenly Father's Gospel, and get out there and do your work for His Kingdom, instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is not a cult! We are not in a cult! We are not in a denomination! We are of Yahweh's Family!!!!!!

We don't have any secret hand shakes or words or anything like that. We don't lure people in and brain wash them. We don't do any of those things. Yet, people tell us that we are in a cult.

We do not accuse one another of not being a member of Yahweh's Heavenly Family. That just ends up being a recipe for disaster.

This brethren asked me for credentials, as he called them. We don't have anything like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He then proceeded to post his picture and a video and tell about his dealings with the jews. I don't have any videos as evidence of who I am. I don't even have any pictures to show you guys who I am (and I'm not referring to photographs). I am a child of Yahweh's Family! I am a worker for HIs Gospel! Have I dealt with the jews? Yes! We all have, haven't we? Do they not run and control everything from money to media and everything else? I work in Marketing. I have to deal with jews and niggers and fags all the time. Niggers look down on me because I'm White, while fags look down on me because I'm not gay, while jews don't have an understanding of what is right and what is wrong. I hate working in Marketing! I get phone calls on my cell from jew retards who are in Management, and I have to deal with that. But, I've got to feed myself don't I?

Would a member of Satan's family get so pissed off, when they are accused of being from their own family?

And, this fellow Brethren of ours, posted that it seemed odd, or, a coincidence of some sort, that I typed some words in some way or another, like a jew would type them. WE ARE TO BE KNOWN BY THE FRUITS OF OUR WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, what now? We all have to go and edit every single thing that we have ever written????????????????????????

We are all busy! We all live busy lives! None of us - NONE OF US BRETHREN - have time to go through all that we write, and correct this mistake, and that mistake, and all of our mistakes that we have made in our writings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We need to stop creating divisions amongst our Brethren!!!!!!!! We need to stop looking at every little single mistake that we all make, and we all need to focus on our Heavenly Father's Will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I thank Yahweh and I praise Yahweh for everything that I have and that even includes all of my faults. I thank and I praise our Heavenly Father for everything. Yahweh blesses His Children and He punishes His Children. I thank and I praise Yahweh for all of that.

I thank Yahweh and I praise Yahweh for everything! I ask Yahweh to guide me in my studies of His Word. I ask Yahweh to guide me in my every day life, whether it is while I am on the job in Marketing, or, whether I am not on the job in Marketing. I hope that all of us brethren do!!!!

And, one brethren posted that he doesn't get this angry, when he get's called a jew or a nigger or a wigger, or, when he gets accused of being from a family, other than, our Heavenly Father's Family. I certainly hope that we all get this pissed off when that happens to all of us Israelites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brethren, and I am including EVERY BRETHREN, when I type this out, fight the fight that we are in with Satan and his family. We each share Yahweh's Gospel in all the ways that we can. The harder that we brethren fight, the harder that Satan and his offspring fight back. And, that is a good sign, not a bad sign. That is a good sign, showing that we brethren are fighting hard.

And, for the sake of Yahweh's Gospel, don't think that every single time when you share our Heavenly Father's Gospel, that it does not count. That does not help you, in your fight. If our lost brethren, reject our Heavenly Father's Gospel, then Yahweh will deal with them.

I apologize about the way that I came off, to my brethren, who do not know me.

Bill and Melissa, I'll talk to you guys later.
I'll do my best to get to know my fellow Brethren. And, my fellow Brethren, try to get to know me, in return.

Yahweh's Will Be Done.
May Yahweh Bless all of our Brethren and keep all of us Brethren safe and secure.
Yahweh is happy and pleased with the work that our Brethren are all doing for His Gospel.
Keep fighting hard!
Praise our Heavenly Father and thank Him for EVERYTHING!

I'm gonna be perfectly honest here and say what I thought of this post. I read this post and thought, this guy is a fruitcake. I mean is it necessary to write about 30 exclamation marks or question marks. To use rather foul language and to go on and on. Obviously you got very angry, which is totally unnecessary. If you want people to take you seriously you need to look at the way you write and to calm it down and make it look more professional. I think a lot of people will share my opinion that you won't be taken seriously, especially on a forum if you write the way that you wrote in the above post. You may get offended at what I wrote, but I can't really put it any other way.
YHWH bless.
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Re: Romans, Chapter 1

Postby BrettDeason » Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:50 pm

I do not ever mean to come off seeming like I am Yahshua, nor, seeming like I am trying to be Yahshua.

I do apologize for coming off, in that manner.

I, most definitely, am not Yahshua.

I do not ever mean to come off seeming like I know it all. I do not know it all.

I do apologize for coming off, in that manner.

Yahweh Bless all of our Brethren.

- Brett Deason
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Re: Romans, Chapter 1

Postby Staropramen » Tue Feb 05, 2013 11:39 pm

NicoChristian wrote:I'm gonna be perfectly honest here and say what I thought of this post. I read this post and thought, this guy is a fruitcake. I mean is it necessary to write about 30 exclamation marks or question marks. To use rather foul language and to go on and on. Obviously you got very angry, which is totally unnecessary. If you want people to take you seriously you need to look at the way you write and to calm it down and make it look more professional. I think a lot of people will share my opinion that you won't be taken seriously, especially on a forum if you write the way that you wrote in the above post. You may get offended at what I wrote, but I can't really put it any other way.

I not buying it. This guy talks as though we've all had face to face contact for years and suddenly I started questioning his race and integrity. He seems to be deliberately trying to negate the anonymous nature of internet forums and that suggests to me that he's not one us. Why else would someone be so critical of security precautions aimed at protecting the community as whole? He keeps repeating statements about what we should be doing as if these actions in and of themselves eliminate any need for scrutiny. Sorry but to me he sounds like an angry jew ranting and raving as jews always do when they get caught. I searched his handful of posts. They all seem to be strung together bible verses and then unnecessary "state the obvious" explanations of what each verse means without, for the most part any original commentary. It appears on the surface that this is an infiltrator.
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