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David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby andersonone » Mon Mar 28, 2016 7:26 pm

Id like to weigh in in this thread as a recent convert to CI. Let me say that when i first heard the CI message i knew almost instantly that it was true albiet there may be finer points up for debate. Growing up i was homeschooled and therefore only exposed to heavy jewdeo christian programming instead of jewish communist instill had to break through the barrier of everything i had ever been taught.

I have always had a natural desire to know the truth...about everything...and i started asking questions early on in life. Still though i believed in 911 and the jews being gods chosen people and the left behind series for awhile. The reason i bring up this history of my belief systems is because in order for someone to advance in knowledge and truth they must be willing to admit they were wrong. Thats hard for alot of white people to do because we all innately desire to have the moral high ground and truth on our side.

My search for truth took me first to libertarianism (ron paul), then infowars, then henry makow, then david duke, then, then robert whitaker, then dailystormer and ultimately christogenea.

The point is that if an individual such as myself has a genuine desire for truth he will be able to navigate through roadblocks, traps, half truths, distractions and lies to ultimately awaken to the truth. And i still read material from most of those sources albeit with a filter on my mind. Ultimately there are only a small group proportionally that can be called elect and those are the ones who are in pursuit of the truth of yahweh and his commands for a godly civilization.
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby Kentucky » Mon Mar 28, 2016 8:30 pm

"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world" I John 4:1

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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby Staropramen » Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:38 am

andersonone wrote:Growing up i was homeschooled and therefore only exposed to heavy jewdeo christian programming instead of jewish communist programming...

Is there a difference?
"If God is a Jew then the only thing left for us to do is commit suicide"
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby wmfinck » Tue Mar 29, 2016 8:49 am

I sent this brief note in a Twitter conversation yesterday...

... @DrDavidDuke David Duke rejected the truth about the identity of the Jews his entire life. Willful ignorance, or an agenda?
If a jew is moving his lips, he's lying. If you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby andersonone » Tue Mar 29, 2016 9:59 am

wmfinck wrote:I sent this brief note in a Twitter conversation yesterday...

... @DrDavidDuke David Duke rejected the truth about the identity of the Jews his entire life. Willful ignorance, or an agenda?

Nice. Maybe he will reply. It seems, however, that he prefers to stay "big tent" almost like an Alex Jones type. But that's not how Yahweh has called us to live or operate our society. It has never worked. It never will work! I completely understand why CI is so important and that White Nationalism without CI is destined to fail. Without the commands of Yahweh there is too much up for interpretation and we would soon be mongrelizing and universalizing all over again like we did in Europe after we forgot the laws that Yahweh had given our ancestors in Israel. The picture is so clear to some of us but unclear for the majority.
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby Staropramen » Fri Sep 30, 2016 2:51 pm

andersonone wrote:
wmfinck wrote:I sent this brief note in a Twitter conversation yesterday...

... @DrDavidDuke David Duke rejected the truth about the identity of the Jews his entire life. Willful ignorance, or an agenda?

Nice. Maybe he will reply.

David Duke does not reply to e-mails unless there's something in it for him. Don Black is the same way. I was a moderator on SF for awhile and I contacted both of these people on several occasions and never once got a response. Interestingly, when David Duke was arrested in Prague, Czech Republic I gathered all the news footage and made a compilation video with translated subtitles. He contacted me about that though to request permission to use it on his website. I have contacted other well known people like Paul Fromm and David Irving and gotten quick responses.

I'm currently selling a substantial portion of my vinyl record collection. I recently put the very rare "Ballad of David Duke" record up for sale. But I started to think about it and in good conscious I had to pull the listing. I'm not encouraging some ignorant fool with this piece of misguided propaganda.
"If God is a Jew then the only thing left for us to do is commit suicide"
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Re: David Duke is a Shill for the Jews

Postby Les » Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:59 pm

Staropramen wrote: I have contacted other well known people like Paul Fromm and David Irving and gotten quick responses.

Paul Fromm isd a pretty decent guy. Met him maybe a dozen times, and he is definitely a gentleman, but also likes to drink wine and from rumours, lots of women.
Fromm also is a Catholic I was told, but I never knew, as at all demonstrations I attended, he never said anything from the Bible.
The guy has been around forever fighting the Commies. After he was in some physical fights in the early 1970s when in the Western Guard and John Birch Society, I guess is when he decided to distance himself and fight intellectually. He has no problem with skinheads or radical looking folk, but by appearing as a mainstream person that could be appearing nightly on the news, he knows how to appear and how to talk to the average white person and make them question the propaganda we are fed.
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