Re: Rahlfs Septuagint + other PDF books

Tue Dec 10, 2013 8:42 pm
by Filidh
here's a pdf of the greek enchiridion. ... ridion.pdfsomeone uploaded it, apparently. so yah, there's all anyone needs to begin learning greek.
Re: Rahlfs Septuagint + other PDF books

Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:58 pm
by Filidh
just one thing to note. bill recently made a comment that i agree with but haven't made clear, so i'll be more clear now: strong's greek pronunciation works fine, the reconstructed pronunciation also works fine, but strong's is simpler and thus is more ideal. the main thing i liked about the reconstructed pronunciation was the singsong effect that it had, by this i mean:
ά being pronounced in a rising tone, ὰ in a falling tone, and ᾶ in a tone that rises and falls in the same syllable. α as 'ah', ε as 'eh', η as in the 'a' in 'ache', ι as 'ee', ξ as 'ks', ο and ω as 'oh', υ as the 'oo' of 'boon', χ as german hard 'ch' or scottish 'ch' of 'loch'. but pronunciation is only secondary to the meat of the language itself.
edit: the rising and falling is contrary to the stress-based pronunciation. but quite simply, either one works just fine and neither is better.