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Ancient Hebrew

A forum for discussion of Indo-European (which includes "Semitic") languages

Ancient Hebrew

Postby NicoChristian » Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:52 pm

I've tried studying Biblical H ebrew for a while now. I haven't got very far, but is modern Hebrew actual Biblical Hebrew spoken by the Israelites and prophets. If not, what was the language used by the true Israelites and what writing did they use. I believe ancient phonecian was closer to ancient Hebrew, but I need to have this cleared up. Did the Israelites use Phonecian letters or Hebrew letters as it's written nowadays? Can somebody enlighten me on this?
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Re: Ancient Hebrew

Postby NicoChristian » Wed Apr 11, 2012 5:55 pm

Jews claim that Modern Hebrew and Biblical Hebrew are practically the same, but is this true? I think Modern Hebrew would interest me if it was indeed close to the original. Can anybody shed some light on this?
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Re: Ancient Hebrew

Postby Filidh » Wed Apr 11, 2012 7:35 pm

The modern language used by the kikes, that they call Hebrew, has an extremely large foreign vocabulary base (Yiddish, Arabic, Russian, German, Ladino, and so on), in addition to the stock Masoretic (Biblical Hebrew) vocabulary.

The Masoretic language will be different to what the ancient Hebrews spoke because the people who spoke it (Masorites) and the ancient Hebrews were different people.

By the time the Masoretic Hebrew text was recorded, all other surviving copies had been actively sought out and destroyed by the Masorites.

[EDIT: I was wrong in the following:]
So, we have no language today with which we can glean what the ancient Hebrews spoke - only what the ancient Masorites spoke, which was an evolved Hebrew. It was evolved in the areas of script, consonant- and vowel-shifts, and the addition of the system of vowel-pointing.
Learning Biblical Hebrew or Aramaic could give us some insight into what the ancient Hebrews spoke like, but I believe that such time could be better spent learning Koine Greek, for the Septuagint, the NT, and others. When I first posted, I allowed this bias of mine to get in the way of the facts. Truthfully, Biblical Hebrew is worthy of learning, and indeed it's necessary in such cases as when the Septuagint lacks a bit in regards to the translation of prophecy. And, as always, comparing two leads to better clarity rather than relying solely on the one. However, I personally opt for the Greek route instead. If you have passion for Biblical Hebrew, then you should stick with it.

Therefore, the language of the ancient Israelites (Hebrew) and the language of the kikes today (that they call Hebrew), and the language you learn as Biblical (Masoretic Hebrew) are three somewhat-separate entities, the latter two being similar to each other but still disjointed from the former.

I'm unsure in regards to the Phoenician script.

[edited it one last time changed Attic to Koine.]
Last edited by Filidh on Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
real name's trevor :-)
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Re: Ancient Hebrew

Postby Filidh » Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:40 pm

Here is a link to a site that has Koine Greek, Masoretic Hebrew, and Latin biblical audio recordings and texts.
real name's trevor :-)
Posts: 311
Joined: Fri Dec 30, 2011 1:51 am

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