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Romance languages

A forum for discussion of Indo-European (which includes "Semitic") languages

Romance languages

Postby icelander93 » Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:48 am

Language: the Romans spoke Latin, which was an Indo-European language that was related to the other Italic languages, when the Romans dominated Europe their language became the universal language and even after the fall of the Roman empire Latin was still used as such, many languages have been deeply influenced by Latin or are even direct descendants of it, this languages are nowadays called Romance languages and its greatest representatives are Italian, Spanish, and French, the English language is of Germanic origin but has also taken many influences from Latin and its later descendant French.
Latin is often considered to be an extinct language but it is still used nowadays in the medical and scientifical world and many schools also teach it to their students, in the Vatican (the smallest country in the world and the residence of the pope) Latin is even the official language, I shall now give an example of Latin and some of its descendant languages.
Example of Romance languages:

(Universal Declaration of Human Rights article 1)
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Omnes homines dignitate et iure liberi et pares nascuntur, rationis et conscientiae participes sunt, quibus inter se concordiae studio est agendum.

Tutti gli esseri umani nascono liberi ed eguali in dignità e diritti. Essi sono dotati di ragione e di coscienza e devono agire gli uni verso gli altri in spirito di fratellanza.

Todos los seres humanos nacen libres e iguales en dignidad y derechos y. Dotados como están de razón y conciencia, deben comportarse fraternalmente los unos con los otros.

Todos os seres humanos nascem livres e iguais em dignidade e em direitos. Dotados de razão e de consciência, devem agir uns para com os outros em espírito de fraternidade.

Tous les êtres humains naissent libres et égaux en dignité et en droits. Ils sont doués de raison et de conscience et doivent agir les uns envers les autres dans un esprit de fraternité.

Toate fiintele umane se nasc libere si egale în demnitate si în drepturi. Ele sînt înzestrate cu ratiune si constiinta si trebuie sa se comporte unele fata de altele în spiritul fraternitatii.
Tolerance and Apathy are the last virtues of a dying society
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Re: Romance languages

Postby NicoChristian » Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:59 pm

If anybody needs any help with their Spanish let me know, I just so happen to speak it perfectly. It's a pity Spanish is spoken by one of our worst enemies the Mestizos.

Si alquien necesita ayuda con su español, avisame. Yo hablo español perfectámente. Es una pena, español está hablado por nuestro enemigo él mestizo.

¿Quien más habla español aca?
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