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Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:32 pm
by Joe
Okay then ...well, I guess I cannot completely and legitimately connect any traits with any specific tribe.

That is what I was hoping to do. I didn't know slavs were mixed into British stock but now that you say that I can think of some examples.

Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 3:00 pm
by EzraLB
Joe wrote:I didn't know slavs were mixed into British stock but now that you say that I can think of some examples.

I recall reading that the Vikings/Danes allied with some Slavic tribes for the early invasion of Britain, circa 800. It was this invasion which resulted in the Danelaw rule over a large part of Britain. No doubt many Danes and Slavs were absorbed into the local population as a result. I'll try to find a citation for my source on this history of England.

Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:59 pm
by Jayde
I am British, Irish, German. I live in Australia and have been mistaken by whites and non-whites as being mixed raced. When I went to the USA most thought I looked white but one thought I looked like I could be "Brazilian in a good way", I think I look weird for a white person.

I would say 75% time people think I am white. I always thought of myself as white. Though I look like a bit of a scrappy mongrel because I don't have a typical generic white look. I have not seen anyone who looks like me. I think my eyes can look Asian-ish. And my hair is dark blonde and curly, my eyes brown (in the sun golden). I can see why you thought we of celt decent are mixed.

My ex is a Nordacist, who I have children with. He considered being with me as race mixing. He never considered me as being white and always called me black because my hair is curly and he thinks my nose looks black, I never felt like anything other than white. But I grew up being told how dark I am by everyone and that I must be mixed. So I thought it could be possible but I still found that hard to believe, as I know I have a white soul and mind.

To add to the mystery, I have a rare haplogroup, one of the rarest on earth. I have people asking me to upload my raw DNA so they can study it online. I am not really suprised by it. I always felt like I did not "belong" anywhere. One C.I guy I spoke to said he thinks its an old Mediterranean Hap group. Who knows.

Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:38 pm
by Kentucky
Jayde wrote:I am British, Irish, German. I live in Australia and have been mistaken by whites and non-whites as being mixed raced. When I went to the USA most thought I looked white but one thought I looked like I could be "Brazilian in a good way", I think I look weird for a white person.

If you don't mind, why don't you post a picture of yourself. It would enhance our perpetual process of honing our racial identification skills. My wife and I play this game all the time as to whether or not a person is White, considering a number of racial traits and giving reasons for even minute ethnic characteristics, one way or the other. Ezralb's son is a gifted lad who has the gift of discernment here also. Come on, it'll be fun.


Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:40 pm
by Joe
I agree with Mark, it would be interesting.
Have you ever seen anything in your ancestry that might explain your eyes or some of your other features?
Does it cause you concern in respect of your CI faith?

Even if we try to discern the truth, Christ will ultimately divide Israel from the mongrels.

Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 2:00 am
by Jayde
Joe, I have looked at ancestry and can not find a non-white thus far. It does not change how I look at myself, nor shake my C.I because I know my mind and spirit. I know God and I know my fate. I don't mind what the Anglos or Saxons think of me, I am not forcing them to produce children with me so they can think of me as an other, and I guess I am an other to them, it does not faze me. I never had a hand to play in allowing Celts into Australia, Aust was sliding into the gutter before I was born. Lol

I don't have many photo's so put up one I took 3 months ago.
The photo of my face is indoors so my eyes look darker as well as my hair. But I added an extra photo of my hair colour (yes thats a baby chicken in the back ground). And I would say in the sun my eyes go a similar colour to my hair.

Edit to add, I wish I could make the photos smaller but I don't know how.

Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:24 am
by EzraLB
Jayde wrote:I have a rare haplogroup, one of the rarest on earth. I have people asking me to upload my raw DNA so they can study it online. I am not really suprised by it. I always felt like I did not "belong" anywhere. One C.I guy I spoke to said he thinks its an old Mediterranean Hap group. Who knows.

As far as haplogroups go, the White race really is generally R1N1 or R2N1 or slight combinations of the two. If you have another haplogroup outside of those two, chances are you are mixed race. If you have a "rare" haplogroup not commonly found in the White race, you are mixed race without knowing it.

How do you know your ancestry? Have you done your genealogy? Can you post pictures of your parents? Are you any chance adopted? It's not a matter of whether or not you "feel" White--some people of mixed race but mostly White obviously can "feel" White because that's the group they identify with, but you can't go by that on its own.

Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:35 am
by Jayde
Arent those male lines, though? My female line is Hap X2g DNA test wont show male Y hap group for a woman. X2g is widely dispersed in Europe, America, Middle east. If so many non white Hap groups are in Europe, what chance to any of us have of being truly white?

ETA, I traced my family tree, and had a DNA test (though people say that is not reliable.) When I say I feel white I mean if I do something wrong, inside I suffer deeply for it. Without being made to feel that way. And I naturally have Gods laws written on my heart. Despite not having been taught that way. As for most of the whites surrounding me, I can't relate to them culturally.

Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:59 am
by EzraLB
Jayde wrote:My female line is Hap X2g DNA test wont show male Y hap group for a woman. X2g is widely dispersed in Europe, America, Middle east. If so many non white Hap groups are in Europe, what chance to any of us have of being truly white?

The X haplotype is asiastic. That it's found in a small percentage of "White" Europeans doesn't mean that it's a White marker. There are plenty of mix raced Europeans, who appear White, but have asiatic DNA from arab and jewish admixture.

Do you have pictures of your parents or grandparents? That would be a real help. I can completely understand why you identify with Whites over non-Whites, as from their perspective, you certain would not look like one of them.

How the X Haplotype got into the European genome has been speculated upon in the "Seven Daughters of Eve" Theory, which has been discredited by many geneticists and "evolutionary biologists"... ... ers_of_Eve

Re: Irish Scottish White Spanish Gaul Celtic

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:06 am
by Jayde
It is not found much in Asia, from what I could find. Which is why they were speculating about a migration from Europe. Because it is found in a few tribes of Northern native Americans.