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Spanish and Portuguese empires

Topics Concerning Race and Ancient Man

Re: Spanish and Portuguese empires

Postby EzraLB » Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:40 am

That video posted here on the "truth" of Spanish DNA is rather misleading. It states that the Spaniards, according to these reliable DNA tests, show no racial connection to the Phoenicians and Carthaginians. This is absolutely false. Bill has proven over and over again from ancient records that these peoples were among the first to settle Spain. So if the Spanish don't have any Phoenician blood, how reliable are those tests?

Either way, DNA tests are not reliable, as many will show false-negative and false-positive results. How is it possible that modern Spaniards have only 1% Celtic admixture? How can they tell the difference between Celtic and Phoenician? This is absurd, as they are genetically closely related.

As the video rightly points out, Spain was the dominant country in Europe--600 years ago, but it fails to explain the decline of their empire. How does such a dominant culture and capable people fall so far? I guess they just mysteriously decided not to compete with the rest of Europe anymore. Something fundamentally changed with the Spanish people. What caused Portugal's decline? It doesn't just happen.

We can cherry-pick White-looking non-Whites all day long to prove our point--that you often will be misled by your eyes into thinking someone is White. As Joe pointed out, you have to take into account the history of a country to guide us--that's being responsible.

I'll be the first to admit I can have trouble separating the Wheat from the Tares, and because of that, I choose to err on the side of caution when choosing a prospective mate.

This little girl is blonde-haired, blue-eyed--and Syrian. Would you allow her into a Christian congregation based on her appearance? If she were in Spain, would you consider her a "White" Spaniard?
Syrian Child.jpg
Syrian Child.jpg (30.38 KiB) Viewed 2489 times
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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Re: Spanish and Portuguese empires

Postby wmfinck » Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:38 am

This dispute is exactly why I did this podcast: ... d-bastards

There, among other things, I said this:

How White Nationalists and Identity Christians alike can properly cope with ethnicity in Europe and America.

There is no single “white” nation or ethnicity. We should not merely celebrate and defend being White, but we should celebrate and defend each White nation distinctly.

Identity Christians and White Nationalists alike should realize that it is not good for our people to break down the barriers between the perceptibly White nations and mold them all together into a single lump.

A true White Nationalist should agree that every White nation has its own distinct characteristics and culture, and rather than lumping them together we should appreciate and seek to preserve the ethnic integrity of each and every one of them.

Therefore, White Nationalists should also be ethnic nationalists. If an Italian is proud of his heritage, he or she should seek to marry an Italian. If an Italian is not proud of his heritage, he or she would do better to marry a nigger or a Jew rather than a German or a Swede. An Italian forcing himself on a Swede, or a Frenchman on a Dane, is acting against the interests of the other White nation, and is therefore acting against Whites in general.

This removes the element of distrust, because nobody should really be encouraging, for example, Danes to be marrying Sicilians in the first place.
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Re: Spanish and Portuguese empires

Postby Eveleen » Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:36 am

What about the British Empire? Something must have happened to bring about its decline too. Something fundamentally changed to the English people to have fallen… :roll: And btw, London is more than 50% non-white, not the same can be said about Madrid. Sorry, to say, but empires do not last forever, that’s not an argument. Plus, the Spanish Empire happened after the Reconquista, so what you say does not make sense.

Daring to compare a white country with that hell hole called Palestine or Syria? What insolence! Wherever I went I saw white people and many blonde kids, and rarely, someone who looked suspicious, it’s NOT the other way around. You are calling me a liar? I’ve been there and I saw it, how can you underestimate my experience? I talk because I know, you talk because you think you know, because of your self-aggrandizing behavior. It seems this arrogance is quite common in the Anglo-Saxon sphere, thinking they are better than anyone else. The rest of the European people are not like this, they would rarely look down on their Mediterranean brothers, on the contrary. Before looking at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye, look at your mighty country, where there are more mixed people and non-whites than in any Mediterranean country. See to your own problems first. All this hatred against Spanish people is Anglo-Saxon, rivalry and jealousy. CI will never be popular in Europe because of this, people just don’t think like this.

You are still with the Black Legend, invented by the British, brainwashed into hating Spanish people.

BTW, how do you imagine Paul and John, or the Apostles? 7 feet tall, platinum blonde and celestial blue eyes? I'd guess not.

Europe according to the Anglo-Saxon world:

Point is, you consider yourself God, having bestowed upon yourself the ability to judge people. You are all knowing, all mighty, already throwing your brothers into the lake of fire. You have already given yourself the right to separate the wheat and tares according to your will and beliefs. It’s not me, it’s you. It’s exactly what you do.
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Re: Spanish and Portuguese empires

Postby Joe » Sun Jan 24, 2016 11:54 am

I am not trying to speak for everyone else, this is just my opinion on the conversation.

Read what Bill wrote.
I take away from that that if there is a white Spanish person then let them be with other white Spanish people. Let them preserve themselves.

Eveleen wrote
Daring to compare a white country with that hell hole called Palestine or Syria? What insolence!

Those pictures of syrians and palestinians were to a point, a point you completely missed!

It was about how people can appear white but not be so ...thus your pictures and your stories mean nothing in the light of this reason and in the light of the history of Spain. Your feelings about these people may not be accurate. It really does not matter if you lived there or not, it would not change the history of Spain.

Eveleen said
Point is, you consider yourself God, having bestowed upon yourself the ability to judge people. You are all knowing, all mighty, already throwing your brothers into the lake of fire. You have already given yourself the right to separate the wheat and tares according to your will and beliefs. It’s not me, it’s you. It’s exactly what you do.

Consider ourselves God? (you are letting your emotion get the best of you)

I am not the one who claimed I could determine the racial makeup of a person just by meeting them, that is exactly what you have asserted ...that you met Spanish people and decided they were white by your own judgement. In contrast I posted a picture of a seemingly white palestinian girl to show how difficult it is for a man to divide the wheat from the tares ...only Christ can do that. That is what I believe, that is a fair portrayal of my view. I have the completely opposite view than the one you have attributed to me.

Ezra has said multiple times that he does not trust that he can divide the wheat from the tares, and that he would rather go with what he knows, to be cautious because he does not know ...that's what I am getting from him.

That picture you posted does not represent our/my argument at all, you are basically arguing your own straw-man, a straw-man that does not represent our argument but rather your emotionality.

Question: Do you have an ancestral connection to Spain Eveleen?
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Re: Spanish and Portuguese empires

Postby matthewott » Sun Jan 24, 2016 4:26 pm

Eveleen, while I applaud your defense of the true ethnically Spaniard population, I also believe you are allowing emotionalism to cloud your judgement, not understanding what these gentlemen are truly saying. The answers provided to the original question, were pertinent and factual, with personal opinions concerning dividing the wheat and the tares thrown in. Nobody, that I can discern, was purposefully insulting the white population of Spanish and Portuguese that truly remain. History is history, and facts are their fruits you will know them. ALL of our white empires are collapsing, ALL for the exact same reason. I would be just as skeptical to find a mate in my own country, as to find one in any one of what I can see are FORMERLY WHITE NATIONS. I consider my own country of the USA to be a formerly white nation and am of the same opinion as my brothers who commented here, so you need not be so ready to criticize your brothers for being so scripturally cautious in choosing a mate.
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Re: Spanish and Portuguese empires

Postby disciplemate » Sun Jan 24, 2016 8:45 pm

This thread seems to have spilled into a abit of a raging debate but the main point of my question was dealing with the issue of spain and portugals collapse and was it related to a general racial change in the population.
From what I know about the spanish empire, they were very significant for a good few centuries atleast up until the 17th/18th centuries. But what caused their empire to fall?? Before the fall of the spanish empire was their population mainly non mixed? I am not interested in what they are today, I want to know what they were like 800 or 900 years ago until about their fall around 300 - 400 years ago because that was about the time of their expansion til their fall. Something must have changed of the people for them to have lost the empire and I believe it could be to the fact either the jews sabotaged them or else they became too bastardised to even successfully manage a healthy global empire.
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Re: Spanish and Portuguese empires

Postby EzraLB » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:49 am

disciplemate wrote:But what caused their empire to fall?? Before the fall of the spanish empire was their population mainly non mixed? I am not interested in what they are today, I want to know what they were like 800 or 900 years ago until about their fall around 300 - 400 years ago because that was about the time of their expansion til their fall. Something must have changed of the people for them to have lost the empire and I believe it could be to the fact either the jews sabotaged them or else they became too bastardised to even successfully manage a healthy global empire.

I think you've answered your own question--jewish sabotage combined with a significant dose of mongrelization. While Eveleen believes that the anti-Spanish sentiment in Europe is completely based on myth, even the article she cited on the "Black Legend" quotes Pope Paul IV (1555), describing Spaniards as

"...heretics, schismatics, accursed of God, the Offspring of Jews and Marranos, the very scum of the earth."

Of course, this is hyperbole, but it agrees with what Erasmus witnessed in Spain, that the place was "crawling with jews". And so it must have been obvious to the casual observer the physical difference between a White Spaniard and a converso jew. Would that physical difference be so evident today between White Spaniards and those with some 500-year old converso blood? Doubtful.

Perhaps the Spaniards got such a bad reputation because of the behavior of the jews among them.

When this number of jews, or conversos, can live openly in any society, nothing good will happen to that country. While they sucked the Spanish Empire dry, the jews continued to inter-marry with the Whites and eventually made themselves invisible or indistinguishable from the larger population. The decline was inevitable under these conditions. The same thing is happening today in almost all formerly-White nations.
"No Rothschild is English. No Baruch, Morgenthau, Cohen, Lehman, Warburg, Kuhn, Kahn, Schiff, Sieff or Solomon was ever born Anglo-Saxon. And it is for this filth that you fight. It is for this filth that you murdered your Empire. It is this filth that elects, selects, your politicians." -- Ezra Pound
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