by matthewott » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:24 pm
I would definitely like to re-open this discussion. Before CI, I really had no opinion concerning the Great Flood, as I viewed it as a fable, courtesy of my catlick upbringing. Upon arriving at CI, I read many things concerning the flood, and tended to agree with Bill and Clifton in their assessments. In the ensuing years, a few bits and pieces of flood related literature have crossed my path...some a complete farce, and others that led me to some more critical thinking on the subject. While I do not believe that we will come to a fully conclusive understanding in our lifetimes, I do believe that an understanding of the flood certainly can, and will, take on many different perspectives and can show that these differing perspectives each reveal details that ring true.
With that being said, I would like to first tackle what many refer to as the "aqueous ring" that supposedly existed before the time of the flood. Up to this point, I had only read one "article" on the subject, but I viewed it as poorly written and ill-conceived, though the concept itself held some merit. I may have even addressed it in the forum here a few years ago. I think this post deserves a pause to peruse the forum in search of it for proper reference. I guess I should have gone back to researching the topic before I decided to jump into this, so for the sake of scholarship I will pause this post period and, Yahweh willing, will resume it when I've brushed up and done my homework. I do know where I'm going with this, just bear with me my brothers and sisters...
For the Word of Yahweh is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12