by Londonlight40 » Fri Mar 25, 2016 7:27 am
Hello, i am from uk, london. Received Holy Ghost in 2010. I feel that this is affirmation and transforms mind from carnal to Godly. Really only interested in planet X at moment and interested in Israel's role in assisting the establishment of the Kingdom. I am white with green eyes, and fine light brown hair and red cheeks. With every day that passes i am deepened in my love for my God and brothers and sisters whom I have not met in the majority. I look forward to us being united as a body as we are surrounded by those who hate us for to them we are an existential threat being superior and not hybrids, an anathema to their waywardness. I have only hatred for the infection, liar and destroyer that is satan for i have been robbed and spoiled by Jews, asians and whited sepulchras my whole life living in London. Angry and entitled niggas now roam about me and I have many times been slandered, persectued for my beliefs and oppressed in my personal and public life. I believe one way to distnguish a tare and why they are called dogs by Christ is if they cannot distinguish between systems and system properties. To them, logic is circular. Try it, and you'll be amazed. To a tare, thinking and lying are the same thing. Wolves are best avoided, as you can't reason with animals beyond simple pavlovian responses. As Christ siad, they could not understand his plain language. I believe only Adam has this capabilty of rational logic and moral law. The Holy Ghost is my teacher and I am sharpened by the sword of truth. Well that is it for now.