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Intro and Info

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Re: Intro and Info

Postby Xile » Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:20 pm

Is it too late to say "welcome"? I was a very stubborn and religious person and would spend hours debating people online, even though I hardly had any evidence to back me up. Liberals and evolutionists were just as stubborn as I was (or am ;) ). In middle school, I recall trying to tell a few kids about God and the most rebellious people were nonwhites. I remember exactly what the black kid told me when I tried persuading him to read the Bible.

It took a lot for me to change. I'm still in that rebellious process, but lately it has become easier to get rid of my love for the world since I stopped watching all those hollywood movies. I'm at that stage in life when practically anything non-Christian puts me off. I've even lost that love for video games that I once had.
Christians don’t need to “get” saved. Christ’s Salvation of His people Israel is an accomplished fact, not something we must “get”. - Pastor Mark Downey
Posts: 92
Joined: Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:21 am


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