Steve, I am not James but the Bible verse for the question you ask is Genesis 9:27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
There are many essays with references on the Christogenea site. Please feel free to read them because they will no doubt answer many of the questions you are seeking on this matter.
Excerpt: Race of Genesis 10 by William Finck
The Japhethites: Gen. 10:2-5
Gomer (Gen. 10:2). Difficult to document, the historian Josephus made the mistake of associating Gomer with the Kelts, an error probably derived from an early Greek name for them, Κιμμέριοι, and many of his copyists have followed this mistake, which is based solely upon this phonetic similarity. That the Kelts actually sprung from a portion of the children of Israel deported by the Assyrians (see Missing Links Discovered in Assyrian Tablets by E. Raymond Capt) is evident from many factors, including their late (7th century B.C.) appearance in history, their location today, and their role in history in fulfillment of many of the prophecies concerning Israel: a topic beyond the scope of this discussion. Simply note that the “Galatians” of Paul’s epistle are Kelts, and Paul certainly was writing to Israelites. By contrast, in Ezekiel chapter 38, Gomer is allied with those who are in opposition to the children of Israel, which makes it easy to accept A. Koestler’s statements concerning Togarmah, outlined below. Some commentators feel that Hosea’s taking of a wife named Gomer (Hos. 1:3) is an indication that Gomer was one of the tribes that the Israelites were dispersed among after their deportation by the Assyrians. This hypothesis is quite credible, though I have not been able to positively identify any tribe of the secular records with Gomer.
The sons of Gomer (Gen. 10:3). Arthur Koestler, a jew who writes from a jewish perspective, claims that Togarmah is the common ancestor of the Uigur, Dursu, Avars, Huns, Basilii, Tarniakh, Khazars (see Cush below), Zagora, Bulgars and Sabir, on p. 72 of his book The Thirteenth Tribe. Along with Gomer, Togarmah is allied against the children of Israel in the last days, at Ezek. 38:6, where he is placed in the far north, and surely among the Asiatic hordes of the former Soviet Union. Riphath, or Diphath, is unmentioned elsewhere in the Bible, except for a copy of Genesis chapter 10 found at I Chronicles chapter 1. Ashkenaz, however, is more easily identified. Mentioned at Jer. 51:27 along with Ararat and Minni (both part of modern Armenia), Ashkenaz is there shown to be not far from the ancient land of the Khazars, once a great empire, and of which modern Kazakhstan is a remnant. In the first millennium many of the Edomites and other Canaanites who had adopted Judaism migrated to Khazaria, and the Khazars, beginning with their king, had converted to Judaism. The jews being absorbed into the general population, these people adopted the name Ashkenaz, or “Ashkenazi jews”, for Ashkenaz was recognized as an ancestor of the original Caucasian population of the area.
Magog, Tubal and Meshech (Gen. 10:2). Over 1500 years before the Germanic Rus conquered the land which bears their name today, Ezekiel wrote of Rhos (LXX) or Rush (A.V.) being the leader (“prince”) of Gog, Meshech and Tubal (Ezekiel chapter 38). This is by no means a coincidence, but rather a clear manifestation of the Divine inspiration of the prophet.
In light of the relationship which the Rus were to have with Magog, Meshech and Tubal, which Ezekiel chapter 38 illustrates, Herodotus mentions two tribes among those under Persian dominion, the Moschi and the Tibareni (3.94, 7.78), in a convenient geographic location that without stretching the imagination we may associate these ancient Japhethites with the dwellers around the Russian cities of Moscow and Tobolsk. Strabo discussed the Moschi and the Tibareni in his eleventh book, and relates that land formerly held by the Moschi, whom he placed just south of Colchis in the Caucasus mountains, was encroached upon by the Colchians, Armenians and Iberians (11.2.18). Of course the Iberians are Hebrews, a part of the Scythians who stayed put, rather than moving northward through the Caucasus with their fellows, and Armenia can be shown to be a Hebrew word meaning “mountain parts”.
Whoever Magog may have been in prehistoric times, we can be certain that his descendants are found among those gigantic (“Gog”) mixed masses of Caucasian – Mongol – Chinese – whatever blood who are found inhabiting much of Asiatic Russia today. Mongolia and Tibet, homes of anciently mixed races with a clear Adamic cultural influence may be guessed. Professor L. A. Waddell, who wrote in the first quarter of the 20th century, produced several books which illustrated the Aryan origin of cultures in India and in Tibet.
Madai (Gen. 10:2) is identifiable with the Medes, which is evident simply by checking both terms in Strong’s Concordance. The Greeks wrote “Mede” as Μ͡ηδος, the ‘η’ in English being either an ‘a’, or an ‘ê’ or ‘e’. Herodotus wrote that “These Medes were anciently called by all people Arians” (7.62), although it is more likely that the term “Aryan” was rather used by Israelites who once sojourned in Media (with which Dr. George Moore agrees in his The Lost Tribes and the Saxons of the East and the Saxons of the West…), since the term Ar-ya appears to mean “Mountain of Yahweh” in Hebrew (i.e. Dan. 2:45), and that the Greeks had Israelite tribes in Media confused with actual Medes. Regardless, the Medes fulfilling a destiny in history which the prophets had already assigned to Madai (i.e. Isaiah chapter 21; Jer. 25:25 and 51:11 and 28; Daniel chapter 8), there should be no doubt of this identification.
There are good indications that the Medes are found in the Slavs of today. The Slavs may be traced to a people that the Romans and Greeks called Sauromatae (Sarmatians). Diodorus Siculus, discussing certain Sakae (Scythian) Kings, states that “It was by these kings that many of the conquered [by the Scythians] peoples were removed to other homes, and two of these became very great colonies: the one was composed of Assyrians and was removed to the land between Paphlagonia and Pontus [modern day Turkey along the southern shore of the Black Sea], and the other was drawn from Media and planted along the Tanaïs [a river north of the Caucasus mountains which empties into the Black Sea from the northeast], its people receiving the name Sauromatae. Many years later this people became powerful and ravaged a large part of Scythia...” (Diodorus Siculus 2.43.5-7). And with this, we having so many Slavs among us today, we have the realization of the fulfillment of Gen. 9:27, which will be discussed below.
Javan (Gen. 10:2) is also identified by Strong in his Concordance with the Ionian Greeks, as the Septuagint translators also seemed to do, rendering the Hebrew word (3120) as Ἰωύαν (Iōuan). This is not out of fancy, for on the Behistun Rock (and other Eastern inscriptions) these Greeks are called “Yavana”, and Sir Henry Rawlinson wrote “Ionians” there in his famous translation of that inscription. Other Persian inscriptions assure this same connection (see G. Moore’s The Lost Tribes… and E. R. Capt’s Missing Links…). These Ionians once inhabited the coasts of Anatolia [modern Turkey] and many of its islands, that land called Ionia generally, and also were the founders and principal inhabitants of Athens.
The sons of Javan (Gen. 10:4). Of the sons of Javan, all are identified with the sea trade with Tyre in Ezekiel chapter 27: Elishah at 27:7, Tarshish at 27:12, Kittim (or Chittim) at 27:6 and in the Septuagint, Dodanim which is a mistake by the Hebrew copyists for Rodanim (as Strong’s attests), at 27:15 (where the A.V. has “Dedan”), or “Rhodians” (Ῥόδιοι) in the LXX. Elishah and Kittim are both identified with Cyprus, with several varying spellings of these names found in ancient inscriptions. Kittim is the word for Cyprus throughout the Hebrew prophets. Rodanim are the Greeks of Rhodes, as identified in the LXX. Tarshish is a region of southern Spain known as Tartessus. The Ionians (or Javan) are connected with Tyrian sea trade also at Ezek. 27:13 and 19, mentioned with Dan: for a portion of that tribe also settled Greece at an early time, and were known as Danaans.
The “ships of Tarshish” are mentioned in Kings, Chronicles, Psalms, and several of the prophets. Although a separate and quite lengthy topic, it can be convincingly demonstrated that the Phoenicians of Tyre and elsewhere were the Israelites – called Phoenicians by the Greeks – right from the pages of the Bible, with much evidence also added by secular historians. Carthage was a Phoenician colony of Tyre, and the Carthaginians eventually controlled the land we call Spain today, then called Iberia, “Hebrew” or “Eber” land, just as the land south of the Caucasus mountains, where the deported Israelites first settled and became known as Scythians, was also called Iberia, even in Roman times.
Diodorus Siculus (25.10.1 ff.) discusses wars between the Carthaginian Hamilcar Barca and the “Iberians and Tartessians” in the third century B.C. Herodotus (4.152) is writing about a period much earlier than his own, even pre-dating the Trojan War, and speaking of Tartessus in southern Spain says, “This trading town was in those days a virgin port, unfrequented by the merchants”. The Trojan War was 200 years before King Solomon’s ships, so Herodotus surely seems to have been accurate, and his calling Tartessus a “trading town” illuminates the Scriptural record. In their Greek-English lexicon, Liddell & Scott readily identify Τάρτησσος as “the Tarshish of Scripture”.
Tiras (Gen. 10:2) is in Strong’s Hebrew spelling “Thiyrac”. Mentioned nowhere else in the Bible (except in the copy of Genesis chapter 10 found at I Chronicles chapter 1), many writers have made perfect etymological and ethnographical sense in connecting these people to the Thracians north of Greece. In later history the land of Thrace is instead occupied by Greeks, as Makedonians and Thessalians, and Strabo is confused as to whether one tribe in the area, the Treres, are Kimmerian (Kelts) or Thracian (13.1.8, 14.1.40). The Thracians were not considered Greeks but rather barbarians (Strabo 7.7.1), and had colonies in Asia (Strabo 12.3-4), and also with the Eneti settled the area around Venice (Strabo 12.3.25). The Phrygians of Anatolia are said to be Thracians (Strabo 7.3.2, 7.25, and 10.3.16).
Modern anthropologists, archaeologists and historians often discuss the “sea peoples”, whom they usually claim were Caucasians who came from the Aegean area and invaded the Mediterranean. The true origin of the “sea peoples” are as the Japhethites of Genesis chapter 10, who were spread along the waterways from the Caspian and Black Seas to as far west as Spain, and at a very early time. Contrast Gen. 10:5 with 10:20 and 10:31, where the Japhethites were specifically assigned the “isles” or “coastlands”, but not the Hamites or Shemites, though the Hamitic Philistines also plied the waves, and only after a considerable time were these peoples rivaled at sea by the Israelite Phoenicians.
There is a certain prophecy, at Gen. 9:27, which reads, “God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant”. Without discussing the part concerning Canaan, this will be discussed briefly here.
It is evident that Yahweh surely did enlarge Japheth, for these tribes were spread out over a great area along the southern coasts and eastern borderlands of Europe. Although a separate and lengthy topic, once it is realized that not only the Phoenicians of Tyre, Sidon, Byblos (et al.), northern Africa, the Greek and Italian islands, Spain and Britain, but also the Keltic and Germanic peoples, and the Trojans and Illyrians and Parthians, among others, were all descendants of the Shemitic Israelites, and most of whom had moved into Europe, along with other Shemites such as the Lydians (see Lud below), only then may the oracle at Gen. 9:27 (and most other prophecies in the Bible) be manifest and appreciated.
Aside from the peoples of Meshech and Tubal having been conquered by, and living among the Germanic Rus (and we see here that the Slavic tongue prevailed in Russia), and the colony of Medes moved by the Israelite Scythians to the Tanaïs, which later became known as Sarmatians, and later than that as Slavs, these things already discussed above, the other Japhethites moved all along the Mediterranean coasts and into Europe.
The Getae and the Daci are described by Strabo as being akin to the Thracians (Tiras) and having the same tongue (7.3.10, 13), these inhabiting a great part of both sides of the lower Danube. Although Strabo considered everything north of the Danube as Germany (2.5.30, 7.1.1 et al.) this particular area is historically Slavic. The Greek Ionians also made many settlements. The Ionians of Phocaea in Asia Minor were called by Herodotus “the first of the Greeks who performed long voyages” (1.163), and these alone founded Massalia (Marseilles) on the coast of France, Maenaca in Iberia, Elea in Italy (Strabo 4.1.4, 3.4.2, and 6.1.1) among many others. Italy was also settled by the Trojans, and especially Rome (Strabo 6.1.12 and 14), the Ionians of Asia Minor (Strabo 6.1.14, 6.2.2), the Athenians who were also Ionians, and the Achaeans who were Danaans (Strabo 6.1.10, 11, 13, and 15).
With so many Slavs, along with the races of Southern France and Italy, among us today, Japheth certainly is dwelling in the tents of Shem unto this day."
sanc·ti·fy /ˈsæŋktəˌfaɪ/ Show Spelled[sangk-tuh-fahy] Show IPA
–verb (used with object),-fied, -fy·ing. make holy; set apart as sacred; consecrate. purify or free from sin: Sanctify your hearts. impart religious sanction to; render legitimate or binding: to sanctify a vow. entitle to reverence or respect. make productive of or conducive to spiritual blessing.
1350–1400; < LL sānctificāre (see Sanctus, -ify); r. ME seintefien < OF saintifier < L, as above
—Related forms
sanc·ti·fi·a·ble, adjective
sanc·ti·fi·a·ble·ness, noun
sanc·ti·fi·a·bly, adverb
sanc·ti·fi·ca·tion, noun
sanc·ti·fi·er, noun
sanc·ti·fy·ing·ly, adverb
non·sanc·ti·fi·ca·tion, noun
pre·sanc·ti·fy, verb (used with object),-fied, -fy·ing.
self-sanc·ti·fi·ca·tion, noun
un·sanc·ti·fy·ing, adjective
1. bless, hallow, anoint, enshrine, exalt. check me if I am wrong here but according to the geneology of the Bible, Jacob's name was changed to Israel. Noah, Shem, Japeth, and Ham could not be called Israel at that time because Jacob was not even born yet, thus they were Adamic.
Genesis 11: 10 These are the generations of Shem etc...etc...until verse 27: These are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram.
Thus...Abraham, Isaac, then Jacob who were all of the Adamic race.
But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me. Luke 19:27