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The creation of the Adamites

Old Testament religious discussion apart from Biblical history

Re: The creation of the Adamites

Postby Kentucky » Fri Nov 08, 2013 12:46 pm

marc4liberty wrote:I'm still not certain about God's definition of "soul" and "spirit." Eccl 12:7 says that the spirt shall return unto God who gave it. Does the soul also return to God?

We are not the way, the life and the truth, Christ is. The Spirit of God gives life, not our personality or soul. There is no need for the soul to return to anything other than dust like the physical body. Then it is only a matter of time before one is resurrected from the grave.

1 Cor 15:52 says that at the last trump (2nd Advent) in the twinkling of an eye we shall all be changed. I understand that to mean we shall all be changed into our spiritual bodies.

If you read the next verse (53) it speaks of going from mortality to immortality etc. This was the condition of Adam before the Fall. Adam was not a spirit being, that's what angels are. The "change" is speaking of glorification, our glorified bodies. "Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself"
Phil. 3:21.

Do these things only happen to the Adamic people? Probably not, since we will be able to play with carnivores who will no longer be carnivores if they are in spiritual bodies.

You're confusing metaphors with reality. Literal sheep are not going to be playing with lions. And non-Adamic hominids are not going to be "changed" in the twinkling of an eye. Remember, Christ said, "I come only for the lost sheep of the house of Israel." He did not parenthetically interject the inclusion of canine-ite dogs of Edom. "Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before swine" Mt. 7:6.

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Re: The creation of the Adamites

Postby wmfinck » Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:44 am

marc4liberty wrote:I am still not persuaded that the non-white races were not created on the sixth day when God created mankind (adam) in his own image...However, I am keeping an open mind.

marc4liberty wrote:I listened to the pragmatic Genesis series on Christogenea and I still am not persuaded that the man (mankind) of Genesis 1:26-27 is the same as the man of Genesis 2:7...

marc4liberty, I do not think that you have listened to all of the Pragmatic Genesis series. Not that the work is 100% definitive and conclusive, since I never even typed out all of my notes, however you seem to be not at all familiar with my arguments. I have thoroughly debunked all of the false premises which those who would try to include non-Whites as "adam" have consistently attempted to employ, including the alleged distinction betweeen "Adam" and "eth-ha-Adam", which is a joke created and promoted by language charlatans. I also disproved the idea of an "eighth day" creation from Scripture, pointed out that Genesis 1:26 does not record a creation at all, but is only the proposal of a creation, and many other things which totally repeal the credibility of the "6th & 8th Day" creation clowns.

The people at that Bible Study website you linked are trying to create a doctrine from a single word, "blood", that does not even exist in any of the oldest manuscripts. Not that the word matters, which I recently pointed out in my Acts chapter 17 presentation, however if the word is not there, how would one create a doctrine from it? And use that doctrine to bring non-Adamic peoples into the Kingdom of God, in any capacity, when so many other facets of Scripture explicitly exclude them? The people at that website are indeed Bible clowns.

marc4liberty wrote:The Kingdom of Yahoveh is not the same as the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is here on earth when Yahshua returns at the second Advent to rule for a thousand years (the Millennium). That means it is a thousand years before Judgement Day when the tares are burned. During the Millennium, from what I understand, every living creature will be changed (in the twinkling of an eye) into a spiritual form (incorruptible).

This idea is also predicated on a line that should never have been found in Scripture, because it does not appear even in most of the manuscripts of the Majority Text! That line is found in Revelation 20:5 where it says "But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished." That line should be crossed out of Scripture, it never belonged. I have commented upon it at length in several programs, and in Christreich here.

Please listen to the programs, or read the notes where there are notes, and then I would appreciate it if you would explain which parts you do not agree with or understand. However if you are going to vocalize a disagreement with the things that I have expounded, you should at least be able to describe what I said that you disagree with.
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Re: The creation of the Adamites

Postby marc4liberty » Tue Nov 19, 2013 3:33 pm

Thanks for your response. I agree with what you say. In the future, I will try to more thourougly review your previous works before I post my comments. I am a neophyte Christian and still have much to learn. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
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Re: The creation of the Adamites

Postby bradley39482 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 5:45 pm

wm finck, and kentucky, this is a paper i wrote for my family a ways back, please keep in mind that i wrote this before i started to study within your site.
i just wanted to show my study, for your Discernment
kindest regards
P.S i don't mind showing my real name, Come and get me Satan!

Did God Separate The Races

We Must go back to the beginning to understand the end, so Genesis is where we will start.

Gen1:20-24, God Himself sets a law, one of the first laws, to better understand what he is saying lets delve into some of the words that are very important.

Kind: Strong’s concordance #4327,Hebrew MEEN: to portion out, sort, species.

Webster’s original dict. 1913-1927, Kind: Race, Genus, Species.

lets look at another important word, which is important in Gods word, and his law that he is putting forth.

Creature: Gen 1:20= Strong’s conc. 8318=sherets: from 8317; a swarm, active mass of minute animals, creeping things, moving creature; 8317=shaw rats: prime root of 8318; to wiggle, swarm around, breed.

Life: Gen 1:21-24= Strong’s Concordance. Hebrew 5314: prime root to breath pass, to be breathed upon, to be refreshed, as if by a current of air, 5315= Hebrew: nephesh= a breathing creature IE. animal, of vitality, used widely in all literal sense, breathing creature, fish, he, heart, lust, MAN, me, mind, mortality, one, own, person, pleasure, her, self, them, they. This is also used for lower life forms, but it must be observed that it also is used for Adam, “Man” Soul.

Gen1;20 And God said , let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

Waters:Gen 1:20= Strong’s Concordance. Hebrew 4325: mah-yim: dual of a prim. Noun (but used in a sing. Sense) water, fig. waisting, by euphem. Urine, semen, piss, wasting, water(course, flood, spring).

So God is bringing forth all moving creatures upon the earth, all animals, creeping to crawling, from a flood, (the flood is not Noah’s flood, this has not happened yet) on the 5th day.

Gen 1:21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their KIND, and every winged fowl after his KIND: And God saw that it was GOOD.

So as we can see, God has created every sub genus and of every fish, whale, and fowl, after their OWN KIND, RACE, And Godlooked at it and said it is GOOD. God has not created Man Yet. The “Creature” in verse 20 and 21, we can see that God has his mind on all creatures including MAN, before he even creates Man, how he wants things to be.

Gen: 1:22 And God blessed them saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let the fowl multiply in the earth.

Sea: Gen 1:22: Strong’s Concordance. Hebrew 3220: yawm : from an unused root mean, to roar, a sea ( as breaking in noisy surf), or a large body of water, the Mediterranean, sometimes a large river, or an artificial basin, locally, the west, or the south, sea.

So we see that this “waters” is different than the waters explained from verse 20 and 21.

Gen 1:23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

Gen 1:24 And God said , let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, Cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind, : and it was so.

Now lets take a moment to look deeper into this verse, God has already brought forth the creeping things on the earth from the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the whales, and the fish, and told them to be kind after kind, race after race, genus after genus. And God said it was good. Gen 1:20-23

Now God starts a new day, sixth day, Verse 24, in this verse God creates everything on the terra- ferma, ground, Hebrew ERETS, Cattle, creeping things, beast, what one thing does creature also mean, and what creature has been left out? MAN! so we see that God holds us, as MAN, in HIGHER regard, than his animals and plants, BUT he still sets the law has to how we are to reproduce ourselves, kind after KIND, race after race, genus after genus.

Gen 1:25 and God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

Gen 1:26 and God said, “Let us make Man in Our Image, After Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Now God has created MAN, God has not forgotten what law he has placed over his creatures, including MAN, Kind after Kind, do you not think that if its good enough for the animals, that it is even of higher value to Gods greatest creation? Even Higher to, Eth Ha Adam,? Common sense tells any person, regardless of upbringing, that if God did not want races and diversity, he would have created all of us the same, and there would be no difference in any of us!

if Gods law was not in affect for this, then there would be no race's now, this was over 10,000 years ago, and most would say that is not long enough to wipe out a race, yet a race can be wiped out in one birth, as you can see today. The child of that interracial marriage does not know who he or she belongs too, he has two race identities, but which one does he choose? God Does not blame the Child, but the parents for not following his law, think of the issues and social problems this poor child will face. A race can be totally wiped out in ONE Generation, IE.. 100 years.

Lets look at other places where Gods law from Genesis is applied.

Deuteronomy 23:2 A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the lord: even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the Lord.

Deut: 23:2 bastard: Strong’s Conc. Hebrew 4464: mam-zare: from an unused root to mean to alienate; a mongrel, IE.. born of a Hebrew father or mother and a heathen father or mother. Note: Strong’s Concordance of some prints puts this as a Jewish mother or father, but we must use common sense, there are 11 other tribes of Israel in Deuteronomy, therefor the kenite addition of Jewish can be removed and Hebrew placed in, as I have done here.

Lets look at what mongrel means since this word is not in the Hebrew language, but a word used by Dr. Strong to describe what God is telling us.

Mongrel: Webster’s dictionary 1828-1913, not of pure breed, mixed Kind.

I know most will say, that this was to protect the blood line of Israel from which the savior would come, and that is very true, im not disputing that at all, but we also must look at what 10th generations is.

Strong’s concordance: Generation.

1755=Hebrew : dowr, dore, a revolution of time, I.E an age or generation, evermore, generation, posterity.

A generation is 40, to 70, to 100 yrs X 10, which pretty much means never. Now I know many will claim that Jesus made it possible for all to come into the house of God! And this is true as well even for Kenites, But Jesus also said I come not to change one Jot or Tittle of the law of GOD. So Guess what, it’s still a sin, Not by fault of the Child, but by fault of the Parents, the child will have forgiveness through Christ Jesus, and God holds that Child Innocent, but the parents are held accountable for this sin.

Now most will teach that this meant only for the Jews, but the tribe of Judah had not been called Jews as of yet. They were not called this until after they had been taken captive by the Babylonians with half of Benjamin and half of Levi. There were 12 tribes all together; one cannot place all 12 tribes into the small tribe of Judah. The 10 northern tribes were taken captive 150 years earlier by the Assyrians from Samaria, and moved north next to the Caspian Sea. The place where they were taken from was replaced with foreign peoples. 2nd kings 17:6-18, God removed Israel from the land through the hand of the Assyrians, but look at Hosea 1:10, God made the children of Israel as the sands of the Sea, you cannot place all the children of Israel into the small tribe of Judah, it is impossible. Now look at 2nd Kings 17: 24-41 the King of Assyria brought in foreign peoples to Samaria.

Names of the 12 tribes: Rueben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphatali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulon, joseph(Mannesah and Ephraim) Benjamin.

Israel was taken captive in 722 B.C, by the Assyrian King Sargon; Judah was taken by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar 150 yrs later.

Gen 22:17 God multiplying the seed as the stars in the sky, sand of the sea, and his seed shall possess the gates of his enemies.

Gen 26:4 Isaac seed as the stars in the sky.

Hosea 1:10 children as the sand of the sea, children of the living God.

Gen 28:13-16 God telling Jacob his seed as the dust of the earth.

So we see that it is for all the tribes of Israel to obey Gods laws of Kind after Kind, and for all races to Obey. Israel was to be a light to other nations, an example of how to act and worship and marry, We as the United Sates are to be a light and example to the rest of the world as to Gods Laws, A light to others, We, as was the nation of Israel, are to be an example to others.

If there was no diversity of life, kind, race, creed, this would be a very bland almost hellish world would it not? God made all the races unique and individual, and set the boundaries of them, it was good, very good in his eyes! There is a natural yearning in every person to be with their own KIND. It is a natural thing God has placed in all of us, even if we do not admit it, we all, no matter what race, still feel it inside.

I did not write this to be racist, I wrote this to show people and mankind the light of God’s Law, as to what God says on intermarriage of different races, his LAW rules over anything man has. This is a subject and study that none will touch, but I hope, no matter what race you are, that this will give you some pride in your race, because God is proud of all his people and the race he made you.

There are many other places in God’s word concerning this subject, but I wanted to show it in its basic law of God from Genesis. If one does not understand Genesis, then one will never understand any of God’s word. Genesis is the Rock of God’s word from which you build a foundation of understanding, just as Jesus is our Rock from which we build our foundation of faith, so too Genesis is the rock and foundation of Gods Holy word.

For your Discernment and Judgment

In God I will Trust, Amen.

Kindest regards

Bradley D Richardson.
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