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Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

A Place For the Naysayers to Dispute the Truth, Because Only a JEW Would Deny That Yahshua Christ IS God!!!

Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby wmfinck » Thu Oct 14, 2010 8:51 am

He is gone, and unfortunately so are his posts. People of the false edomite-jewish religion are NOT welcome at under any circumstances. This is a Christian forum, and it shall remain that way.

He was also arguing Hebrew-to-English (and more appropriately Hebrew-to-Greek) transliteration based on the corrupted Yiddish pronunciations of those calling themselves "Jews" today, which is the reason for many disagreements. These bastards claiming to be Israel today are not speaking Hebrew any more than one may commonly hear English in a barrio.
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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby Filidh » Sat Feb 11, 2012 1:20 am

One thing to add in agreement with Bill's previous post:

Modern 'Hebrew' (I think of it as Kikish) has a large Yiddish and Slavic vocabulary base, superceding the Ancient Hebrew vocabulary in many cases. The one kike who invented it, forget his name, but he stated that he wanted it to be a language for modern [false] jews first and foremost. So yes, trying to use Kikish to get an idea about Ancient Hebrew is a dead-end road of falseness.
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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby NicoChristian » Thu Feb 23, 2012 5:47 pm

Amen, it shouldn't need discussing.
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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby xBluxTunicx82 » Mon May 28, 2012 8:21 am

Also odd about those that deny Yahshua as Yahweh, the God of Israel, are the numerous other scriptures where he is called 'the living God', 'the Everlasting Father', and many more. Pastor Vissor did a great study on this as well at Covenant Peoples Ministry. All of the references to the great 'I AM', even down to King Melchezidec the prince of Salem(peace).

Also, i reckon that they never consider that everything created of God IS one of His children. i.e. Lucifer was a 'son' of God, so was Adam and of course Christ. This is because they are all Yahweh's children. They also seem to forget that Yahweh is ALL THINGS. EVERYTHING! From the deepest reaches of the universe to the smallest thought process in your mind, He is all things. So to manifest in the flesh, is the only way to get a singular entity out of Yahweh God.

Maybe Im wrong, if I am forgive me, but thats just the way it feels to me
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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby Kentucky » Mon May 28, 2012 12:50 pm

xBluxTunicx82 wrote: They also seem to forget that Yahweh is ALL THINGS. EVERYTHING! From the deepest reaches of the universe to the smallest thought process in your mind, He is all things. So to manifest in the flesh, is the only way to get a singular entity out of Yahweh God.

The premise that God is everything does not necessarily follow that His incarnation is based upon that assumption. In fact, John states that, “The Word was made flesh” (John 1:14), which suggests Christ incarnate was limited rather than unlimited i.e. from everything. Isn’t there a difference between the Creator and the created? If God were everything then why would we need a Bible to tell us what His character is and is not i.e. “For God is not the author of confusion” (I Cor. 14:33). Likewise a distinction is made in Romans 1:25, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator." Kabbalists have insisted that God is not some old man in the sky, but is everything we see and everything we are. Oriental religions, such as Buddhism, also advocate an ‘all is one’ concept and is rampant throughout the New Age movement (may the “force” be with you… lol). The Word very clearly teaches that God is an absolutely unique being who is distinct from the world as its Creator and eliminates the idea of pantheism, polytheism and a slew of other isms, according to which the world is either, identical to God or an essential aspect of God’s existence. Otherwise, we are confronted with the idea that one’s pet rock is a carte blanche candidate for deification. The danger is making any material thing the object of adoration as the Roman Catholic Church has done with so many bones, relics and icons. Therefore, the God in everything concept can justify every idol as something that is inherently God. I think God can be omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent without being considered “everything.” The idea of everything insinuates infinity. However, God made man with a finite mind, not to understand everything, but only the things He wants us to understand through His Word.

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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby xBluxTunicx82 » Mon May 28, 2012 1:06 pm

I agree, although I was under the impression that Yahweh creates the wicked for the day of evil as recorded in Proverbs 16:4. Many of the 'natural' men react off of an idea or a concept that they agree with, just as spirit men do when guided by our Father. So I was relating that 'idea' as a thought being from Yahweh.

Also, in Amos 3:6 when we learn "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?" Again, Yahweh creating the evil to be used as a stumbling block for His elect.

I wasn't aware of how Kabbalism teaches that God comprises everything... now I feel like I have been led astray a little by my own understanding, lol. Praise Yahweh for fellowship!

The way I feel inside is that by 'everything', He can be seen in it as He created it. The beauty of it, the smell, the texture, its all Yahweh's creation, and as we, as Adamic people are a 'spittin image' of our Father, we that are students of Yahshua can see our Father in all things. Perhaps I should proofread a little more carefully and be sure that I am getting my point across?

Thank you for your input brother, it was very helpful
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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby ArthurLee » Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:10 pm

This issue of Yahshua Christ being Yahweh come in the flesh IS the foundation for genuine, Biblical Christianity. NO OTHER doctrine infuriates a jew more than this! The trinity is not a Biblically-based doctrine. Yahweh said to Moses, "I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE." (Exodus 3:14) When are niave whites going to stop trusting denominationally-biased translations, and dig in to the Word of God?! I rejoice to know that my Father loves His bride enough to accomplish our redemption Himself.
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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby TSBlades » Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:35 pm

Just a few questions, or comments.

-why does the prophecy say you will call his name Emmanuel(God with us) But the angel instructs Mary to name Him Yahshua(Yah"s salvation).

-Also, in 1Peter:3 we read "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,"... Can Jesus be his own God and Father?

-I have a friend who insists the W in the tetragrammaton is pronounced like the english V, " YAHVAH ".Has anyone else heard of this?
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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby wmfinck » Tue Oct 22, 2013 3:49 pm

TSBlades wrote:Just a few questions, or comments.

-why does the prophecy say you will call his name Emmanuel(God with us) But the angel instructs Mary to name Him Yahshua(Yah"s salvation).

-Also, in 1Peter:3 we read "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,"... Can Jesus be his own God and Father?

-I have a friend who insists the W in the tetragrammaton is pronounced like the english V, " YAHVAH ".Has anyone else heard of this?

1 - THEY will say of Him "God is With Us", which would be the way to interpret the Hebrew idiom "THEY shall call His Name Emanuel".

While "THEY shall call His Name Emanuel". "YOU shall call His Name Yahshua". Simple enough.

2 - Isaiah 9:6, How could a child born be called "The mighty God" and "The everlasting Father"? Well, OF COURSE God can be His Own Son, or He would not be a very capable God. Nor would He have been able to fulfill His Own Word. That is how Christ is "The root and the branch" of Jesse.

3 - It is possible, and often argued by scholars of both Hebrew and Latin. Caesar may have said "veni vidid vici", or he may have said "weni widi wici". No one can be absolutely certain. However I prefer the U sound over the V, because of the testimony of Josephus.

Not to be obnoxious, but all of these answers to the same questions are found in the papers on my website.
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Re: Real Simple: The Word = Yahweh = Yahshua

Postby TSBlades » Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:20 pm

Thank you wmfinck. Your website is awesome and I read at least one article a day. Thanks also for putting so many of your radio broadcasts into text. I cannot read for long on a computer monitor w/out getting headaches for some reason.I really appreciate the extra work for PDFs I can print-out.
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