by Lilkanga » Fri May 21, 2010 11:07 am
Hello Bill,
Again, being no new comer to the debate on the true nature of YHWH, I know full well of all the passages that speak of YHWH being one, thus I will fore go all the passages that speak to YHWH being a family, or being a plural entity, save just a few to make my point, for I am sure that you have heard them all before.
So that leaves you and I in two different camps and we can not both be correct.......Right?
Well, actually I have come to see that we might both be right. Let me explain and you tell me where I am wrong.
The word Family can be both plural and singular. I actually heard you attest to this fact recently on a past program. What makes this so? Is it simply language laws? or could there be something else at work?
One thing is clear..... YHWH is a Spirit and we can not know the full nature of that Spirit, while we are in the flesh, but we can see various details of it via the scripture.
Yes, YHWH is one and He, not us, made all things and He, alone, is our Savior. However, please consider this very important question.
What will we become once we enter into life? Once we are resurrected into flesh and then changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye to a Spirit Being? (1Cor. 15:50-52) Will we not be a part of Him? Will we not be a manifestation of Him? Just as Yeshua was a manifestation of Him?
My sons are manifestations of me. They look totally different, but they both look exactly like me, yet they are not me, they are a part of The Thompson family. The Thompson's are one family and there are good and bad within our family. The head of our living family tree is my Dad, James Thompson and no one disputes who is head. He's a rather large man, with very righteous character, as far as the world is concerned and everyone knows this family is his, but we are still one family.
Does this typology of the physical family not fit the Spiritual oneness of YHWH. Yes, YHWH is one and THE YHWH is The Father and everyone that manifests themselves from that family is a part of YHWH HIMSELF, as that one Being.
I think Romans 8 speaks to this fact. The oneness of YHWH, is manifesting Himself (and I would say even procreating Himself) after His own kind, which is perfect righteous character, through The Anglo Saxon Race. Thus if we over come and put to death the deeds of the flesh and put on that holy righteous character (Rom. 8:12-13), then we can then become Sons of God (Rom. 8:14).
Bill, here is the plurality that you said did not exist when speaking of YHWH. God is singular, yes, but the attachment of future sons, makes the entire phrase plural. Am I wrong here, in your eyes?
Now, could these sons be just physical flesh beings, not spirit beings as I have stated earlier? No way.
These same sons are placed on a par with Yeshua Messiah and if Yeshua was a manifestation called a son, then so will we be. Look at Romans 8:17.
"....And if Children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Messiah if indeed we suffer with Him, that we must also be glorified together with Messiah."
I think that YHWH, speaking in the old testament spoke of Himself, establishing Himself as The One True God, however, the nature of that entity was not know until YHWH manifested Himself in the form of Yeshua Messiah for the purpose of revealing more fully what and who YHWH was/is.
Yeshua plainly stated that no one knew The Father except the Son. (Luke 10:22). And that these things are being revealed to babes (verse 21).
Evenstill, considering all of this, YHWH is still one......How?
Either 1)We become a part of YHWH, adding to His power and strength, when we over come and are made His sons or 2)YHWH is a family of separate beings, unified in the Spirit of righteous character, with one head The Almighty YHWH, who is progenitor of His family.
Not knowing your response until you post it. I will guess that you would choose number 1, while I say number 2 is more right, but I have a feeling that the truth is somewhere in the middle.
Please note that I am not a trinitarian or anything close to such garbage. I hold closely to the oneness belief, but I expound upon that belief, trying to understand more fully how YHWH is one, a task that I am sure we will simply not know until the fullness of our manifestation has come.
Please do not think less of me for even questioning your beliefs on this subject. I am simply trying to convey and learn accordingly, in all humility possible.
Blessings to you, in the name of YHWH.