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This forum is a place where I can vent about all of the idiots who claim to be Christian Israel Identity, and then go off making up crazy hare-brained doctrines, while at the same time they lambast or excoriate others who don't sign on to their idiotic ideas. If you have ever sent me an email promoting some such idiotic idea and have scoffed at or shunned scholarly examination and discourse on the matter, you may well end up here too!


Postby wmfinck » Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:18 pm

These will be the opening remarks to Talkshoe my program tonight. They will not be posted with the podcast, as they are unrelated to tonight's content (Amos, Part 6). So I will post them here. Of course, I may ad-lib a bit or change certain things according to my mood. However the substance will not change.

Should a Christian Identity pastor be seen in costume and in revelry at a Halloween party? No! That is a shame, and it is a shame upon us all unless we separate ourselves from such a man. Should a Christian Identity pastor be seen leading a lascivious lifestyle, cavorting with aliens and race-mixers, and engaging in promiscuous behavior in public? And even on a rather regular basis? No! That is a shame, and it is a shame upon us all unless we separate ourselves from such a man.

We have all sinned, and we can all sin again. But we cannot attempt to cover our sins with excuses. Neither can we justify our sins by our circumstances. There is no moral relativism in the Word of our God! To engage in such behavior and to trumpet it publicly is sinful indeed. When such a thing occurs, it is not a time to vaunt ourselves. Rather, it is a time to mourn and to pray that the man who has done these things repents, and in his repentance he must also denounce his sinful behavior. He should also desist from using the title of pastor, for he has been no role model to any Christian community. At first I was not going to name the man who has done these things. There is already a thread on the Christogenea Forum which has been visited many times. But not only must I make public my position regarding such behavior, I have an obligation to warn the community of such a man, since from the tenor of his program last night he is clearly unrepentant.

It is obvious from that program that the person, the so-called “pastor” Dan Johns, has indeed hardened himself concerning his behavior. While he calls his race-mixing friends “good righteous people” he has characterized questions concerning his conduct – conduct which he himself has made public – as “attacks” on him by his “enemies”. Imagine what Paul of Tarsus would have thought, if the fornicator of 1 Corinthians chapter 5 had thought the same way. Imagine what Christ would have thought, having given Jezebel space to repent of her fornication, if Jezebel had resorted to such nonsense as to claim that such criticism was a political attack. Such is the mark of a vain and arrogant man, to think that he can claim the title of pastor and preach the Word of Yahweh publicly, and yet to be above reproach for his own sin. Proverbs 30:20: “Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.” In this case it is a man, and his sin is written all over his Facebook.

One of the excuses that Dan is using for his cavorting with aliens and race-mixers was that the area he lives in is only 18 percent White. With such reasoning, Esau would have a good excuse before Yahweh for his own race-mixing, since the land of Canaan where Isaac and his sons lived was probably about 99.9% Canaanite! I am certain that Yahweh will not be entertained with such reasoning, since Esau found no mercy before Him.

The Medieval Catholic church is far behind us, thank God. We cannot excommunicate such a man, or put him under the interdict. But he has publicized his wanton lifestyle, and we therefore must publicly express disagreement. It is not an attack, it is our duty to do this, to disassociate ourselves and to make that disassociation clear. We are not trying to destroy this man. Rather, it should be fully evident to all that he is already destroying himself. We are only sounding the alarm, that our brethren know to steer clear of the disaster.
Last edited by wmfinck on Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: I decided that I would mention Dan by name on the program.
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Postby Vandal » Fri Mar 08, 2013 4:57 pm

It is interesting how Daniel Johns immediately goes to attacking William Finck and James Wickstrom. Finck and Wickstrom had nothing to do with the posting of this thread. I posted this thread. I did not consult with Finck and Wickstrom and ask them if I should post it. I could instantly see Dan for what he is, which of course got me some flack. I call it like I see it, and because of people like Daniel Johns, we who believe in truth are made to look silly.

I was not surprised by Dan's comments. I knew he would go to attacking the character of people who had nothing to do with exposing him. I knew he would preach a gospel of racially blended solidarity. Dan is beyond repentance, because the spirit he follows is not the spirit of our Father.

Daniel never answered my email asking him to explain the pictures. Here is the email:


Subject: Regarding Your Facebook Photos and Halloween Party

Pastor Daniel Johns,

I recently was made aware of some photos on your facebook profile in which you were celebrating at a Halloween party in costume.

It is apparent from the photos that you were in the company of non-whites and people of perhaps South American or Mexican heritage. I even viewed a partly negro woman in one dance scene in which you are present.

Being that you have represented yourself as a Christian Identity pastor and teacher of dual-seedline theology, and a white separatist, I would like you to explain your attendance at that party which by the photo notes occurred in 2010.

I have pointed out your photos to others who share my feelings of surprise, shock, and dismay for they veritably portray you association and behavior that is clearly in conflict with the scriptural requirements of Christ's shepherds, and seriously out of line for anyone claiming to champion the cause of the white man in this age of sodomite race-mixing. I am left with no other conclusion to make other than you disregard Yahweh's law to be separate from the strangers who hate Him, and were setting an abominable example for one claiming leadership of a flock.

Perhaps there is some explanation. If you could explain to me how my perceptions are mistaken?

Thank you for your time in this matter,


It is my conclusion that Dan will not separate himself because he is already among his own people. He has declared them to be his people out of his own mouth. He has called them good, righteous people. He wants them on his side in a "shooting war" that he insists is coming. He has not studied history to see that we have the ability to seize state power without a shooting war, IF WE REPENT AND CALL ON YAHWEH. I agree that at this time there is no political solution. But I disagree with the idea that through repentance, we could not eventually exercise full political dominion over our own land. The Greeks have shown they can get much of the police and military on the side of a nationalist party that the establishment hates. They did this without violence. Nehemiah raised a tumult among the people to stop the mortgages and impoverishment by the ruling class. He did it without violence. If we repent, it may not be long before many police and low-level officials see our example and repent, too. I saw the truth and desired the straight and narrow way. To presume others won't do the same in time is short-sighted. We are to be a light to men, not a muzzle flash. Dan is not teaching repentance, so in his mind the way to power is only through insurrection, or the flesh. Do not buy into such violent rhetoric. It is premature pandering to the wannabe hero complex. If violence ever becomes necessary, it will not be a topic of ideological discussion. It would just be necessary for self-defense. Most of our people still CONSENT to this system, so you can't overthrow by violence what 95 percent of your brethren want. They'll just put you down.

Then, as I pointed out earlier, Dan vomited out his ideology of impending doom and violence in which we will need the help of niggers, spics, and other animals while in our "foxhole" supposedly shooting it out with the so-called enemy. This is not scriptural. The fall of Babylon is not going to happen in the false manner Dan seems to promote. Babylon is going to fall in a day. Events, rather than a pre-emptive army, are going to lead to the cleansing of our land. Dan believes these mamzers are his fellow troops. That is Talmudic. The troops he has allied himself with are the flood from the Dragon's mouth in Revelation. This is what is in Dan's heart. Out of the mouth proceed the things of the heart.

We are not the ones promoting unnecessary violence. People like Dan Johns and Eli James promote violence against the innocent, then turn around and call us "exterminationists." Meanwhile, the Jews, Spics, Nigs, Arabs, Chinks, are in fact exterminating us slowly through crime, social policy, miscegenation, and forcing us into a low birth rate situation. Dan has admitted he sides with them. He has admitted he wants them in his "foxhole." Yet he has no idea what Yahweh is sending down the pike to shake things up. Those "good, righteous people" that Dan loves and wants in his foxhole, will eat him when they get hungry.

These strangers are eating my Posterity's substance, and Dan wants them in his foxhole. He wants them to engage in violence against people like me, who believe in being separate.
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Postby Gideon300 » Sat Mar 09, 2013 12:45 am

I don't know how to quote more than one post in a reply, but wanted to thank, Bill, Pastor Downey and Vandal for taking the time to reply to my long post early in the thread. Sorry to have taken things somewhat off topic, but I'm glad now to have gotten those issues out of the way and really appreciate the replies and the information in each. I haven't finished listening to the podcast Bill included a link to but definitely will. Heard the live TalkShoe earlier tonight though and Mr. Finck was certainly fired up (testify!) and I enjoyed hearing everything imparted there.
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Postby NicoChristian » Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:27 am

The part that makes me laugh is that he talks about violence, uprising and insurrection, yet he's there at some perverted party drinking, dancing, integrating. Is that preparation for a war, I think not. I wonder if he's doing any training at all. Simply talking about war doesn't make one a general. I often find the biggest war mongers are the smallest heroes. Practice what you preach, I think he talks to sound all radical and extreme, but in reality he's all mouth and no action.
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Postby Kentucky » Sat Mar 09, 2013 3:27 pm

NicoChristian wrote:The part that makes me laugh is that he talks about violence, uprising and insurrection, yet he's there at some perverted party drinking, dancing, integrating. Is that preparation for a war, I think not. I wonder if he's doing any training at all. Simply talking about war doesn't make one a general. I often find the biggest war mongers are the smallest heroes. Practice what you preach, I think he talks to sound all radical and extreme, but in reality he's all mouth and no action.

At the beginning of his show, he rationalized all of this constructive criticism (here) as the result of all the great things he's been saying lately. Yeah, and he was also talking about ego? I honestly haven't listened to him in about 7 or 8 years and just looking at the recent titles of his Talkshoe programs, it's still the same old saber rattling and Mr. Tough Guy with the proverbial foxhole, whom he now shares with a motley crew of universalist barflies.

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Postby wmfinck » Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:08 pm

We may consider Dan to be the "first fruits" of Eli James' perverse "save the bastards" theology.
If a jew is moving his lips, he's lying. If you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!
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Postby fistofyahweh » Sun Mar 10, 2013 4:02 am

Dan Johns is a cretin.. His style of preaching is monotone and boring. One can listen to months of his programs and his repetitive sermons are uninspiring.

The guy has been married an untold amount of times. I remember him saying several years ago that he loved his women unshaven and believed a woman's legs should be naturally hairy. *shudder*..

He's got a son by the name of Jeremiah and I'm not sure if he's the same Jeremiah that I've heard on the Christogenea chat server. I'm curious if it's the same Jeremiah.

I'm listening to his latest Talkshoe program and he's blathering on about judging people by their fruits. What about his fruits with exchanging slobbering kisses with a spic as depicted in the photos?!?

Then he goes on about what he does in his personal life and that where he lives is only 16% white. Well effin move you dumbass. I would never visit bars that are filled with mixed races. I live out in the boonies in East Texas and have no problem being by myself.. I'd rather do that then be found dead in a bar full of mongrels and queers..

I just heard him say that if you're coming to the CI message because of the importance of race, then you are in the wrong place. Did I just hear that?!? Unless I am wrong, I thought CI was all about only the Adamic race?? He then goes on saying the book isn't about just the white race. What! What! What?!? *Face-Palm*

Oh and he brings up that the people attacking him are the same ones that have had it in for Eli James.. Doesn't this Dan Johns know that Eli James is an alias for a Joseph November?!? maybe he does and he's also going by an alias as well by the name of Daniel Johns.. He looks like a bald rabbi...

Oh well... I'm done... I just looked at the clock and it jumped from 2AM to 3AM.. DST is now in effect.. Gotta get some sleep..

-Larry (East Texas)
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Postby Gallowglass » Sun Mar 10, 2013 10:29 am

During the 1:12 hour program he made, he said nothing. Only trying to evade the real subject and trying to divert it to other people like Bill and Vandal. I think you all here have said enough and I agree.

Now he goes to make another program "Race matters" yeah, it certainly doesn't matters to you, "pastor". What a hypocrite.
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Postby brucebohn » Sun Mar 10, 2013 5:49 pm

This is all very unpleasent business, yet cannot be avoided nor overlooked,
you just grit your teeth, deal with the embarrasment , hope that a Rebuke
will suffice in waking Johns & praying that these were a few isolated cases
of indescretion, moments of weakness. So, just assure us now, that all that
you have preached for these many years, racial hygeine for instance, was
not mere hypocritical deceit to further an hidden agenda, for Profit, for
subversion,to disrupt/ cause divisions/ diversions? Well your Sun. program,
saw you , once again, despite having a few more days to reconsider your
errors, continue with a defiance to what lies at the core of Israelite-
Identity, Absolute Racial Purity! You, in no uncertain terms, have shown
that you have either changed in your understanding of the race issue,
or were never qualified, morally or intellectualy, to Shepherd Goats,
let alone the "sheep"! Your Sun. program? "Race Matters". Do you not
Know that " a double minded man is unstable in all his ways"?
You said that your detractors were not going to make it upon your
end time imaginary Noahs Ark & that you would gladly watch them
drown... WOW DJ, nothing "Political Here", this is a reminder to
you how Yahweh felt towards ESAU, because, RACE DOES MATTER...
We hoped to understand any problems you have & to deal with that,
but you tell us in so many words, Go to Hell, I ain't got no problem,
you got the problem you racist pig!! Well , at least you have seats
on that end times, Racially Diverse "Love Boat", maybe they will
let you dress up as the "Captain"....Bon Voyage
We must not allow you to distract us from our work..
You have no credibility...
"Do you not know that with those running in a race,while all run,
but one takes the prize? In that manner you run, in order that you shall obtain."
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Postby SwordBrethren » Sun Mar 10, 2013 7:56 pm

Vandal wrote:I know what to make of it. Look closely at Dan Johns closeup photo and tell me he's Aryan. Bet you can't do it. There's nothing noble about him. Not his stature, not that filthy smirk, not those lateral ridged teeth, and definitely not his company. That's why I wrote, "it APPEARS interracial."

I don't believe Dan owns the bar, thus he cannot exclude non-whites from the bar.

We might wonder if it wise or prudent to associate in a mixed crowd, but we shouldn't insult Dan's ancestry or call his ancestry into question.

We have no basis upon which to challenge his ancestry.
Revelation 18:
Und ich hörte eine andere Stimme vom Himmel, die sprach: Gehet aus von ihr, mein Volk, daß ihr nicht teilhaftig werdet ihrer Sünden, auf daß ihr nicht empfanget etwas von ihren Plagen!

Denn ihre Sünden reichen bis in den Himmel, und Gott denkt an ihren Frevel.

Judentum ist Verbrechertum!

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