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This forum is a place where I can vent about all of the idiots who claim to be Christian Israel Identity, and then go off making up crazy hare-brained doctrines, while at the same time they lambast or excoriate others who don't sign on to their idiotic ideas. If you have ever sent me an email promoting some such idiotic idea and have scoffed at or shunned scholarly examination and discourse on the matter, you may well end up here too!


Postby Fenwick » Thu Mar 07, 2013 4:38 pm

I listened to it. Throughout, he kept insisting that he owed us no explanation for his behaviour, as if we had no right to hold preachers to the standard they preach. His protestations of private life are moot when he publically posts evidence of his debauchery.

Some quotes of his from the show:
"The heavenly father didn't tell me that I can't go out to a bar or a party where other races are there"

No denial there. If anything it's defiance in his sinning. Even if that place had been 100% white, there was no justification for his drunken satanic revelry.

"If I don't pry into where you're going, you don't need to be prying into where I go"
I do when you hold yourself out as a preacher, and when you claim to be one of the brethren, you owe us a duty to behave according to the standards of the Law.

"If what I did was a violation of Yahweh, he will punish me for it. His punishment I accept"
"His blood be on us, and on our children!"

"I'm going to choose the way that works for me"
And the rest of us will do it God's way.

Well I'm satisfied he's just another mealy mouthed racemixer leading our brethren astray. He kept insisting that the Bible's message wasn't racial, whilst taking posts from someone calling himself "Celtic Cherokee". Like the jews, his attempts at justification only amount to an admission of guilt.

Also he somehow managed to spell "biter" with two "t"s. Unless he meant he was throwing bitters back down his throat a lot, which would certainly make sense.
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Postby brucebohn » Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:12 pm

Took time to listen to P- DJ's wed. podcast. Interested in his reponse..
What I heard was a more subtle rendition of King's " I have a dream speech".
Content of character is all that matters, who I associate with is none of
your business, these are salt of the earth folks, GOOD & RIGHTEOUS ,
very Holy, they know how to party, look good on the dance floor , can hold
their Bronfman Liquor & can lip sync all of Neil Diamonds hits......
"Catching Flak cause I am over the target"?? What kind of nonsense
was that? Were you merely on a humanitarian mission to rescue an Angel
from the Sodomites? These appear to be different outings, CI Pastor,
dressing in Pagan Garb & celebrating a holiday of the "Dead"?
I am forced to "party" with non Israelites if I am to have a social life?
What inticed you to feather a nest in the " belly of the beast" anyways?
Are you so lonely as to succumb to any beast of the field that smiles
& bats her eyes at you? You post your indescretions on a social network
for ALL to see , then complain that people are trying to "Dig up dirt" on you...
I do not have a title & do not claim to be a "man of the cloth",
but the thought of being in that environment, with those beast's is
revolting to me! We should not "cast pearl's before swine", but then
most of your freinds @ your hangout are in no danger of coming to CI...
By the way, if a Finck/ Wickstrom connection is the best you can do
to discredit the works @ Christogenea, then you will have to share with
us the many sin's, you claim to know, of your "detractors" !
I guess we shall see how many of your Righteous & Holy, third world
"friends" make it to "King's" "Mountain top" @ the "Wedding Feast".....
"Do you not know that with those running in a race,while all run,
but one takes the prize? In that manner you run, in order that you shall obtain."
1Cor. 9:24
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Postby Vandal » Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:22 pm

"Celtic Cherokee?" That's like spoonerizing or juxtaposing "Cat Burger" or "Cockroach Sandwich."
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Postby Fenwick » Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:39 pm

He referred to "bad karma" at one point as well.

Maybe he learnt it at one of his favourite interracial bars.

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Postby Kentucky » Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:53 pm

Gallowglass wrote:He made a program about it. Didn't listen to it to all yet. ... 929&cmd=tc

Yeah, I listened to the whole thing and it was disappointing that he avoided the main issues like the plague and instead took the tack of demonizing those who would hold him accountable; even though he says he could care less about his title of "pastor" (you can just call me plain ole Dan), he is nevertheless a mouth in the CI community (in the colloquial: a big mouth).

I was extremely bothered by his admission that he doesn't like to call himself Christian Identity, but that Identity would be OK. It was a wheelbarrow full of little things like that that led me to believe that his demeanor was disingenuous and lacking in Christian character. I lost count of all the name calling he resorted to: back biters, charlatans, hypocrites, the wicked, Pharisees, an enemy, ravenous wolves, feds ad nauseam. He said what he does in his private life is no one's business. In other words, that is tantamount to saying he doesn't have to be accountable. "Picking on miniscule things just like the Pharisees..." that was the tenor of his entire broadcast.

His flaunting lifestyle on Facebook is what is being shoved into people's faces and he seems to be so amoral that he doesn't realize what he is representing publicly (as a CI voice) and privately (as a party animal). It just doesn't register in his mind and he doesn't think that some people may look up to him as a role model. Just like some misguided sheeple look to Eli 'universalist' James as something to emulate.

He tried to change the subject to an incident several years ago when he was done wrong by some people and equates that to this thread. I'm sorry, but that is the old shell game that any moron could see where the nut is. Dan's schtick is getting ready for a shootin' war and he said he'd rather be in foxhole with some of these very, very, very righteous non-Isrealites who truly love liberty than with what he terms "the back biters"[sic]. He said that if you're listening to his program just to bash the other races and "just to lift up the White race, then you're on the wrong channel."

He went on to say, "There are many people who are not of our race... but are good people" [he then cites Mt. 15 in ministering to the other races, deserving to be blessed].. "they teach me a lot of good things... and your life might depend on it some day... I walk amongst all types of people... they just want to live their life, raise their family and be left alone... they're willing to fight, to put the evil away..." [then he says he knows a lot of White people who will surrender and give up their guns and are basically low lifes like us lol]... [he then demands Scripture that contradicts what he's saying... OK big mouth, how about Ex.23:33 where it say they're not even supposed to be living in our land, lest they make us sin against God!!!! But, as long as they're here, he's going to lift them up and condemn those CI racists as back biters; smell an odor yet?]

He says "we are causing dissension among the true people of Yahweh... by doing the bidding of the antichrist." How? By holding him accountable for his party mentality and softening the presence of aliens in our midst? Does 'they shall become the head and we shall be the tail' ring a bell? "There's some of you people that like to throw people into the trash heap because of their ethnicity [i.e. race] without even taking a look at their fruits... there's a lot of people [aliens].. I would take the field with [joining him in the proverbial foxhole fantasy] who are not of our family [race]... but they are good people, people with excellent fruits, who are of good character, honest, hard working, would never hurt anybody intentionally... and there's a lot of people in our own family that do not fit those qualifications... so you choose whatever way, I'm going to choose what works for me." And he has the audacity to call this thread "mud slinging"? Well, I choose not to jump on his apologetic for universalism bandwagon. Dan had to ask how any of this is relevant to what's going on in the world. Well, you know it's a symptom of our society and sad state of affairs when our movement is riddled with the theater of the absurd. It's ridiculous that anybody can take this guy seriously anymore. I thought he might have something to say that was worthwhile. He doesn't.

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Postby Nayto » Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:43 am

Assuming he's sincere, it's interesting how people rationalise their mindset to fit with their circumstances. I thank God that He had the grace to give me a mindset that rails against the mud-races surrounding me daily, no matter how "nice" they are.

Mark it's interesting that you mention role models. I've noticed in the CI community that there are loud-mouths who achieve some celebrity status purely by talking constantly. Then later you see a picture of that person's 14 year old, make-up addled daughter arm in arm with a nigger. I confronted a specific gentleman on this and he said, "I can lead my daughter to the water but can't make her drink." ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! These loud-mouths can't fulfil Paul's most basic requirements by controlling their family, yet they want an opinion on the Kingdom of God. While he is bashing Paul and eating unleavened bread on the Sabbath with all the pomp of a pharisee, his daughter falls by the wayside.

Anyway, people like this guy at the mongrel halloween party need to be shut up.
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Postby wmfinck » Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:40 am

This forum software (phpBB) needs a "Like" button, LOL.
If a jew is moving his lips, he's lying. If you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!
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Postby Deborah » Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:08 am

We once had a pastor who we found was lying and stealing money. He said he was only accountable to God. The fellowship asked him to leave.

When I listened to 'Dan' periodically, it was due to guests he had that I wanted to hear. I'm sure I've heard others call him Pastor Dan on his program, and I wonder if he ever corrected them or stated on his program that he was not a pastor.

Speaking generally, a pastor worth listening to and considering is one who feeds the sheep with good sound biblical teaching and also who sets a good example. They don't have to be perfect or sinless, but they have to avoid the appearance of evil.

Someone posted a Facebook picture of our company gathering which included a group shot with one Oriental gal who works for our company. I did not sit at her table at that event, did not socialize with her or her husband. Nor do I go out to lunch during business hours so I can avoid breaking bread with a non White. We're to be separate. That's clearly stated in the Bible.

We're living in Babylon and therefore anyone with a job in the corporate world cannot totally separate themselves from non Whites, however I made every effort to avoid day to day contact with non Whites, because they have different gods. The Oriental that I work with has the god of Judeo-Christianity through the universalist Catholic Church. Those who accept her as their 'equal' also worship the god of Judeo-Christianity.

The men of God in my life are not apologetic towards non Whites. We don't go harming non Whites, but we choose to avoid situations where we are socializing with them. Every year I contemplate that social event for my company, and because everyone is kinda expected to go, I go, but do not compromise my beliefs by sitting at the same table or socializing with the non White.
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Postby Kentucky » Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:19 am

Deborah wrote:The men of God in my life are not apologetic towards non Whites. We don't go harming non Whites, but we choose to avoid situations where we are socializing with them. Every year I contemplate that social event for my company, and because everyone is kinda expected to go, I go, but do not compromise my beliefs by sitting at the same table or socializing with the non White.

Johns said in his program "Am I supposed to stay at home and hide under my bed?" That's the kind of sarcasm I would expect from a teenager who just wants to go out and have some fun. He wondered out loud: where in the Bible does it say I can't do that?

In the book of Job, his sons and daughters were most likely having some kind of party that didn’t have anything to do with God, which caused Job to worry that they may have sinned and indeed his children died in a wind storm (Job 1:4-5, 18-19). The wind is God’s fury (Ezek. 13:13). The loss of his children, due to a party, was a wake up call from God, that there is nothing especially good about revelry. "Neither become idolaters, just as some of them; as it is written, “the people were seated to eat and to drink, then rose up to play.” There is good clean fun (in your home or a friend's home), then there's the stench of liquors, cigarettes, skunk perfumes and sweaty dancing in a pissy vomit laced tavern. Yeah, real good Christian fun.

In case some people have forgotten, when Moses went up to the mount and conversed with God, the Israelites down below built an idol and in their merriment (Ex. 32:6,22,25) things got out of control. Does Pastor Dan recall that our ancestors were among a mixed multitude? The Bible acknowledges that we can dance in a way that does not tempt others, does not tempt ourselves, and brings glory to God. I could be wrong, but the pictures of DJ on his Facebook page does not look like they were doing a dignified waltz. "As in the day, we shall walk honorably; not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lasciviousness and licentiousness, not in strife and jealousy" Romans 13:13. "For enough of the time has passed perpetuating the will of the heathens, having walked in licentiousness, passions, drunkenness, revelries and lawless idolatries" I Peter 4:3. "Doing injustice for the wages of injustice, regarding luxury a pleasure by day, stains and disgraces reveling in their deceits feasting together with you" II Peter 2:13. Revelry: Noisy festivity; clamorous jollity - 1828 Webster's Dictionary.

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Just for the record

Postby wmfinck » Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:21 pm

Just for the record, and I had to do this because of Dan's callousness, here is one of the race-mixing friends which he calls "righteous people". Righteous to whom? Satan? Well, the jews would love her!


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If a jew is moving his lips, he's lying. If you see a rabbi, there has already been a crime!
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