Re: The Flood Was World Wide

Get real Dan, the word for "man" in that verse is ADAM. Giants are NOT Adam!!!
Bill: I never said they were.
Like I said in the first place, you give yourself far too much credit.
Were the Rephaim on the ark too, Dan? Keep digging yourself in.
Oh, and read the part which says "which I have made". Yahweh did NOT make the Giants, Dan.
A lesson in sheer idiocy:
I never said the Rephaim were on the ark, either, Bill.
I see no point in going on with this farcical "discussion". I have found you to be an extremely rude and arrogant person, Bill, lacking in all civility and decorum. You are definitely not cut out to be a teacher. Your attitude is most repugnant. All you can do is distort and lie and call people names who have a different opinion than yours, as if you are playing right out of the Jew handbook. If you are not a Jew by blood, you are definitely a Jew in mindset. You react to my study as if I dared to question the "holocaust", by name calling and lying about what I have actually said. I expected a much higher standard of discourse from you, Bill Finck. Apparently, I misjudged your character and your intent from the outset. But, I have only myself to blame for that.